
add eventhandler to jquery UI datepicker after its creation

I have the following scenario: In my masterpage I have: $(".datepicker").datepicker({ changeYear: true, changeMonth: true, dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy", duration: 'fast' }); With this, every input field that I assign the class "datepicker" to, shows the jquery UI datepicker when clicked. Now I have a datepicker on a page t...

jQuery UI " $("#datepicker").datepicker is not a function"

When i use DatePicker, jQuery's UI plugin, in an existing .aspx page i get errors that "$("#datepicker").datepicker is not a function". However, when I copy and paste the same code that creates and uses the DatePicker to an html file that's also in the same directory as the aspx page, it works flawlessly. This leads me to assume that the...

moving jquery datePicker outside of iframe

I have an iframe inside my page... And this iframe is basically a simple form with date input field to which I binded jquery datePicker. My problem is that iframe is pretty small in dimensions, so when I give my input field focus and datepicker rolls out, it's only partly shown and the rest is hidden inside of iframe. My idea is move d...

Is there a way to use both relative and absolute year ranges on the jQuery Datepicker?

For the datepicker control in jQuery UI, is there a way to mix absolute ranges with a relative range? For example, how would you express, I want the year to only go back to 2005, but only show up to the current year? I've tried mixing the two, using something like '2005:+0', but this results in no years being available in the menu. Ye...

DatePicker clipped by the Silverlight control

I'm using a DatePicker position at the right-hand side of the Silverlight control. When the calendar popup comes up it gets clipped. The Popup documentation states that it should be clever enough not to try to display itself out of the Silverlight control but they are clearly lying. Is there an easy way to remedy this? I'm quite happy...

jQuery DateTime Picker

I've been looking around for a decent jQuery plugin that can handle both dates and times. The core UI DatePicker is great, but unfortunately I need to be able to take time in as well. I've found a few hacks for the DatePicker to work with times, but they all seem pretty inelegant and google isn't turning up anything nice. Do any of yo...

JQGrid / Date Picked within Add/Edit window

I have been able to work the Date Picker into JQGrid when editing inline, but I am unable to use it inside the add/edit window. Does anyone have instructions on how to do this or an example I can look at? demo from that site of what I am trying to do: I read that I could use the following method bu...

How to call/bind a jquery datepicker to a label or div instead of an input field

I'm working with the jqueryui datepicker on this page - How do I call it on a label instead of an input field? Is this possible? ...

JQuery UI DatePicker using 2 date fields trying to get date difference

I have 2 JQuery Date fields Arrival Departure Arrival date must not be todays date - i got this sorted using minDate: 1 in the javascript The Departure date must always be a minimum of 2 days ahead of arrival date. i thought minDate: 3 would work but thats querying off of todays date. it works fine if the user picks tomorrows date ...

IE 6 - Datepicker not displayed properly - half shown half blank

Hello every one can some one help me with this Problem: the datepicker is not displaying properly, it is half seen and half not like faded or washed away paper it works on every browser i tested even IE 6 on some machines but other which use IE 6 have this problem. below is the screen shot of how it looks. ima...

Icon trigger datepicker

I'm using jqueryui datepicker to replace my existing popup date picker. I copy 100% from this sample The problem is the icon is not centered with the datefield. I try change something in the css file but fail. ...

problem with jquery datepicker onselect

Hi guys, Following the basic onSelect spec on the jquery site I tried the following code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type=...

jQuery DatePicker - 2 Fields

Hello, I'm currently working with jQuery and using the datepicker. I have two input fields: Start Date and End Date. When each is clicked, the datepicker pops out. For the "End Date" field, I would like the jQuery date picker to highlight the same day. For example, if a user picks 8/12/09 as their start date, for the End Date, ...

Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible

Take a look this sample from jqueryui. it all working fine except for my case, my application can disable the date textbox. So if this textbox is disabled, the user can still click the icon trigger. When user clicks this icon trigger, an error message comes out "Can't move focus to th...

ajax calendar hours and minutes

Hi. Is there an extension or some method in the ajax control toolkit associated with the ajax calendar which can create specific DateTime object even with specific selected hours and minutes? Or perhaps some other easily managable datepicker? ...

Localizing labels in org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.calendar.DatePicker

Does anyone know how to localize the "Month", "Year", "Okay" and "Cancel" labels of the org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.calendar.DatePicker? According to the API you can override the the localize(Map) method to set up localized Strings, but i failed to find out what the names of the corresponding properties are. ...

Styling the jQueryUI DatePicker

Hello, I am using the jquery datepicker ( The datepicker on the demo page is small and compact. However, when I use the datepicker on my site, the calendar is HUGE. I would estimate that each date is using 12 pt font. How do I get the days to be smaller? ...

how do i change the theme on my jquery ui date picker

I have been testing and playing around with jquery date picker below. on this page, you can click on different links and it will change the whole formatting of the datepicker (colors, etc) when i download and test it, its coming up with a theme that i dont like. How can i change the theme on my o...

does jquery date picker allow you to have a picker for date and time

i have seen some hand rolled solutions but does jquery out of the box support a user picking date and time? ...

Modify jquery datepicker CSS with beforeShowDay

I am using beforeShowDay and have assined the class specialDay to particular days in my calendar this works fine, however i am having trouble understanding how to style the class and how the css from theme roller is working in general. I have tried: td .specialDate { background: #33CC66; } but this has no affect on the look of the ...