
Advice for a CS ungrad before starting on my degree

I've had a few CS classes in Java, C# and VB and have learned a good bit of PERL, Python, Javascript, WPF and RegEx's for my current job. I've applied to the CS dept at the University of Washington and am still waiting to hear if I've been accepted. My question is, what should I be doing now, during the summer months before I hopefully...

What have I missed by not studying computing?

Duplicate of: I'm working writing C# .NET applications for a small company. For those of us who don't have a degree in programming, what have we missed that could take us years to find out teaching ourselves? I have a ...

Does it make sense to have a B.A. in Business and then go for an MSc. in Computer Science?

Yes or No? Why? Let me clarify why I am asking: Would it be a 'weird' choice in the eyes of interviewers that somebody doesn't go for a Bachelor CS foundation, but later did the MSc? And is the MSc much more difficult than the BSc in CS? ...

Is Sun Java Certification worth the expense? Will it help me start a programming career?

The certification's cost between $300-400 per exam which is pretty expensive. I'm still a java newb but eventually I would like to get a job in the field of computer programming and I'm wondering if the Sun Java certifications would help. Especially considering that I do not have the time or money to get a degree. ...

Mapping of some Data in c#

Hello, i search for a good solution for mapping data in c#. At first i have a Character "a" and a angle "0.0" degree. What is the best solution for the Mapping ? A list ? One requirement is that i must search for the degree if it not in the "list" then i add a new one.. and so on thanks for help :) EDIT: I must find out if the ang...

Personal MBA, except for CS

Is there something online like personalMBA for a CS degree? Something like a list of courses with syllabus and books. After going through everything you are sure to have covered everything they do in a normal college. ...

What is the difference between Computer Science and Information Science?

I have heard these two terms thrown around by people with the same friends. As much as I've heard, computer science is the more mathematically rigorous and its graduates tend to write more code. What distinguishes an Information Science student from a Computer Science student? What different career paths are available to each? ...

Should I go to school and get my degree in computer science?

I'll try and keep this short and simple. I've always enjoyed programming and I've been doing it since high school. Right after I graduated from high school (2002), I opted to skip college because I was offered a software engineer position. I quit after a couple of years later to team up on various startup companies. However, most of ...

Careers alternative to programming after a degree in computer science?

Hi, I suppose most of the people who graduated in computer science work as a sw programmer/engineer / sw tester / software project manager. I would like to ask what other career options exist for computer scientists? M. ...

Need advice on shifting to Programming and a degree

I am 33 year old and been in IT/testing for about 7 years. Have worked in all aspects of software development Recently I have been thinking about shifting to development as I have been doing a lot of scripting to automate some QA tasks and it’s a lot more fun than testing software. I also have GI bill from my days in Military to pay for ...

Should I get a math degree or a CS degree?

I'm 18 years old and going to community college. I got an A+ in my data structures class, but the biggest thing I've ever programmed on my own was a tool to solve a 3d maze toy of my brother's. I'm a little worried that I don't have enough passion for programming to succeed in it. Majoring in math would give me time to try out open so...

What type of Math should I study to prepare for game programming?

Next year I will be starting a degree in game programming. I have been told to brush up on my math. Which chapters of math text books should I read over? The course is described as: The Qantm Bachelor of Interactive Entertainment (with a Major in Games Programming) focuses on specific areas which are critical to developing kno...

Suggestions for an open source Final Degree Project

Note: I'm not completely sure if this question really belongs to StackOverflow so feel free to vote for closing if you think not. In Spain we have to undertake a final project when we end the computer science degree. The project must not be trivial and can relate to any computer field from Software Engineering to Computer Architecture, ...

Transitioning from Associates CIS to Bachelor's CS

I realize there are a bunch of questions regarding CIS vs CS degrees, but I didn't really find anything relating to my specific situation. I am in the middle of my second year of an Associates Degree in CIS. Before this, I had a year at a small university that didn't go well at all, for a variety of reasons (distance from home, underest...

Will I be at a disadvantage with a B.A. in Computer Science?

I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Computer Science at NYU. Job postings almost always call for a B.S. or M.S. in Computer Science (or at least recommend it). For example, Google claims to require at least a B.S. to be eligible for one of its Software Engineering jobs. I feel like the B.S./B.A. distinction is an arbitra...

Consider a career in programming, would like advice on which degree to choose

Hi, as the title says I'd like advice on choosing a degree for a future career in programming. I recently attended a Mastering Physics workshop at the University of Nottingham, in which I attended several lectures. One of these lectures was dedicated to the benefits of taking a physics degree. The lecturer said that physicists were oft...

If I want to be an RIA developer what degree should I get?

If I want to be an RIA developer and work with technologies like Flex, Silverlight, AIR, etc. what should I get a degree in? Is there something specific I could go for that focuses on that or would it be better to go for something more broad? ...

Which of one is more important to a career: Certification(s) or a Master Degree?

Which of one is more important to a career: Certifications like Java, Oracle and Linux or a Master Degree on computer science? I know that if I go to the academic area the Master Degree would be better, but a Master Degree will be valued by my company too. Both are good for the curriculum. So, what is more important? ...

Most valuable course in the CS degree.

I was a math major and I took OOP and Algorithms & Data Structures from the CS department while in school, but didn't continue to any upper-division courses. What were the most valuable courses to your programming career (Operating systems, Compiler Design, Computer architecture, etc) in your CS degree? Alternatively, if you're like ...

Sql server messed up degree symbol

Some of the degree sysmbols in my sql server database are displaying like this: 173┬░F. When I do a search for that - SELECT * FROM PRoduct WHERE description LIKE '%┬░%', it does not bring them up. How can I find (and replace) such characters? ...