
jQuery ajax function return

I have this function that embeds flash : function embedswfile(target, swf, base, width, height) {//dosomething} And I want to call the function like this embedSwf("flashgame",decode("<?=base64_encode($path['location'])?>"),decode("<?=base64_encode($path['base_directory'])?>"),"800","600" ) The idea is that whenever someone looks f...

Decoding qr code from image stored on the phone with Zxing (on Android phone)

Hi! I have an app that receives qr code from the server. I want to decode it (not with intent and camera) and display the text it contains in my app. I have alredy done this in Java SE with jars from zxing with this code: private class QRCodeDecoder { public String decode(File imageFile) { BufferedImage image; ...

decode string encoded by Escape()(a method in VBScript) in php

Hi: I have a string encoded by Escape in VBScript: The Escape function returns a string (in Unicode format) that contains the contents of charString. All spaces, punctuation, accented characters, and other non-ASCII characters are replaced with %xx encoding, where xx is equivalent to the hexadecimal number representing ...

Python base64 data decode

Hi, guys, I got a following peace of base64 encoded data, and I want to use python base64 module to extract information from it? It seems that module does not work. Anyone tells me how? Q5YACgAAAABDlgAbAAAAAEOWAC0AAAAAQ5YAPwAAAABDlgdNAAAAAEOWB18AAAAAQ5YHcAAAAABDlgeCAAAAAEOWB5QAAAAAQ5YHpkNx8H9Dlge4REqBx0OWB8pEpZ10Q5YH3ES2lxFDlgfuRIuPbEO...

Use (Python) Gstreamer to decode audio (to PCM data)

I'm writing an application that uses the Python Gstreamer bindings to play audio, but I'm now trying to also just decode audio -- that is, I'd like to read data using a decodebin and receive a raw PCM buffer. Specifically, I want to read chunks of the file incrementally rather than reading the whole file into memory. Some specific quest...

How to decode array of bytes by G.729, G.723 etc ...?

I have an RTP connection, and i can extract all Payload parts and concat them to each other sequentially to a byte array. How can i decode this array?(suppose that i know the codec) Is there any library that implements voip codecs? Language: C# ...

Decoding html encoded text with a fixed buffer size

Hello, we have a client who wants us to store xml table dumps from their database in an xml file (the xml file will contain potentially any combination of text or binary files (binary being base64 encoded) and xml database dumps). To achieve this, we obviously need to encode the xml special characters inside the database dumps. The clie...

Comparing dates in Oracle using the decode function

I need to compare two dates using the Oracle decode function to see if one is <= then the other. I found this article - Which states (at the bottom) that the below decode function will return date2 if date1 > date2 : decode((date1 - date2) - abs(date1 - date2), 0, date2, date1) ...

C# ASP.NET HttpWebRequest automatically decodes ampersand (&) values from query string?

Assume the following Url: "http://server/application1/TestFile.aspx?Library=Testing&amp;Filename=Documents & Functions + Properties.docx&Save=true" I use HttpUtility.UrlEncode() to encode the value of the Filename parameter and I create the following Url: "http://server/application1/TestFile.aspx?Library=Testing&amp;Filename=Document...

How to fix HTML from WCF-webservice in AJAX Client Side-templates

I have a problem with my templates, when I return HTML, it's encoded by default, and I cannot find a way to "fix" it. I want to replace NewLines (\u000a) with a straight <br />, but I always end up with &amp;lt;br&amp;gt; I've tried to fix it with this function: function cleanNewLines(text) { return $("<div>" + text.replace(/\u000a...

Decode &amp; back to & in javascript

I have strings like var str = 'One &amp; two &amp; three'; rendered into HTML by the web server. I need to transform those strings into 'One & two & three' Currently, that's what I am doing (with help of jQuery): $(document.createElement('div')).html('{{ }}').text() However I have an unsettling feeling that ...

PHP decode starting with $OOO000000=urldecode('%66%67%36%73%62%65%68%70%72%61%34%63

I bought a software from, unfortunately, there is an encoded php file which I suspect contains some dodgey functions. Just to clarify - they were suppose to provide full source code which I can edit and I did try emailing their '24/7 email support'... but all empty promises and not a single reply from them. Hope so...

excel with Japanese(wide) fonts

I was working on parsing an excel file having japanese files in some of the cells. By using Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (Ver. 0.15) (which I know is older than current version) some of the cells with below characters <設定B-1コース> are appearing as in print Dumper $oWkc->{_Value}; $VAR1 = "\x{ff1c}\x{8a2d}\x{5b9a}B-\x{ff11}\x{30b3}\x{...

PDF decode and find useful data in it

I'm trying to decode a PDF file to useful data but I've got some coordinate system problems. First, the data I'm using: (I've already decoded it) and the image that corresponds: I'm trying to get the coordinates of the gray squares. My problem is I've found the coordinates of ...

encodeWithCoder Not getting called

I have an object (testSession) that complies to NSCoder and when I use: [NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:testSession toFile:filename]; It has: @interface Session : NSObject <NSCoding> { and has encodeWithCoder: and initWithCoder: functions. Neither are getting called. What would prevent this? - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)e...

Is there any method to accelerate IJL scaled decoding speed?

I am using IJL(Intel Jpeg Library)v1.51, but there is a very strange problem, 1/2 scaled decoding (which means decoding a image with half original width and height) is slower than whole image decoding. Does anybody know why? And is there any method to accelerate IJL scaled decoding speed? ...

Encode email with PHP then decode with JS

I'm working on a website that has many business profiles with their contact information which also include email addresses. Obviously I don't want to output the plain email addresses in the source due to spam. Could do mrsmith[at] or obfuscate with ASCII but these solutions aren't ideal, not 100% foolproof. The profiles do have...

Oracle Decode function results with different formats

SELECT DECODE (SYSDATE, SYSDATE + 1, NULL, SYSDATE) FROM DUAL; SELECT DECODE (SYSDATE, SYSDATE + 1, TO_DATE (NULL), SYSDATE) FROM DUAL; why am i getting the results in different formats from the queries above? i am using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi ...

flash as3 string encode decode

I want to encode / decode a string in AS3: var string:String = "This is an text"; encode(string) will give for example: "yuioUasUenUwdfr" decode(encoded(string)) will give: "This is an text"; It does not have to be secure or anything. Thnx! ...

What is the equivalent of JavaScript's decodeURIcomponent in PHP?

I have some string with unicode characters and was endcoded with javascript decodeURIcomponent.But i dont find any equivalent in php to decode it.Is there any solution for this? ...