
fast finding of small image in a bigger image

Hello everyone, I need to get the coordinates of a small image location residing in a big image (let say I need to search for a specific tree inside a forest photograph. If the sub-image is found then the result would be something like: x=120 y=354 by example). Is there a fast algorithm that I could use ? I'm using Delphi (can also us...

Delphi gone mad: Says TstringList.sorted is an "unideclared identifier"

My code is exactly like the example in the help file: myStrings := TStringList.Create; myStrings.Sorted := True; myStrings.Duplicates := dupIgnore; The compiler tells me that both "sorted" and "Duplicates" are undeclared identifiers. But, how can that be if it correctly reconizes the TStringList.Create? I have not redifined stringList...

[Error] RLINK32: Error opening file "...\Data.DFM". Occurs the first time I build a project after opening Delphi.

I get this error the first time I build/compile a particular project after opening Delphi (D6 Pro). Subsequent builds do not give the error. ...

Reading a tag name from an IXMLDOMDocument2 object in Delphi

I have something like this: uses MSXML2_TLB; type TDocumentType = (dtOrder, dtInvoice, dtStatus, dtError); // And a few more, actually function DetermineDocumentType(doc: IXMLDOMDocument2): TDocumentType; ... It must do something simple: determine what kind of XML is contained in the doc parameter. The XML could be something like: <Or...

Tools to generate unit dependencies for Delphi

Are there any tools that can generate dependency diagrams for Delphi units taking into account conditional compilation directives. I'd like to emphasize that this should be unit dependency diagram, not class dependency. Also it would be nice to have the ability to rearrange and hide some parts in the generated diagram. I've tried Unders...

32 bit color version of TImageList for Delphi 7.

I'm hoping someone knows of an enhanced TImageList for Delphi 7 that supports 32 bit (alpha channel) bitmaps (for a TTreeView). Ideally free . Or perhaps how to extend/configure the stock TImageList to handle the alpha channel properly in 32 bit color bitmaps. ...

TEvent.WaitFor in Kylix

In Kylix TEvent.WaitFor(Timeout) method only accepts Timeout of $FFFFFFFF, otherwise it generates an error. Internally it uses sem_wait function which doesn't have a timeout parameter. It there any way around this? I need to set a timeout parameter. ...

Delphi - Array of Word and PAnsichar

HI, I using a compression delphi library that receives a pAnsiChar as parameter. But i want to store a word array in the compressed file. The prototype function is: MyArray: TWordDynArray; function lzopas_compress(in_p: PAnsiChar; in_len: integer; out_p: PAnsiChar): integer; And i want to pass MyArray to the function. How do I do that...

Is there an option analogous to Delphi "Use debug DCUs" in Lazarus

I'd like to debug Lazarus library code. In Delphi IDE I would simply check the Project Options -> Compiler -> Use Debug DCUs option on. Is there something similar in Lazarus? ...

Is dynamic class loading possible in delphi

I have a environment and I want to know that if I write code in this environment is it possible to save>compile and use that code? whats is more is that I want the environment to be able to call function in this code and for the code to be able to call function in the environment.. I think there was something called class loaders in ja...

BDE table sorting

Im using BDE.... How can i sort a table by given field? ...

Getting started working with RemObjects Pascal Script in delphi

I have just started working with RemObjects Pascal Script. and have been trying to follow the remobjects tutorial.{2FFC1EE9-F18D-4B11-9DE4-1BA0A79D0D04} all was going fine up to the part you run begin ShowNewMessage('Show This !'); end. where it claimed it does not know of it. but i ...

Read HTML Body from Outlook MSG file

How can I read the HTML body from an Outlook.MSG file using Delphi code. I have been using Scalabiums smmsg component, but it only the body text returns a value, the the html body property always returns an empty string. Thanks, Phillip. ...

interesting stack problem?

i have an interesting problem in my delphi 2009 app. when run in the debugger, i get an AV between the subroutine's Begin keyword and the first statement. i believe that's when it's setting up local variables. here's the information shown in the debugger: uDeviceModule.pas.940: begin // _GetMeasurementsForChannel 00AF24C8 55 ...

How to get the sub-key's name?

How to get the sub-key name (eg. Stk Group\ BISCUIT) from registry? ...

how to use two function at the same time?

hi im new to delphi. how to use the two function at the same time? function a(...):integer; function b(...):integer; because b waits until a is finshed. ...

Calling SQL Server stored procs from Delphi with arguments?

I'm trying to call SP_SPACEUSED from Delphi 2010 using ADO. I can call it without arguments by using TSQLStoredProc, and setting the StoredProcName. This gives me the database size. I now need a specific table size, and SP_SPACEUSED takes a single arugument, @objname. How do I pass this as an argument. I have tried passing this as a para...

ListBox Filtering

I Have A ListBox With 10,000 Items And Many Many Duplicate Items! I Wonna Save It To A File Without Duplicate Items (One Item Instead All Copies!) And I Use This Way: Function TMain.List_ExistsIn(ListBox_NAme: TListBox; EParameter: String): Integer; Var i: Integer; Begin EParameter := LowerCase(EParameter); Result := -1; For i:=...

When I add a TPanel to a TToolBar, do I get a TPanel or a TToolButton ?

When Delphi (2006) goes quantum: I've got "something" that appears to be both a TToolBar and a TPanel, depending on how you observe it. I'd like to understand what's going on. Here is how to create it and what happens: in the DFM add a TToolBar named bar; in that TToolBar, put a TPanel. in the code and at runtime: the panel appea...

Using a Java function/class from Delphi

In delphi, I am trying to call a function from an external Java program. Is there any way to do it ? ...