
Datepicker of Jquery UI need help

Hi, I need help adding the jquery date picker to my existing code, but not reconstructing the whole HTML file. my code, <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Con...

Why does this javascript/jQuery JSON parsing code not work?

Here is my jQuery code. It should parse the json returned by this php script. The php is known to work. It should also convert the date literals to a javascript date object. However, an error occurs at dates.length. Can anyone see what is wrong with the code? if($("#calendar").length) { var dates; $.post("/dates/jsondates.php",f...

Datepicker of Jquery UI need help

Hi, I need help in attaching a date picker in my existing HTML markup. The booking form was provided by my Affiliate, Now I need their forms to be customize a little bit. I need to change their the current date picker with the JQuery datepicker, I hate their date picker because it calls another window and It's kinda ugly. (Sorry I can'...

jQuery UI Datepicker - Multiple Date Selections

Hi Is there a way to use the jQuery UI Datepicker widget to select multiple dates? All help is appreciated! If its not posable to use the jquery UI datepicker then is there something similar that does? ...

How do I get multimonth plugin of the jQuery datePicker to load with certain dates already selected?

well im using this script right here: and I have a multiMonth plugin and multiple select enabled. I want to be able to on load have certain dates already selected and those dates come from a database I found two possible clues to help me out, but since I have not strictly lear...

Jquery datepicker localization

I need a french calendar and I can't understand the problem. I guess i'm not using the regional options like it should be. But... Here is my code : $(function() { $('#Date').datepicker({ showMonthAfterYear: false, showOn: 'both', buttonImage: 'media/img/calendar.png', buttonImageOnly: true, dateFormat:'d...

jquery ui datepicker doesn't disappear in IE7 after selection

Hi all! Got the jQuery UI datepicker plugin working wonderfully, however, when using IE7, the calendar doesn't fade away after you make a selection like it does in FF, Safari, etc. Here's the URL I hope it's something silly, 'cuz IE7 is the only browser I...

jQuery User Control Mess - HELP!

I have a user control that creates a jQuery DatePicker (standard one in the UI). This user control is called twice by my page (date from/to) so I have dynamic ID's for my inputs/controls/buttons/what-not. I need to somehow set either a hidden input or use a webmethod somehow to set a variable on the user control so the search function ...

[SWT, Java] Date time picker control

I look for date time picker control which look like this: All controls which I found don't use system layout. It would be great if this control use system style and layout. ...

ASP.NET MVC.NET JQueryUI datepicker inside a div loaded/updated with ajax.actionlink

Im trying to incorporate jqueryUI's datepicker inside a partialview like this: <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("/EditData", new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "POST", UpdateTargetId = "div1" })) {%> Date: <%= Html.TextBox("date", String.Format("{0:g}", Model.d...

How can I set the default size of a jquery datepicker?

Have a look at this page. The datepicker itself (called on <div id="calendar">) has a width of "68em" set initially. I then use $("#calendar").children().css("width","auto"); to set the width to auto (so it fills up the page). As you can see, this works. Changing the month (with the buttons), however, causes jQuery to change the width ba...

UI: Month selector

For my UI, I need a month selector (i.e. not a day but "what happened in August 2008"). Has anyone seen such an UI element? Obviously, I'm looking for more than two combo boxes (one for the months and one for the year). What I want to know if someone has encountered a cool month selector. :) ...

can you use jquery datepickers renderCalendar with the multimonth plugin

using jquery date picker you can render specific cells the way you want. (in my case i have a list of dates that i want to highlight as they are important days) i see that datepicker itself supports this here: but i dont see the multimonth implement...

JQuery UI default CSS values to give consistent sizing

Are there a set of default CSS values that should be in place when using JQuery UI elements. I have been working with the datepicker control and initially the control displayed about 3 times the size on the JQuery UI demo site. This was due to the font size we were setting in our CSS. Setting the property font-size: 62.5%; in the bo...

JQuery datepicker- 2 inputs/textboxes

Two input boxes: when I set the first one, I want the second one to be be one day after the date selected in the first. I am using Keith Wood's jquery plugin: Using altField: just keeps the same in the two fields, but I want to get 1 day after in the second input field. ...

Jquery UI Datepicker

I'd like to change the Default altFormat, but I can't seem to get it to work. $("#myFav").datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); $("#myFav").datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'yy-mm-dd'); I thought altFormat would work just the same? ...

How can I use Jquery Datepicker to highlight with befereshowday two different kind of special dates?

I mean, I found here a way to disable an array of nationalDays. I'm trying to make a code to disable the national days and also to highlight some other days (I'm coding a web app and I will pass another array of days) but to let them enabled. Imagine a calendar where you can see three different day colors. The first one, today's date. ...

jquery google analytics datepicker

Anyone know of any open source datepickers that work like the Google Analytics date range pickers? You can see an image here ...

using datepickerplus in ext js

i have been playing around with the ext js library for showing multi month calendar one issue is in all the examples are either coming off of another control(combo, textbox) or inside a window object does anyone know if there are any examples of simply displaying the calendars on a regular pa...

Datepicker BeforeShowDay CSS problem with content styling

I think I'm not the only one having this problem. Whenever I try to apply a BeforeShowDay a new CSS class, the content of the "special date" is not being modified. I tried changing the default theme, adding a new class, but this is affecting only the outside border and not the inside content. Using Firebug I found that the html code be...