
JQuery UI datepicker not sitting over dropdowns in IE 6

For some reason our datepicker is falling behind the dropdowns below it in IE6 Every search I have done seems to suggest the datepicker should deal with this. We do have the following css in place: .ui-datepicker-cover { display: none; /*sorry for IE5*/ display/**/: block; /*sorry for IE5*/ position: abs...

Recommendation for jQuery Date Picker

I'm using this date picker right now: It's just not suiting my needs. What are some good jquery date pickers? *I need to be able to select a date range. *I need to have a flat view that populates another input. ...

changing minDate option in JQuery DatePicker not working

I have declared a date picker instance as follows: $("#datePickerId").datepicker( { dateFormat: 'DD, d MM yy', minDate: 0, showOn: 'button', buttonImage: '../../images/calendar.gif', buttonImageOnly: true, hideIfNoPrevNext: true } ); I now want to change to the minDate option so I do this: ...

How to make the WPF DatePicker control look like its WinForms cousin?

I downloaded and installed the WPF Toolkit (which provides controls that could not be shipped in time with VS2008). However, the DatePicker control does not look like its WinForms cousin. First, the dropdown button is not a dropdown, but a small picture of the calendar. Secondly, the calendar opens to the right on the control rathe...

JQuery datepicker init the selector/field

Hi, is it possible to fill the input field with a date which uses the same format as i would select it with the datepicker? For example i have a value (e.g. new Date()) in my input field before i select a date with the datepicker and i want it to have the same format as i would select it. thx kukudas ...

jQuery.datePicker -calculate days

Hy! I am using jquery.datePicker example from Kelvin Luck. ( How can I calculate the number of days between Date1 and Date2 ? tks guys! ...

Is there a nullable datepicker that I can bind to?

I am looking for a datepicker like what microsoft provides, but it doesn't support null values, and since this is tied to a nullable field on a database that isn't acceptable. I found this one, but according to the comments at the bottom of the page it has issues with binding to a database. I also have one in my project that I inherited...

jQuery UI DatePicker: override today css

I am using beforeShowDay to highlight special days in my jQuery datepicker. The only way I am able to change the background is to use the '!important' tag in my css class. This works perfectly for all days except 'today'. The css does not change the background color, only the border. my css: .genEvent a { border:solid 1px #DC143C !i...

How do I initialize a jQuery UI datepicker to a date from the querystring?

Given this markup: // Calendar.html?date=1/2/2003 <script> $(function() { $('.inlinedatepicker').datepicker(); }); </script> ... <div class="inlinedatepicker" id="calendar"/> This will display an inline datepicker with very little effort (awesome!). How do I preset the datepicker to the date passed in via the query string? ...

jQuery datepicker, onSelect won't work

Hi, I can't get onSelect working on my jQuery datepicker. Heres my code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('.date-pick').datePicker( { onSelect: function(date) { alert(date) }, selectWeek: true, inline: true, startDate: '01/01/2000', firstDay: 1, }); })...

ASP.NET MVC - jquery datepicker

Ok, so I'm new to ASP.NET MVC and JQuery. I have followed the following example to the letter, and I'm not able to get the datepicker working: Can anyone tell me if there are any ticks or gotchas with this? Bernard. ...

JQuery UI DatePicker - Can it handle multiple dates?

I need to display an inline calendar that allows one to click 1 or more dates for selection. Can the JQuery UI datepicker 1.7.1 do this? ...

Style specific dates in jquery ui datepicker plugin

I'm writing an app for reserving training facilities, and I want to be able to let the instructor reserving a facility know when the facility is already reserved for a given date. I'm using the jquery-UI datepicker plugin, and I want to be able to style the table cells for these reserved dates differently. I just can't figure out how to...

bind jquery DatePicker after partial update in ASP.Net MVC

In my view I`m using an Ajax call to dynamically show a form to add a new entry to a list. After the entry has been added sucessfully the list will be shown again. However, in this form I have a textfield where the user needs to type in a date. What would I need to do to dynamically bind the jquery UI DatePicker to this field? ...

jQuery UI datepicker opens automatically within dialog

I have a datepicker which is used within the jQuery dialog object. The source of the dialog's content is loaded using .load(). Within the dialog I created a script which creates a datepicker for the text input. $("#date").datepicker({ ... }); When I open the dialog for the first time - everything is okay, but if I close it and reopen ...

jquery: make date picker show/hide via image?

I want to use an image of a calendar to show/hide the jquery datepicker. Based on the documentation it looks like I need to set buttonImage and buttonImageOnly, which I have. the date picker is working but it is always visible. here is my code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#datepicker").datepicker({ ...

Rails datepicker help

I'm trying to use the calendar_date_select plug-in in my rails app and am 80% of the way there. I've got this in one of my views: <%= calendar_date_select_tag "calendar", "", :embedded => true, :year_range => 10.years.ago..0.years.ago %> The calendar shows up just fine, but I can't figure out how to get the value of the sele...

wpf datepicker

Ok i'm trying to style the datepicker from microsoft from their wpftoolkit.dll. I have it in a grid that is disabled, unfortunately it's background color stays white(despite it being disabled) unlike the other controls that gray out. Ok I did do this: <Style TargetType="{x:Type tk:DatePicker}"> <Style.Triggers> ...

jquery datepicker multiple instances

Hello veryone! I have made a RequestForQuote form, in which I give the possebility to add new positions to get RFQ'ed. In basics this is quite easy done via PHP in my case. Work realy fine. You may want to have a look. It is to be found at: my website Now I got infected with the jquery-virus and simply wanted to add the datepicker ui ...

Designing the WPFToolkit DatePicker control

I am trying to implement styling and templating for the WPFToolkit DatePicker control but I can't figure out how to do it. For example I would like to style the textbox and change the icon of the button. I found some information on how to design the Calendar control but no information on the DatePicker. I have tried using the Snoop appl...