Any suggestion for a good unicode string library for Delphi 2010? Such thing as class that would contain a collection of independent functions, basically an encapsulation of functions that manipulate strings (ex: Trimlike, Character removal, Positional, Sub-string, Compare, Informational, Case, Replacement, Manipulation functions etc. )....
When looking for which version of Delphi 2010 to buy, we found the following limitation on the professional one:
Delphi 2010 Professional is designed
for developers building
high-performance desktop GUI and
touch-screen applications with (or
without) embedded and local database
What does this really mean? Doe...
how is Delphi 2010 relationship with .net? I remember that not long ago you could only generate .net 1.1 code. And now, how is that?
How does legacy Delphi code (mostly 7) behave when compiled for the .net platform instead of Win32? Is it compatible?
A long time ago I found out that I was getting access violations in my code due to the use of the Delphi Open File and/or Save File dialogs, which encapsulate the Windows dialogs. I asked some questions on a few forums and I was told that it may have been due to the way some programs add hooks to the shell system that result in DLLs ge...
I use TwebBrowser in a D7 app. The question is: When I upgrade my IE this component will use the new IE to render the pages?
I haven't programmed in Delphi for a while and frankly didn't think I'll ever have to but...
Here I am, desperately trying to find some information on the matter and it's so scarce nowadays, I can't find anything. So maybe you guys could help me out.
Currently my application uses Synapse library to make HTTP calls, but it doesn't a...
How can I change the colour of a line in a TChart in Delphi at run time? For example, how would I change the colour of:
I passed ref of interface from Visio Add-ins to MyCOMServer ( have to pass interface as pointer in internals method of MyCOMServer. I try to pass interface to internal method as pointer of interface, but after back cast when i try call method of interface I ge...
Have 6 forms, 1 Base and 5 inherited.The Base has the following snippet:
procedure TMechan.Open1Click(Sender: TObject);
if OpenDialog1.Execute then
Form1.Memo1.Lines.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName );
Since this snippet is in the Base it's also inherited by 5 others. P...
I'm building a program that uses Delphi Packages (BPLs) as plugins, but I'd like to use a custom extension to show that the files have a specific purpose instead of just being BPLs. That works well enough until I end up with one package having a dependency on another. Then the compiler automatically creates the binary with the extensio...
I'm trying to debug my DirectShow source filter. I'm using Delphi Pro 6 on Windows XP along with the DSPACK component library. I'm using Skype as my host application, which I set in the Parameters option in the Run menu, for testing my source filter DLL (ax file extension). Skype runs fine and I see a stream of my OutputDebugString me...
After far more investigation that I'd like, I have arrived at the conclusion (maybe erroneously), that BRCC32 has a problem creating resource files that have ICO images of varying color depths.
To be specific, if you have icons in an ICO file that have both 8 bit 256 color and 24 bit XP (alpha) images, then BRCC32 will produce a RES fi...
I have a common resource, which I want 1 and only 1 instance of my application (or it's COM API) to have access to at any time. I have tried to protect this resource using mutexes, but when multiple threads of a host dotnet application try to access the COM object, the mutex doesn't seem to be released. This is the code I have used to pr...
If i want to set a colour property to something thats non-standard (i.e. not something like clBlack or clRed) how can i do this? Can i set something like hexadecimal colours?
I have a status which is stored as a string of a set length, either in a file or a database.
I'm looking to enumerate the possible status'
I have the following type to define the possible status'
Type TStatus = (fsNormal = Ord('N'),fsEditedOnScreen = Ord('O'),
fsMissing = Ord('M'),fsEstimated = Ord('E'),fsSuspect = Ord...
In my Delphi Project i want to have a 'Settings' button that when clicked, opens a second form (i think this is the correct term, i essentially want a new window to open) for settings.
When the user has finished changing the settings on this new form, i want the form to close on a button click.
The settings the user types in will also ...
In a Delphi app we have assigned a dataset provider with a TADOQuery, passing parameters to the Query. When the TADOQuery is refreshed with new parameter values these are not being passed to the Dataset Provider.
This seemed to work ok in Delphi 5, but we are migrating our application to Delphi 2010 and it seems to have broken this l...
Hi there!
Does anyone know a 100% clone of the C/C++ printf for Delphi?
Yes, I know the System.Format function, but it handles things a little different.
For example if you want to format 3 to "003" you need "%03d" in C, but "%.3d" in Delphi.
I have an application written in Delphi which has to be able to format numbers using C format...
I want to convert an string to an enum type using TValue, I googled but I didn't find how to do that.
TEnumTest = (etFirst, etSecond);
D: TEnumTest;
D := StrToENumTest('etFirst');
function StrToEnumTest(pStr:String):TEnumTest;
V: TValue;
V := TValue.From<String>(pstr);
Result := V.AsType<TE...
As a long time user of Delphi 7, I've rolled my own mouse wheel handling in a few controls but lately I've noticed that some recent applications only need the mouse cursor to be placed over a control (e.g. a list box or tree view) for the mouse wheel activity to cause that control to scroll.
This feels nice (as opposed to having to click...