
What is data normalization?

Can someone please clarify data normalization? What are the different levels? When should I "de-normalize"? Can I over normalize? I have a table with millions of records, and I believe I over-normalized it, but I'm not sure. ...

Log table with millions of rows. Now, what?

I have a Log table with millions of rows. I'm thinking about separating the data into multiple tables (i.e. LoginHistory, ExceptionHistroy, PaymentProcessingHistory, etc.) What is the term used when taking a large table with many rows (not Columns) and creating multiple tables? My current Log table schema resembles: LogID, LogMessage, L...

Reduce database I/O ops.

Am I correct in thinking that for a database with n USERS, the following code results in at least n interations with the database? Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet srs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT FAVOURITE_COLOR FROM USERS"); while ( { //performSomeAction on srs.getString("FAVOURITE_COLOR"); } ...

Mapping to a Stored Procedure using iBatis issues!

Hi I'm fairly new to ibatis and have to call a stored procedure which I need to pass in the following parameters pi_decision_id int pi_login_id uniqueidentifier pi_search_id uniqueidentifier pi_outcome_name uniqueidentifier pi_decision_log uniqueidentifier pi_test_dataset_id uniqueidentifier pi_is_default bit pi_primary_rule_id int tes...

Looking for a simple, secure web application service.

I'm a programmer but not a web programmer looking to help out a friend set up a simple web-accessible database for a non-profit. It would need to be available both inside and out of the office, provide at least 2 levels of access (ie. clients could access their own records, employees could access everything), and do everything right in ...

applying business rules at the database level

I'm working on a project in which we will need to determine certain types of statuses for a large body of people, stored in a database. The business rules for determining these statuses are fairly complex and may change. For example, if a person is part of group X and (if they have attribute O) has either attribute P or attribute Q,...

Android SQLite database

I have application working with SQLite DB(table with two rows) I need to recieve _ID row of the selected listview Item, but don't know how to do it. So, main activity public class Main extends ListActivity { private RecipesData recipes; private static int[] TO={0,}; private static String[] FROM={ _ID, CATEGORY_NAME, }; /...

Yet another Android SQLite database question

I want to create two tables in DB, how do I do it using SQLiteOpenHelper descendant and overriding onCreate metod? Will the below code be ok? Seems I'm doing it wrong. public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db){ db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE "+CATEGORY_TABLE+" ("+_ID+" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "+ CATEGORY_NAME+" TE...

Why doesn't this mysql IN (1,2,3,4...) condition work if there are many values in the parenthesis?

I am storing in a column a list of states that are separated by commas: Like this: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.. and so on, just their IDs. Then I am doing a query to get all the rows that have the state with the ID 8, and it works when the list of states has few items. This is the query and the table: mysql> select id_partner, name, states from...

Convert varchar to date.

I (unfortunately) have some dates that were saved into varchar columns. These columns contain dates in the following format: mmddyy For example: 010110 I need to import these values into a table which is set to datetime and formats dates like this: 2010-09-17 00:00:00.000 How can I convert the string above into a dateti...

Rails 3 - How do I build a database table with loads of data?

I'm incredibly new to Rails and programming in general. Built my first, fairly static, Rails app. I have 100's of products (specifically t-shirts) that all have associated colors (RGB values) and sizes that I need to display on several product pages. Rather than hand-coding this information, I assume I need to build a database for it. ...

Database Dependent Caching w/ Multiple Databases/SqlServers

I'm working in an environment where a single web application (running in a web-farm) dynamically connects to different SQL Server databases (possibly on different servers) based on user selection (this part is non-negotiable, unless you can gift me $1,000,000 and/or some kind of time altering device). I'd like to cache some of the commo...

How can I link image on android phone to database

Hi, Is there some way where I can just link the images from the phone to my sqlite database? At first I thought of storing them in the phone memory in a new database but I am thinking that will blow away the space. Can anyone plzz help. ...

Composite Primary Key or Single Primary Key

Is it better to have a single primary key, or use composite primary keys (usually, they are combination of one primary key and foriegn keys). I have examples below: Composite Primary Key example: AMeta     --- AMetaId - Primary Key     --- AMetaText BMeta     --- BMetaId - Primary Key     --- AMetaID - Foreign Key to Ta...

in PHP, which is faster - reading a file or a database call?

I've a web app built in PHP with Zend on a LAMP stack. I have a list of 4000 words I need to load into memory. The words have categories and other attributes, and I need to load the whole collection every time. Think of a dictionary object. What's the best way to store it for quick recall? A flat file with something like XML, JSON or a ...

How can I store a UserID and Name with the LoginControl?

I have a LoginControl that works great, however, I want it to store more information than just being authenticated or not. I would like to store the UserID of the user so when they make changes I can call that UserID and record that they made the changes. Here is my code. Dim db As New DataClassesDataContext Dim User = (From ...

Off-site web server talking to on-site database for small business: is it feasible?

I am going to be putting a website up that will talk directly to a Microsoft SQL database that is hosted in a small office. I am debating between having the web server in the same office vs. hosting it with a professional hosting company. The trick is that the database must remain in the office because of internal software requirements. ...

Can I use a text file as my database in ROR?

I would like to use a delimited text file (xml/csv etc) as a replacement for a database within Ruby on Rails. Solutions? (This is a class project requirement, I would much rather use a database if I had the choice.) I'm fine serializing the data and sending it to the text file myself. ...

Best way to implement a Favourites/Starred Tab?

What is the best and simplest way to have persistent data on android for a 'favourtes' tab? I have three types of objects which can be found on three different tabs and the user can choose to 'star' them and they get added to a favourites list. I'm not to sure what the best way of doing this is... Currently I'm adding the items to thre...

Which embedded database to use for file indexing applications

Hi, I need to develop a file indexing application in python and wanted to know which embedded database is the best one to use for indexing. Any help on this topic is appreciated. Thanks, Rajesh ...