
What is the best way to document a mysql database?

Mainly, what is the best tool for the schema and tables relations visualization? Thanks. ...

Should I Use Single Connection or Multiple Connections with QSqlDatabase

I have dependent and independent classes, I need to create database connections in these classes. As I understand from Qt documentation, if I create connections in default way, all of them use same connection. Should I create different database connections for different classes, or should I use same database connection. What are pros an...

What is pctincrease in oracle?how the memory is allocated,resized,and autoextended while creating a table space

How the memory is allocated,reallocated and autoextended while creating tablespaces?what is meant by initial and default in tablespaces and how the next is a multiple of five times DB_BLOCK_SIZE? ...

How to make my MySQL databases available at all times? Some expert DB advice needed!

I've been doing a lot of research, reading on replication, etc but just not sure as to what mysql solution would work. This is what I'm looking at: when my mysql fails for some reason or there are certain queries that are taking really long to execute and locking some tables, I want the other insert/update/select queries to still func...

HTML5 localStorage security

Would be a good or bad idea to use localStorage for sensitive data (assuming the current HTML5 implementations)? What methods can I use to secure the data so that it cannot be read by a person that has access at the client computer? ...

DB Error on create - Errno 150

When running the follow query i receive the error below, Im just trying to create this simple table with no FK or anything and still receive this error. What could be the cause? SQL query: CREATE TABLE `xauction`.`orders` ( `id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `type` VARCHAR( 1 ) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; ...

Single column/primary key only table for referential integrity?

Maybe i'm going about this wrong but my working on a database design for one of my projects. I have an entity with a classification column which groups up entities into convenient categories for the user. These classifications are predefined and unchangeable by the user (at least thats the current design). I'm trying to decide if I sh...

using xml as database in php

I heard xml is used as database, can anybody give me a simple tip or link to tutorial how to store some information in database ? what is the best use of xml on php realted to data things? ...

Force table to start ID increment from 0 again in ActiveRecord?

I am trying to setup seed data for my Rails app and am counting on the id of each model being a certain value. How can I tell the table to, after MyModel.destroy_all to start counting from 0 again instead of where it left off? ...

Charset problems from one page to the other

Hi. I'm having the following problem. On one page with a form, user_report.php", all characters like 'ç' or 'ã' are all correctly displayed. Now when submitting the data, anything with those characters get's displayed/transfered to the second page, "result.php", all wrong, for example: 'Restauração' get's transfered as 'Restauração'...

Products - data schema

I am designing the tables for the products module. One issue is ingredients. I want to filter products by ingredients. So to do this then I guess each ingredient must be stored in the DB separately and given an ID also? But lets take a supplement. It may have 50 ingredients. So if there are 1 million products to store and each has 50 ing...

DB - Where to start from?

I want to start working with databases using the .NET framework. From where can I download free Microsoft SQL? Is there any tutorial for how to build and config a db and how to declare on tables and such I got all the thoracic knowledge and i know the SQL Lang but i have never build db from scratch or used SQL queries using c# so thi...

hardware specialized for bitmap indexes?

This is just an out of curiosity question. Let's say you have a database table with 1m rows in it, and you want to often do queries like looking for either male or female, US or non-US, voter or non-voter etc, it's clearly very efficient to define a bitmap index for the table in which each bit represents one either-or condition. However...

Database Design: Recursive Many to Many Relationships

I have n number of tables that are related on a many-to-many basis. I want to know how to represent such a model without creating an intermediary table for each relationship as that would result in some large number of tables. For this purpose assume that n is sufficiently large to not want to create tables. For example I may have thr...

Accessing a Microsoft Access database on Windows server

I have the unfortunate task of working with some legacy asp code and an Access database. I've uploaded the .mdb file to the web server (which is windows) but when I enter the url into the browser, I get a 404 page. Seems that the server is not recognising the database. Is this a problem anyone else has come across before? ...

Capture Dynamic Form Fields using Coldfusion

I'm currently working on a project and I just can't seem to get my head around a way to get this to work using Coldfusion on the backend, and I'm hoping to find an expert to help. I'm using the jQuery plugin relCopy to add "Ingredient" fields to my form. (I'd link, but it's only allowing one.) This is the beginning of several problems ...

Too Many Database Joins to Find Information

I have a database setup with many tables. To Find a User's Computer it would take joins across 6 different database tables. My User table and Computer table are not directly connected. Should I just connect the user and computer table with a foreignKey? Or do all of the Joins? Or am I missing something else? ...

Data Warehousing arbitrary fields

In our application, we support user-written plugins. Those plugins generate data of various types (int, float, str, or datetime), and those data are labeled with bunches of meta-data (user, current directory, etc.) as well as three free-text fields (MetricName, Var1, Var2) . Now we have several years of this data, and I'm trying to des...

How do I post information to a server when a link is clicked?

Alright so I want my users to be able to click a link that will allow them to add a movie to their favourite. So in example I have For the moment all works well, it adds the values into database, but since it's movies, I do not wish the page to reload, hence the use of Ajax which I ...

How to store image historgam into database and be able to perform search

I need to write webapp where user will be able to perform search based on images colors. My question is how to store color data? I think that best solution will be to reduce image colors and prepare histogram for each r, g and b channel but I don't have idea how to design database. I want to use MySQL DBMS. Could someone point me into ri...