
listener not working after ssl configuration was enabled in oracle 11g

I have configured ssl through net manager after added ewallet which is in READY mode. I even restarted the all the database services. But I am not able to figure the reason the listener not working. Need advise and let me know if you need anyother log or config files.. sqlnet.log: Fatal NI connect error 28750, connecting to: (DESCR...

Android app to connect to backend database / website

Hello, I want to setup an Android app that will connect to a backend database (web/database server that I maintain). What are some good resources for doing so? Thanks in advance. ...

Why are there two similar NotePad classes in the Android NotePad tutorial

I'm confused about something in the NotePad tutorial for Android: There are two separate NotePad classes definied, one in, and the other in They both contain the exact same Notes class defined in them, but I can't figure out why this is defined twice. At first glance the only one used is t...

Database schema designing help - Mysql

Ok need some help, I have a system I'm creating that will allow users to purchase site credits and earn them, and with these credits order products, and access features that may be for sale. My issue is creating the orders and transactions tables. I have 2 separate order tables one for site credits (sitecredit_orders) and one for produc...

How to pick table in query based on subtype?

I have 4 tables, Transactions, Orders - SuperType, and then Site_Orders and Product_Orders SubType [Transactions] id PK Orders_id [FK Orders.orders_id] [Orders] Orders_id PK Orders_type [Site_Orders] Orders_id [FK Orders.orders_id] == other data == [Product_Orders] Orders_id [FK Orders.orders_id] == other data == My question is, h...

Which foreign key to use in a many-to-one table

Suppose I have a table Books with columns Book_ID (Primary Key), ISBN (Unique), and several others such as Title/author/etc. I have another table Sales, with primary key Sale_ID, a foreign key to link to Books, and other fields with info on Sales. Sales only exist for books with ISBNs. Is it better database design to have Book_ID or I...

PostgreSQL - Slony > FATAL ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "sl_nodelock-pkey"

Just posting this here and might help the others: I got this error when we had an outage a while ago, and tried to restart the slon replication service as the replication is NOT really replicating the data from MASTER to SLAVE: FATAL localListenThread: "select "_MY_DATABASE_copy".cleanupNodelock(); insert into "_MY_DATABASE_copy".sl_n...

How to make sure that the date gets rendered based on the appropriate timezone

We use the following call to set the Date value and store it in the database. setCreationDate(new java.util.Date()); Assuming our database server is in PST timezone and user1 (in PST), user2 (in EST), user3 (in GMT). The user screen gets rendered based on timezone properly. If I move the database data to a different timezone (say EST...

XML database vs SQL Server database

Hi, I have existing application which uses Sql server 2005 as a backend. It contains huge records, I need to join tables which contain 50000-70000. In client machine it slowdown. So, can I improve its performance by using XML as a backend? I have checked that the size of xml file becomes 35MB to 50MB, when I load data. I also need to...

Do you need deep knowledge in databases when using an abstract layer in your application.

Most(if not all) of the MVC frameworks provide an abstraction layer over the database and except in some very special cases you do not need to write SQL code by hand. Of course you need to know basic things to design your model but do we need deep knowledge how to optimize queries, make triggers and other db stuff. ...

How multiple column b-tree index is organized

I want to understand better index organization. Imagine we have a table with 2 columns: CREATE TABLE user( name varchar(100) ,age int) We would like to create an index: CREATE INDEX IDX_MultiColIdx on user(name,age) How would B-Tree index organization look like? In case of one column, say, age, the organization is clear: eve...

Pattern for working with different database dialects via JDBC

I'm creating an application that has to work with different databases (Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL...) through JDBC. I have to work via JDBC because my application calls stored procedures in these databases. What is the best aproach for building such applications? Are there any frameworks for this? Important: The solution must nicely deal wit...

Is there a limitation on the number of tables a PostgreSQL database can have?

I have created a database in PostgreSQL, let's call it testdb. I have a generic set of tables inside this database, xxx_table_one, xxx_table_two and xxx_table_three. Now, I have Python code where I want to dynamically create and remove "sets" of these 3 tables to my database with a unique identifier in the table name distinguishing dif...

Wordpress Database in MySql-Database?

Hi, all wordpress data is stored in a database (for example mysql)... but, wordpress also stores some data fields in own database format like this: a:1:{s:12:"header_image";s:49:"";} (this data is stored in mysql as a text field) its easy to see that "a" is the amount, "s" is the strin...

Why does postgreSQL check foreign key constraints twice?

I have a postgresql database with two tables, one which has a foreign key constraint which references the other. The constraint is set to cascade on update and delete, so an update on the referenced table should cascade to the referencing table. When I analyzed an update on the referenced table, using explain analyze the I got the follow...

Encoding issue: £ pound symbol appearing as <?> symbol

My database field is set to utf8_general_ci and my websites encoding is utf8. The £ symbol is coming up as a black diamond with a question mark through the center. I tried changing it to &pound; in the database and it just outputted I tried a string replace: $row['Information'] = str_replace("£", "&pound;", $row['Information']); ...

setting up elasticSearch with Postgresql

where do I find a howto to set up elasticSearch using Postgres? My field sizes will be about 350mb, yes, MB, each in size. I have a text output of all of the US Code and all decisions from all the courts, the Statutes at Large, pretty much everything you would find in a library, and I need to be able to do full text searches and return...

Advice and tools to help normalize a database

I have 7 MySQL tables that contain partly overlapping and redundant data in approximately 17000 rows. All tables contain names and addresses of schools. Sometimes the same school is duplicated in a table with a slightly different name, and sometimes the same school appears in multiple tables, again, with small differences in its name or ...

What's the best field type and data usage to accelerate searches?

I have a question about equivalent search result, that can occur on different fields. Let's say I record the logical deletion state of records with 3 fields like : Boolean Deleted Date DeleteDate String DeleteUserName The goal of the query is to avoid having deleted records into my selection. So I can search the first field with on...

What is causing my access database to be so slow?

Just to clarify it's not actually my database and I didn't choose access, I'm just helping a company out by developing some of their already implemented access database. Anyway, on some of their forms the forms open and run extremely slowly for no apparent reason. There is one form which takes a long long time to open on everyone's comp...