
How to give the dtpicker date – 1?

Now using VS 2008 Before I used VB 6, now I Upgraded to VB 2008. VB6 Code sdate = DateToString(dtpicker1 - 1) edate = DateToString(dtpicker2) Above code is working fine. After Upgraded to VB 2008 sdate = DateToString(dtpicker1._Value) edate = DateToString(dtpicker2._Value) If I Put sdate = DateToString(dtpicker1._Value - 1) ...

jQuery UI DatePicker - Change Date Format

Hi I am using the UI DatePicker from jQuery UI as the stand alone picker.. i have this code <div id="datepicker"></div> And the follow JS $('#datepicker').datepicker(); When i try to return the value with this code: var date = $('#datepicker').datepicker('getDate'); I am returned this... Tue Aug 25 2009 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (BST)...

Check Control.Value for data

Hi All, I have several different controls (TextBoxes, DateTimePickers, MaskedTextBoxes) on a form that I would like to check to see if they contain any data. I have the following code in the Click event of my "Save" button: private void radBtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Cancelled = false; bool...

jQuery date picker

Dear All. I have a main html file and after the button click, it shall come from AJAX test.html Test.html: <div type="text" id="datepicker">H </div> my.js: jQuery(document).ready(function($) { jQuery.ajax({ type:'POST', url:'...

Kevin Luck's jQuery Date Picker plugin - Set the end date dynamically

I'm using Kevin Luck's jquery date picker plugin and I'm wondering what is the best way to format the dpSetEndDate() value to always be one year in the future? I tried using php: <?php echo date('Y')+1;?>-<?php echo date('m-d');?> But that didn't work. By itself, the php returns what I want to put in place of the date, but it doesn't...

Have a problem with jquery append items..

I have a problem with datePicker. When a make a new text field with datepicker and append it to some div it wont work.. Did anyone had the same problem... $(function(){ $("#DP").datepicker({showOn: 'button', buttonId: 'kalendar', buttonImage: 'calendar.gif', buttonImageOnly: true}); $('a').click(function(){ $('<input...

How can I combine the jQuery datepicker plugin and hover event?

I am not aware of an easy way to perform a function when hovering over a day with the jQuery UI datepicker so I am trying to do a work around by assigning a class and then calling a hover function: $('.someDate').hover(function() { alert(this) } ); This does not work how I would like it though because it returns [object HTML TableCell...

datepicker, jquery

Hello! I have a datepicker (jquery) $("#datepicker").datepicker({ }); I want to colorize(highlight) some days in this datepicker. And these days i'd like to get from some array !!!! I dont know, something like this: $("#datepicker").datepicker({ highlight:['09/16/2009', 09/12/2009, 08/16/2009 ....] }); Help me p...

jquery datepicker alert selected day formatted as 1 (or 2,...,14,...)

How can I alert the selected day into a format like 1,2,3,4,...,31. I.E. 12.10.2009 should alert 12. ...

How does one disable animation in jquery-ui datepicker ?

I'm generally averse to animation effects given the overheads of reflow on the client side browser. jquery-ui is an awesome widget. It has all the stuff I need. But is there a way to disable the animation -- in other words the widget just appears instead of sliding out or fading in? ...

Where can I find a javascript calendar that allows me to disable certain dates?

I'd like to put a calendar on a webpage showing which days a house is availiable to rent. I know that the jquery datepicker has this functionality. However, I can't get it to display correctly I've tried the jquery date picker, but it seems that I'm missing a stylesheet, as all the headings collapse together. Anyone know where I can fin...

jQuery DatePicker Issue: Set current date.

The datepicker setDate method, as described here is not working as expected. The datepicker is always taking browsers current date. But I want to set the current date of my choice. $(target).datepicker({ dateFormat: $.datepicker.W3C, closeText: 'X' }); //set the current date $(target).datepicker('setDate', cu...

jquery ui datepicker - altfield as a div rather than input

I am using the altfield and altformat options on the jquery ui datepicker to display a friendly date to the user, while having the date formatted for the database in a hidden field. The only thing is, I don't want the date shown to the user in an input box (visually it suggests they can type in it), I just want it shown as text. I know I...

JQuery UI datepicker gotoCurrent does not work

I don't want the "today" highlighting displayed on my JQuery UI datepicker. The gotoCurrent option is meant to make the highlighting move to the selected date. This would be fine. However setting gotoCurrent to true has no effect. What am I doing wrong? ...

jQuery datepicker listener options

My goal is to have a jQuery datepicker pop up when the user clicks a link, not a text box. Additionally, I was wondering if I can set up links from a given date (to list scheduled events). I've been attempting to modify the demo code on the jQuery demo site and others to fit these requirements, but I'm very unfamiliar with javascript a...

Need to clear the time from date picker string

hi all, I need to cut off the time from the datepicker data. when i try to set the date as a label, the time is also appending to it. is there any way to cut off the time part from the picker data string. please help. Thanks in advance. ...

Jquery UI datePicker

I have this code $("#calendar").datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', onSelect: function(dateText, inst) { $('.selected-date').html(dateText); } }); I am looking for a way to send the date in 1 format to the database with ajax(not shown) and also update a div with a different date format. What is the best way t...

jQuery DatePicker with Multiple Months Side-By-Side Layout Issue

We are trying to get two months showing side by side on a standard jQuery DatePicker control using jQuery UI 1.7.2 and jQuery 1.3.2. Unfortunately, the calendars will only stack vertically, and as a side effect are twice as wied as they should be (ugly!) Here is the code we are using to call it: $('#element').datepicker({numberOfMonth...

Using JQuery datepicker with an ASP.NET MVC ViewModel

Hello all, I've been trying to use a JQuery datepicker (calendar) in my mvc view. Everything was working ok until I had to use a ViewModel: since I preferred to use the hard-coded object graph (ie <input name="viewmodel.Meeting.Date"...) instead of using a model binder I'm stuck with a script that doesn't work- apparently the JQ...

jquery datepicker and indexed properties

Hi I have a struts form that contains many input fields generated using indexed properties. As a result the id of my form elements are indexprop[0].date, indexprop[1].date etc. Does anyone have any idea how i could assign a jquery datepicker to each of these input fields? Thanks Damien ...