
DataContractSerializer not serializing all properties of a custom object within collection

I have the following classes: [Serializable] [DataContract(Name = "LayerInfo", Namespace = "ems.gis")] public abstract class LayerPersistInfo { public LayerPersistInfo() { } public LayerPersistInfo(int index, MappingContextBase context) { Index = index; Context = context; } [DataMember(Name=...

How to define which class is taken if an interface property is deserialized within a class?

Just imagine you have the following class [DataContract] public class NamedList { [DataMember] public string Name { get; set; } [DataMember] public IList<string> Items { get; private set; } public DumpList(string name) { Name = name; Items = new List<string>(); } } If you serialize this in...

WCF DataContractSerializer Behavior

I'm seeing some unusual behavior when using the DataContractSerializer. I have defined a message contract like so: namespace MyNamespace.DataContracts { [MessageContract(WrapperName = "order", WrapperNamespace = @"")] public class MyOrder { [MessageBodyMember(Namespace = @"", Ord...

C# Inheriting DataContract Derived Types

I've given a fair read through msdn:datacontracts and I cannot find a out why the following does not work. So what is wrong here? Why isn't ExtendedCanadianAddress recognized by the datacontract serializer? Type 'XYZ.ExtendedCanadianAddress' with data contract name 'CanadianAddress:' is not expected. Add ...

Can I swap WCF deserializer from configuration?

I have a problem with WCF deserialization where the client hangs on the response for more than a minute. I'd like to try to swap different deserializers and see if it affects the behavior. Can I swap in/out different serializers (are there any others?) from configuration, and if so can I do that with any binding, or is that out of cont...

How to use DataContractSerializer to create xml with tag names that match my known types

I have the following data contract: [CollectionDataContract(Name="MyStuff")] public class MyStuff : Collection<object> {} [DataContract(Name = "Type1")] [KnownType(typeof(Type1))] public class Type1 { [DataMember(Name = "memberId")] public int Id { get; set; } } [DataContract(Name = "Type2")] [KnownType(typeof(Type2))] public cla...

DataContractSerializer: preserve string member that happens to be raw xml?

I'm a little inexperienced with the DataContract paradigm, and I'm running into a deserialization problem. I have a field that's a string, but it contains xml and it's not being deserialized correctly. I have a feeling that it's because the DCS is treating it as input to the serializer and not as an opaque string object. Is there some w...

on wcf type is not expected even though its on ServiceKnownType(typeof(...))

i am using third party classes in my service, so i cant edit them. third party [Serializable] Class B : E [Serialazable] Class E : A service [ServiceKnownType(typeof(B))] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(E))] fun(A pic) client for some reason : throw an exception that B is unexpected and add it to ...

Share Json data between Asp.Net MVC 2 and Asp.Net server side C# code?

I created and love my Asp.Net MVC2 application. It's a very nice DDD app with Domain Model classes, View Model classes, a repository, and Json action methods to expose data. My coworker wants to share my data with his Asp.Net Forms based C# code. He wants to pull through the Internet a class definition (like a Data Contract), then fil...

F# Add Constructor to a Record?

Basically I want to have a single construct to deal with serializing to both JSON and formatted xml. Records worked nicely for serializing to/from json. However XmlSerializer requires a parameterless construtor. I don't really want to have to go through the exercise of building class objects for these constructs (principle only). I w...

How to support both DataContractSerializer and XMLSerializer for the same contract on the same host?

In our production environment, our WCF services are serialized with the XMLSerializer. To do so our service interfaces have the [XMLSerializerFormat] attribute. Now, we need to change to DataContractSerializer but we must stay compatible with our existing clients. Therefore, we have to expose each service with both serializers. We have ...

WCF service dataContractSerializer maxItemsInObjectGraph in web.config

I am having issues specifying the dataContractSerializer maxItemsInObjectGraph in host's web.config. <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name="beSetting"> <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="True"/> <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="True" /> <dataContractSerializer maxItemsInObjectGraph="214748364...

Having trouble using DataContractSerializer

Hello, I'm having trouble serializing an immutable instance with the DataContractSerializer, since the properties on the class I'm serializing is missing setters. The problem is that I only want to serialize the instance (just so it can be written to a log), and I will never need to deserialize it. Is there a way to bypass this behavior...

Should I use a Namespace of an XML file to identify its version

I'm using DataContractSerializer to serialize a class with DataContract and DataMember attributes to an XML file. My class could potentially change later, and thus the format of the serialized files could also change. I'd like to tag the files I'm saving with a version number so I at least know what version each file is from. I'm still d...

Custom serialization with DataContractSerializer

Hi, I'm currently using wrapper classes for my DataSets ,in order to implement custom serialization. I would like to use DataContractSerializer (more like have to use it) but still support the custom serialization. The problem is that the [DataContract] and [Serializable] attributes don't seem to get along so well... how could I override...

Using the WCF DataContractJsonSerializer in .NET 3.5

I'm trying to use the geocoding code from here in my ASP.NET MVC 2 site. Unfortunately, some of that code, specifically the DataContractJsonSerializer usage, is only possible through .NET 4.0. As my hosting provider doesn't support .NET 4, I'm forced to implement that functionality in .NET 3.5. How can I rework the code (which I have re...

CollectionDataContractAttribute for list with no group element

Hi My problem is that I would like to use the CollectionDataControlAttribute to deserialise a collection which does not have a group element. The xml looks something like this: <RootElement> <SomeProperty /> <ListElementEntry /> <ListElementEntry /> <ListElementEntry /> <ListElementEntry /> </RootElement> Where Li...

DataContractSerializer - how can I output the xml to a string (as opposed to a file)

Hi All, I had a quick question regarding the datacontractserializer. Maybe it's more of a stream question. I found a piece of code that writes the xml to a filestream. I basically don't want the file and just need the string output. public static string DataContractSerializeObject<T>(T objectToSerialize) { var fs = new ...

Serialize/deserialize objects - order of fields matters?

Is it possible that DataContractSerializer wrongly deserializes object if fields are not in the "correct" (whatever that means) order? My classes that I serialize/deserialize do not have order attributes placed on fields/properties. Yet one of my fields always get deserialized as null although it has values, it actually contains a list o...

WCF - Can I use an existing type to be passed through my WCF service...

I have a service. I have an existing class of business objects. What I would like to know is how can I pass a class through WCF from the business object assembly without having to create a new class in my WCF site while appending or tags? Here is an existing UDT: Namespace example: Application.BusinessObjects.Appointments Public St...