
Delphi : Sorted List

I need to sort close to a 1,00,000 floating point entries in Delphi. I am new to Delphi and would like to know if there are any ready made solutions available. I tried a few language provided constructs and they take an inordinate amount of time to run to completion.(a 5-10 sec execution time is fine for the application) ...

Creating application forms without border, but with shadow (in Windows Vista&Windows 7)

How to do that in WinForms? ...

Sending a file from my application (Indy/Delphi) to an ASP page and then onto another server (Amazon S3)

I have a need to store files on Amazon AWS S3, but in order to isolate the user from the AWS authentication I want to go via an ASP page on my site, which the user will be logged into. So: The application sends the file using the Delphi Indy library TidHTTP.Put (FileStream) routine to the ASP page, along with some authentication stuff ...

Access violation exception from Delphi's Supports -> QueryInterface

Hi, I have the following piece of code: for i := 0 to FControlList.Count - 1 do if Supports(IMyControl(FControlList[i]), IMyControlEx) then begin MyControlEx := IMyControl(FControlList[i]) as IMyControlEx; MyControlEx.DoYourMagic(Self, SomeData); end; This code is called many times during my applic...

Large number of soft page faults when assigning a TJpegImage to a TBitmap

I have a Delphi 6 Pro application that processes incoming jpeg frames from a streaming video server. The code works but I recently noticed that it generates a huge number of soft page faults over time. After doing some investigation, the page faults appear to be coming from one particular graphics operation. Note, the uncompressed bit...

How retrive full path with file name or folder name from ShellTreeView/ShellListView

Sir, I create a project, where I use ShellTreeView, ShellListView, ListView. Now I drag folder from ShellTreeView and files from ShellListView. Now I want to retrieve file name including full path (like: c:\abc\file.txt) or folder (like C:\abc). For retrieving the path I use a command button and a text box. What will the code? Dev ...

Is there any simple way to test two PNGs for equality?

I've got a bunch of PNG images, and I'm looking for a way to identify duplicates. By duplicates I mean, specifically, two PNG files whose uncompressed image data are identical, not necessarily whose files are identical. This means I can't do something simple like compare CRC hash values. I figure this can actually be done reliably sin...

Delphi: SW_HIDE doesn't work anymore?

I have to run some other application from my program and hide it's form. In Windows XP it was easy: ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', 'foo.exe', nil, nil,SW_HIDE); But it seems that it doesn't work anymore in Vista and win7. ...

Delphi - RTTI info about methods in records

hello, how to extract RTTI info about methods in Delphi records? is it possible by using new Rtti unit? ...

Resetting a PChar variable

Hi, I don't know much about delphi win 32 programming, but I hope someone can answer my question. I get duplicate l_sGetUniqueIdBuffer saved into the database which I want to avoid. The l_sGetUniqueIdBuffer is actually different ( the value of l_sAuthorisationContent is xml, and I can see a different value generated by the call to g...

What is a best free way to make form resizeable in Delphi 7?

I need my form in Delphi to be resizeable, and all components and controls should stretch proportionally, along with font sizes etc. Right now in order to resize components I write a code inside "OnResize" event, and manually calculate all components' sizes and fonts. I would like to have more simple solution, which I can apply to differ...

TDBGrid selected row index : How to get

How to get Selected row index in DBGrid ? so Im using ADOQuery -> DataSource -> DBGrid ...

Use all functions in DLL without declaring every one in application - Delphi

Hi, I learned something about DLL's yesterday. But I haven't found the way how to use all of the functions and procedures in DLL without writing this line into code of application for every function and procedure I want to use. function CircleArea(const radius : double) : double; external 'circle.dll'; ...

How to display and edit hyperlinks in DBGrid in Delphi 7?

I use DBGrid to display Hyperlink type field from Microsoft Access database (MDB). Normally dbgrid displays hyperlink values like "(MEMO)", without editing capablity. Is there a way to solve this? ...

Delphi 7 - which unit declares TProperty?

Sorry to ask something so basic, but I just can't find it. I found some example code which seems to do exactly what I want, but it doesn't include a uses clause. procedure FilterProps(Sender: TObject; Prop: TProperty; var Result: boolean); undeclared indentifier: TProperty ...

Delphi: RTTI for indexed properties in 2010?

Please forgive the verbosity of the following code example. Using Delphi 2009, I created the two classes TOtherClass and TMyClass: TOtherClass = class(TObject) public FData: string; end; TMyClass = class(TObject) private FIndxPropList: Array of TOtherClass; function GetIndxProp(Index: Integer): TOtherClass; procedure Se...

TWebBrowser modal print dialog?

Hello all, I've found many ways to make the TWebBrowser show a modeless print dialog box, but how do I make it show a modal one? I would like to print an html page, that's why I need the modal dialog. I'd really appreciate your ideas on this one. Thanks! ...

Delphi 5 to 2010

I used same function ( OneWayEncrypt(edit1.Text) ) in Delphi 5 and 2010. Why the results are different? (Or how can I give the same results from Delphi 2010?) uses Sysutils, Windows, Dialogs, classes; function OneWayEncrypt(AStr: string): string; PROCEDURE CalcCRC32 (p: pointer; ByteCount: DWORD; VAR CRCvalue: DWORD); implementatio...

AcroPDF in Delphi - How do I scroll?

Hi, I'm currently adding a PDF viewer in a Delphi program using TAcroPDF. My problem is, the touch screens that need to show the PDF are rather small, so I wanted to add bigger buttons for scrolling. I thought I could use the function ScrollBy(DeltaX, DeltaY), but the function scrolls the component within it's container in stead of sc...

Create column on execute time in TcxGrid like tDbGrid in delphi

I use TcxGrid But I cant create fields on execution time because I have a pivot query and columns are variable Can I fill cxGrid like tDbGrid? ...