
Background selector declaration in CSS

Hello, In CSS declaration for a selector is given as: background-attachment: scroll; background-color: transparent; background-image: url(/images/ucc/green/btn-part2.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right top; I want to optimize the code and change it to: background: scroll transparent url(/images/ucc/gre...

Declaration and initialization of local variables - what is most C++ like?

Hi, I did not find any suitable questions answered yet, so I'd like to know what is "better" C++ style in the mean of performance and/or memory. Both codes are inside a method. The question is: When to declare long prio? And what are the implications? Code 1 while (!myfile.eof()) { getline(myfile, line); long prio = strtol(line...

How do I find out if the variable is declared in Python?

I want to use a module as a singleton referenced in other modules. It looks something like this (that's not actually a code I'm working on, but I simplified it to throw away all unrelated stuff): import singleton import printer def main(): singleton.Init(1,2) printer.Print() if __name__ == '__main__': pass singleto...

Java: define terms initialization, declaration and assignment

I find the defs circular, the subjects are defined by their verbs but the verbs are undefined! So how do you define them? The Circular Definitions itialization: to initilise a variable. It can be done at the time of declaration. assignment: to assign value to a variable. It can be done anywhere, only once with the final-identifier. ...

Why are forward declarations necessary?

Possible Duplicate: Should C++ eliminate header files? In languages like C# and Java there is no need to declare (for example) a class before using it. If I understand it correctly this is because the compiler does two passes on the code. In the first it just "collects the information available" and in the second one it check...

- Default value of variables at the time of declaration -

Hey guys, I was wondering what was the default values of variables before I intialize them .. For example, if I do : //myClass.h BOOL myBOOL; // default value ? NSArray *myArray; // default value ? NSUInteger myInteger; // default value ? Some more examples here : //myClass.m // myArray is not initialized, only declared in .h fil...

Differences in variable declarations in C++

Class A { }; What is the difference between A a , A* a and A* a = new A(). ...

What is the difference between Dim s As String and Dim s As [String] ?

What is the difference between: Dim s As String and Dim s As [String] ...

SQL Server: Declaring variable type based on a column type

In Oracle's PL-SQL, you can declare a variable and define its type based on a table column: declare var1 table.column%TYPE; Is it possible to do something similar in MS SQL Server? I searched but could not find a duplicate for this question. If there is one, please let me know and I'll refer to it and delete this. ...

Creating Haskell instance declarations

Hello, complete noob to Haskell here with probably an even noobier question. I'm trying to get ghci output working and am stuck on instance declarations. How could I declare an instance for "(Show (Stack -> Stack))" given: data Cmd = LD Int | ADD | MULT | DUP deriving Show type Prog = [Cmd] type Sta...

Is it possible to declare two variables of different types in a for loop?

Is it possible to declare two variables of different types in the initialization body of a for loop in C++? For example: for(int i=0,j=0 ... defines two integers. Can I define an int and a char in the initialization body? How would this be done? ...

What are the implications of having an "implicit declaration of function" warning in C?

As the question states, what exactly are the implications of having the 'implicit declaration of function' warning? We just cranked up the warning flags on gcc and found quite a few instances of these warnings and I'm curious what type of problems this may have caused prior to fixing them? Also, why is this a warning and not an error...

Declaring a string array in class header file - compiler thinks string is variable name?

Hey everybody, I need a bit of a hand with declaring a string array in my class header file in C++. atm it looks like this: //Maze.h #include <string> class Maze { GLfloat mazeSize, mazeX, mazeY, mazeZ; string* mazeLayout; public: Maze ( ); void render(); }; and the constructor looks like this: //Maze.cpp #include...

When declaring a function in C++/CLI, what is the meaning of the signs ^ and * before and after a variable?

For example: Let's say we have a class called MyClass. String^ MyClass::GetSomeInfoForExamplePuprs( int InfoNumber ) { } or static String ^GetOtherInfoExample() { } or String ^GetOtherInfoExample(object *Something) { } I saw it in source code and can't figure it out. ...

How to create an Array, ArrayList, Stack and Queue in Java?

I was reading a Java article, but found no differences in the declaration and was confused over. Can anyone list me out this? Added the Article ...

How can I declare a pointer structure using {}?

This probably is one of the easiest question ever in C programming language... I have the following code: typedef struct node { int data; struct node * after; struct node * before; }node; struct node head = {10,&head,&head}; Is there a way I can make head to be *head [make it a pointer] and still have the availability to use ...

What is the difference between declaring an enum with and without 'typedef'?

The standard way of declaring an enum in C++ seems to be: enum <identifier> { <list_of_elements> }; However, I have already seen some declarations like: typedef enum { <list_of_elements> } <identifier>; What is the difference between them, if it exists? Which one is correct? ...

How do Java public/private and static modifiers affect multiple variables declared on one line?

Are the following equivalent? private static boolean readAllFiles = false,readAllDirs = false; private static boolean readAllFiles = false; private static boolean readAllDirs = false; And if so, do they still have the same modifiers with different values? private static boolean readAllFiles = false,readAllDirs = true; ...

Java: conditional initialization?

Ruby has conditional initialization. Apparently, Java does not or does it? I try to write more succintly, to limit the range as small as possible. import*; import java.util.*; public class InitFor{ public static void main(String[] args){ for(int i=7,k=999;i+((String h="hello").size())<10;i++){} ...

In C#, What is <T> After a Method Declaration?

I'm a VB.Net guy. (because I have to be, because the person who signs my check says so. :P) I grew up in Java and I don't generally struggle to read or write in C# when I get the chance. I came across some syntax today that I have never seen, and that I can't seem to figure out. In the following method declaration, what does < T > re...