
Error creating a '< previous' and 'next >' (date) link for jQueryUI datepicker using setdate

I'm trying to attach "< Previous" and "Next >" links to a jQueryUI datepicker control. My problem is that it will properly add 1 day, but then stop. It will not continue adding days. (same with the previous button). So if I enter 10/30/2009 it will only "next" to 10/31/2009, and won't roll over to November 1. Any ideas? Here is my simpli...

How to specify more than one option in jQuery datepicker

I am using jQuery Datepicker. I am using follwing script to attach the datepicker to all controls whose class is datepicker. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".datepicker").datepicker({ showButtonPanel: true}); }); </script> Now, is it possible to use more than one option while creating the dat...

ui.datepicker.js calendar autoUpdate another calendar when date change.

Hi, I'm using ui.datepicker.js In my edit form I have 2 calendars that have their own function. Calendar A : is the date that the invoiced is created Calendar B : is the date for next billing Bill_freq is the field where is set the billing frequency (every 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months) What I want to do is when date is chan...

Jquery DatePicker

I'm using the following script below to add "+1 day" to second field (#returningdate). But if a user chooses on the #leavingdate 12/31/2009 they would get a #returningdate of 12/32/2009 instead of 01/01/2010. This happens with any end month date. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#leavingDate").change(function(...

Avalon Control in WPF : change date format

I downloaded the Avalon Controls Library that includes a DatePicker and a MaskedTextBox. Our company would like to force the date format of the DatePicker to something else than Short or Long. Is there a way to do this? Thanks. ...

Datepicker in Javascript.

What is the best way(pattern) to Create datepicker in Javascript. I have created one using Singleton pattern, but am not satisfied. ...

jquery UI datepicker - not finding defaultDate

I have a form text field that pulls a date from a database (in the format yyyy-mm-dd). <input class="" type="text" name="closingDate" id="closingDate" value="<?php echo $closingdate;?>" />@ Midday I then have a jQuery datepicker that will grab its 'defaultDate' value as the value attribute of the input shown above. $(document).ready(...

jQuery UI: DatePicker Animation Registration Point

By default, the jQuery UI DatePicker widget animates from the bottom-left of the input field it's assigned to, so if the input field is shorter than the width of the calendar, it hangs off to the right. My problem is that my input field is all the way on the right side of the page, so that when the Datepicker shows, it hangs off my page...

How can I implement an outlook-like calendar in ASP.NET that chooses a start and end date in one control?

I have a page where I am trying to mimic some of outlook's calendar functionality. I'd like to have a calendar control where the user can click a start and end date, maybe even by clicking-and-dragging. I like the single control because it feels like it will look better and the user will feel a little more comfortable selecting dates. I ...

How to reset a field when changing a date ui.datepicker.js [Solved]

Hi, I'm using ui.datepicker.js I have a form and when the date is changed I want that another field reset the status (this field is a dropdown select box). The case is the following: The user enter the latest billing date in the calendar (when he prepare a bill) and he select the status unpaid, when he will received the money he will...

Removing all CSS from telerik controls

Hi I'm using Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET and wondered if there was any way to turn off/stop the CSS that is automatically downloaded with the controls. I don't want to remove any of the class names that are applied to the telerik HTML elements, I just want a clean slate so that I can style them exactly how I want. The reaon I ask ...

Silverlight DatePicker in DataGrid allow NULL dates.

I have a DataGrid that has as one of its columns a DatePicker (for the editing template). Is there a way to keep this but still allow a user to enter in a NULL date? Thanks very much for any help. ...

jQuery datepicker to prevent past date

How do I disable past dates on jQuery datepicker? I looked for options but don't seem to find anything that indicates the ability to disable past dates. UPDATE: Thanks yall for the quick response. I tried that with no luck. Days were still not grayed out as I expected and still accept the selected past date. I tried this: $('#datepi...

WPF Toolkit DatePicker Month/Year Only

Hi, I'm using the Toolkit's Datepicker as above but I'd like to restrict it to month and year selections only, as in this situation the users don't know or care about the exact date .Obviously with the data being stored in a Datetime format there will be day stored but that doesn't concern me. Is there an easy way to tie this down? T...

datepicker in JQuery UI Dialog shows calender on dialog open

I have a JQuery modal dialog with 2 JQuery UI datepicker inputs. My problem is that when the dialog opens the calender is already open on the page. I am not sure if this is because it is getting focus but the net result is that it shows on dialog open. Here is my code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { ...

DatePicker minDate relative 1 month from start date

How do I set the #endDatePicker 1 month to the future of the selected date from #startDatePicker? I am not figuring this one out but I am sure it is easier than I am making it. Here is what I am starting out with. Now I need a function that calculates exactly 1 month(not just 30 days) into the future based on the selected date from the...

jqueryUI datepicker fires input's blur before passing date, avoid/workaround?

I have some validation on a text input bound to its blur event. I have a datepicker on this field (the version from jqueryUI), so when you click the field, datepicker shows up, then you click a date and it populates the date into the field as datepicker does. However, right before the date is entered it seems the input field gets its blu...

How to control positioning of jQueryUI datepicker

The datepicker in jQueryUI renders with a dynamic position. It renders according to its css if there's enough room for it, but if there isn't enough window space it tries to render on screen. I need it to stay put and render in the same place every time, independent of the screen position or other circumstances. How can this be done with...

Date formatting inside the uitableview section heading, PLEASE HELP

Let me start off by saying Im VERY new to iphone development, but Im trying really hard to learn, so any help any of you professionals out there are willing to share is greatly appreciated! So I have a question that would be SO awesome if someone could answer for me. I am studying up more one core data and have been using the core data b...

How can I make WPFToolkit DatePicker highlight only the selected date?

I am using the DatePicker from WPFToolkit, but since the current date and the last/first day of the month is highlighted as well, it is confusing which date is actually selected. How can I make it so nothing is highlighted in the calendar except the selected date? ...