
Datatype misalignment exception(0xA0000002) on ARM processor

My application runs well on HTC HD2 which has Qualcomm 1GHz Snapdragon processor but when try to run on Windows professional emulator 6 or PIDION which has ARM processor, it crashes with datatype misalignment exception. Can anyone please help me out to find why it crashes and how to resolve it. According to this link, __unaligned shou...

How to create a function in ML using a Recursive Datatype

Given the datatypes: datatype bunch = One of int | Group of bunch list; datatype 'ex bunch = NIL | One of 'ex | Group of 'ex * 'ex bunch; How can I design a function to, for example, return the sum of this recursive function. I understand how to define a recursive function and slig...

Entity Framework - how to get database column datatype from metadata

Is there a way to get the database column DataType length information given a table's EntityType? Example SQL (SQL Server) that you can run to see precisely what information I am looking for: select as 'Table Name', as 'Column Name', as 'DataType', sys.columns.max_l...

C++: Custom data type - typecasting and union issues

What I'm trying to do is create a new custom data type that behaves like all other primitive types. Specifically, this data type appears like a Fixed Point fraction. I've created a class to represent this data type, called "class FixedPoint", and in it there are ways to typecast from "FixedPoint" to "int" or "double" or "unsigned int", ...

Dealing with Doubles imprecision other than using Decimals

I'm having the doubles imprecision problem with the common mathematical operations. It's the one where a simple addition would append a 00000000x to my double. I've read from another question that decimals should be used instead. But the app I'm using this for is statistics related and performance is an issue. I've read somewhere that...

Best practice for working with currency values in PHP?

I need to add, multiply and compare currency values in PHP and need to be sure that it is exact down to a single cent. One way is to store everything in float, use round before and after each operation and mind machine epsilon when comparing for equality. Quite cumbersome imho. Another way is to store the whole thing as cents in intege...

Where did the datatypes get their name from?

Why is a bit, called a bit. Why is a 8-bits a Byte? What made people call a 16-bits a Word, and so on. Where and why did their alias come about? I would love other people to include things like basic ASM types, then branch out to C/C++ and move on to SQL and the like's datatypes. 1-Bit Bit - binary Unit Bool - Named after the invento...

Why int32 has max value 2^31 -1

Possible Duplicate: 2's Complement - Defined I know int32 is has a lenght of 32 bytes. I assume it has 2^32 values but as half of them needs to be under zero, I guess it has something to do with this. I would like to know why exactly int32 has max. positive number 2^31 -1. ...

SQLite table with integer column stores string

I found something weired in my application. I created a table with a column named type which should store integers: db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + CellColumns.TABLE + " (" + CellColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + CellColumns.TYPE + " INTEGER," // <-- this + CellColumns.CELL_ID + " INTEGER," + CellColumns.CITY_ID + " I...

what are Datatypes in SQLite supporting android

Can anyone please tell me the LIST OF DATATYPES in SQLITE supporting ANDROID. I want to confirm about TIME and DATE datatypes. ...

Java Beginner Boolean Question

Ok so lets say I have boolean x = false. If I have a loop that says while (!x) does this mean while x is NOT false (true) or while x is NOT true (false)? EDIT: Ok I'm a bit confused, I think Im getting different answers. So if I have int x=0; boolean add1=false; while (!add1){ x=1; } What is the final value of x in this ca...

C# - Determine at runtime if property is a Type or an Object instance?

I want to determine whether MyBindingSource.DataSource is assigned to the designer-set Type, or if it has been assigned an object instance. This is my current (somewhat ugly) solution: object result = MyBindingSource.DataSource; if(result.GetType().ToString() == "System.RuntimeType") return null; return (ExpectedObjType) result; ...

Java: Double % formatting question for printf

%s is a string in printf, and %d is a decimal I thought...yet when putting in writer.printf("%d dollars is the balance of %s\r\n", bal, nm); exception is thrown telling me that %d != lang.double. Ideas? ...

How to model a custom type in a relational database?

I'm fairly new to database design, but I understand the fundamentals. I'm creating a relational database and I'd like to do something similar to creating a reusable type or class. For example, let's say I have a Customer table and a Item table. Customer and Item are related by a standard 1-to-many relationship, so Item has a column calle...

ASP.NET C# "cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'int'" error

OK, so I'm using Mono on Mac OS X to work simple "applications" using ASP.NET and C# and I'm having two issues with my code. Here is my Default.aspx presentation markup: <%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="project1.Tree" %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head runat="server"> <title>project1_test</title> </head> <body> <form runat="server...

Objective-C datatypes and HTTP stream header contents?

I am trying to read out some values from response headers from a Shoutcast stream. In the following code, what datatypes should my variables be when reading the values? *datatype* header = CFReadStreamCopyProperty(stream, kCFStreamPropertyHTTPResponseHeader); *datatype* varname = CFHTTPMessageCopyAllHeaderFields(header); EDIT: U...

Zend Db Float Problem

Hello, I have a MySQL table structured: float(10,2) For example I insert a row. $value = array('price' => '13539.51'); $db->insert($value); When I check this row with phpmyadmin, everything is fine. But when I read this row with Zend Db, price value like this "13539.509765625". How can i fix this problem. $select = $db->select(); $...

Is there a legitimate reason for using so many varchar fields? (MS SQL DB)

I'm working on data migration from an old IBM Universe-based system to a new enterprise-level data-information management system, and learning about database design in the process. I took a look at the back-end database structure of the new system (it's a MS SQL DB, with about 100 tables), and find some things pretty odd. But I don't k...

SqlBulkCopy unable to Parse "0", "1" bool values into BIT on database table.

I am using my custom CSVDataReader : IDataReader {} to insert Bulk values in a Database table. Every datatype but the Bit (from "1"/"0") is parsed perfectly. I am getting the following error " value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type bit" while parsing 0 or 1 as bool If I change these values to "true"/"fal...

SQL Server 2008 data types: which ones should i use?

I am trying to figure out which data types I should use for my tables. Does someone have a very good, simple, tutorial on SQL Server 2008 datatypes (has to be practical!) ? ...