
How do I make a defaultdict safe for unexpecting clients?

Several times (even several in a row) I've been bitten by the defaultdict bug: forgetting that something is actually a defaultdict and treating it like a regular dictionary. d = defaultdict(list) ... try: v = d["key"] except KeyError: print "Sorry, no dice!" For those who have been bitten too, the problem is evident: when d has ...

In T-SQL, how to insert a new row with all values set by default?

Hi, In Microsoft SQL database, I have a table where every column have default values (either fixed values or stuff like identity or getdate()). I am trying to write an SQL statement which will insert a new row in which every cell will have a default value. Neither insert into MySchema.MyTable nor insert into MySchema.MyTable () va...

NHibernate Generated values and Testing

I'm using NHibernate for data access. I'm working on writing some tests for my data access layer and have a scenario where I'm selecting records within a specific date range. In test, I generate test data by just selecting random dates within a range and then I try to select records with dates within a subset o that range. For instanc...

Using class/static methods as default parameter values within methods of the same class

I'd like to do something like this: class SillyWalk(object): @staticmethod def is_silly_enough(walk): return (False, "It's never silly enough") def walk(self, appraisal_method=is_silly_enough): self.do_stuff() (was_good_enough, reason) = appraisal_method(self) if not was_good_enough: ...

Is it possible for an optional argument value to depend on another argument in Scala

Does anyone know if something like this is possible in Scala: case class Thing(property:String) def f(thing:Thing, prop:String = = println(prop) The above code doesn't compile; giving the error error: not found: value thing at The following shows the expected behaviour: f(Thing("abc"), "123") // print...

Is it possible to determine whether an ActiveRecord attribute has been set, other than to the default?

We have an ActiveRecord model whose columns have some default values. It also has a validation condition such that, if the 'profile' property is set to a different value, then the default values are invalid. What I'd like is to be able to determine whether the attributes have been set since they were set to the default so that I can re...

How to make an auto-filled and auto-incrementing field in django admin

[Update: Changed question title to be more specific] Sorry if I didn't make the question very well, I can't figure how to do this: class WhatEver(): number = model.IntegerField('Just a Field', default=callablefunction) ... Where callablefunction does this query: from import WhatEver def callablefunction(): ...

Default value on JSP custom-tag attribute

When defining an attribute for a custom JSP tag, is it possible to specify a default value? The attribute directive doesn't have a default value attribute. Currently I'm making do with: <%@ attribute name="myAttr" required="false" type="java.lang.String" %> <c:if test="${empty myAttr}" > <c:set var="myAttr" value="defaultValue" /> </c...

Is there an elegant way to set a default value for a property in c#?

I have read that there are good reasons to use properties instead of fields in c# on SO. So now I want to convert my code from using fields to using properties. For an instance field of a class, I can set a default value. For example: int speed = 100; For the equivalent property, which I think is: int Speed { get; set; } My unders...

c# in VS2005: what do the following types default to in C#?

For C# in VS2005, what will be value of variables of the following types if they are simply declared and not assigned to any value? ie. What are their default values? int bool string char enum ...

C#: Should the default value of an enum be None or Unknown?

Hey all, Say you have an enum that represents an error code. There will be several codes, each with their own underlying int value; however, the enum value that gets the default 0 value seems like it should be carefully considered. In the case of an error code enum, there are two special values that I can think of: None (for cases when...

C++ - Optional arguments by reference

Hello all, I have an exam on C++ coming up, and I'm solving a few ones from past years. I have this question in one of them: A function calculates the volume of a prysm. Arguments passed are height, depth and width. Arguments and return value are doubles Depth is optional and should default to 10. Hypothesis 1: All para...

How to create default value for function argument in Clojure.


Using Netbeans 6.9 Palette to set setEnabled() default

I get the impression that a lot of GUI parameters, when using NetBeans, can only be set using the palette. Anyway, I have a method bound to the event of clicking on a JMenu, that prompts for a password and, if authenticated, enables all the JMenuItems on that JMenu, otherwise, it leaves them disabled. So I set each JMenuItem to be disa...

In objective c, is it possible to set default value for a class variable?

I have searched for the ans in stackoverflow and google too, but didnt get what i need. What I am looking for: is there any way to set default values for class properties of a class? Like what we can do in Java, in the constructor of the class eg.- MyClass(int a, String str){//constructor this.a = a; this.str = str; // i am lok...

C++ template function gets erronous default values

I have hit upon a real brain scorcher in C++, it has never happened to me before. The gist of the problem is that upon invocation of my (template) function the arguments I have defined defaults for have their values scrambled. It only happens if I call the function with the defaults. My template function is declared like this: templat...

C++ Template function default value

Hi, is it possible to define default value for variables of a template functions in C++? something like below: template<class T> T sum(T a, T b, T c=????) { return a + b + c; } ...

default constructor value for bool type

Hi alltogether, I am just wondering, which value the default constructor of bool type returns in C++. For instance writing such a code int i = int(); guarantees that the variable i will be initiated always with 0. I guess such an initialization routine is possible as well bool b = bool(); But unfortunately I could not find anywh...

Most efficient way to iterate through entire datastore and set a default value to a modified schema?

I have an existing schema: class Example (db.Model) : row_num = db.IntegerProperty(required=True) updated = db.IntegerProperty() ... ... I have now updated this to : class Example (db.Model) : row_num = db.IntegerProperty(required=True) updated = db.IntegerProperty(default=0) ... ... However, there are over 2 million entiti...

How does one have the C# designer know the default property for a Padding or other object/struct in C#

How does one tell the designer the default value of a Property when it is not one of the types supported by DefaultValue()? For instance, a Padding, or a Font. Normally, when you use a Windows Forms control, the default values will be in a normal font in the Properties window, and changed (non-default) values will be in bold. E.g. In...