
How to design a cross client / browser compatible email?

What are the proper practices in designing an email with a reasonable expectation that it will show up correctly for Outlook 2003, 2007 and in a webmail client? I'm subscribed to various email newletters and have viewed the source on them and have seen some of them have 2000 lines of HTML&CSS along with IF statements I've never seen befo...

What are the implications of deleting a user account?

Most of the websites I've used in the past (including this one) do not offer an option to delete your own account. I think the main reason is to avoid the orphanage of the items created (or the delete on cascade of those items). Modern sites (like this one) have a place where those items go when an account is abandoned (in the case of ...

Managing a massive design project

How do you manage a massive (60+ pages) design (HTML/CSS) Project? Like what is your workflow? How do you set milestones? ...

Don’t know enough to know if this design is a great idea or an incredibly dumb one …

Using C#, 3.5, SqlServer 2005, Trying to incorporate some inversion of control together with 3-tier architecture into my current assignment. Don’t know enough to know if this is a great idea or an incredibly dumb one: I have created a User Interface Layer, a Business Layer, and a Data Layer. The UI collects 4 values, News a...

What USEFUL bitwise operator code tricks should a developer know about?

I must say I have never had cause to use bitwise operators, but I am sure there are some operations that I have performed that would have been more efficiently done with them. How have "shifting" and "OR-ing" helped you solve a problem more efficiently? ...

Where should I put Comparers in an app that uses WCF?

I have an application that uses WCF for all DataAccess. It returns some business objects and it has some operations. Should this code exist in my Client or in my Service? If in the service, HOW should I implement it? Can I simply add it as an interface to my business object? Will that come through the WCF Service Proxy Code? (This is a...

Lack of invariance in stackoverflow URL. Why ?

Possible Duplicate: Why do some websites add Slugs to the end of URLs? This is not a question about stackoverflow, it's a question about a design decision which stackoverflow implements, and I take it as example. A question on stackoverflow is identified by the following URL (took one from the suggestions) http://stackoverflow...

Specifying the relative dimension of views in a layout based on device screen width/height

I am writing an android application that has 3 views one below the other. Each view has to be of equal height, depending on the screen size. Each view occupies the full width of the screen. How do you specify in the layout xml that the view has to take up 1/3rd height of the device display height? What would be the appropriate layout to ...

Windows Mobile: Is there any library to build attractive interfaces?

Hello! I'm looking for libraries to build attractive interfaces. Someone told me about Fluid ( but it's very difficult to use. Anyone knows others? My project is for Compact Framework 2.0 SP2, C#, and it's going to use in Windows Mobile 5.0 and above. Thank you! ...

What pattern should I use for using a SAX parser?

<xml> <Office prop1="prop1" prop2="prop2"> <Version major="1" minor="0"/> <Label>MyObjectA</Label> <Active>No</Active> </Office> <Vehicle prop="prop"> <Wheels>4</Wheels> <Brand>Honda</Brand> <Bought>No</Bought> </Vehicle> </xml> My XML is in this format. I am using a SAX parser to parse this file as the size of ...

Designing a poker parser in Ruby

I'm writing a small program in Ruby to parse a hand history log from a poker site. The log is split over several lines and looks a bit like this: Table 123456 NL Hold'em $1/$2 5 Players Seat 3 is the button Seat 1: randomGuy112 $152.56 Seat 2: randomGirl99 $200 Seat 3: PokerPro $357.12 Seat 4: FishCake556 $57.19 Seat 6: MooMoo $188.98 D...

What is the name of the CentOS font?

What is the name of the font used in the CentOS logo? Link to CentOS Site ...

On UML and whiteboarding

I try to produce correct UML when we have our design/whiteboarding sessions but my attempt at well structured UML ALWAYS degrades into uml-looking-but-understandable-to-those-in-the-room-with-a-little-explanation. But is this good enough for the consummate engineer? Do you always produce well-structured UML in your whiteboard sessions? W...

What are some good use cases for the CALLBACK pattern/idiom?

I don't use this pattern, maybe there are some places where it would have been appropriate and I used something else. Have you used it in your daily coding? Feel free to give samples, in your language of choice, along with your explanation. ...

In Java does anyone use short or byte?

Apart from using (byte[]) in streaming I don't really see byte and short used much. On the other hand I have seen long used where the actual value is |100| and byte would be more appropriate. Is this a consequence of the relative inexpensive nature of memory now or is this just minutia that developers needn't worry about? ...

Java unit tests, directory layout

When building a suite of unit tests for Java code, is there a convention for where to place test code in relation to source code? For example, if I have a directory /java that contains a bunch of .java source files, is it better to put the test cases in /java itself or use something like /java/test. If the latter is preferred, how do y...

Developing a Java Trading Application: do patterns/frameworks exist for defining trading rules?

Hello! I am in the process of designing a trading application which will use a Market's API to place orders on the Market. This isn't a complex high performance algorithmic trading application of the kind found in investment banks. This is just a small personal application which will trade maybe two or three times a day depending on mar...

css layout for footer at bottom with dynamic ajax content changing height of page.

[Update] I actually compromised on this problem for now by foregoing the fixed footer design. It seems that there is no problem with dynamic content moving the footer and resizing containers appropriately unless the footer is fixed to the browser bottom initially. I hope others will eventually provide a great solution that encompass...

Custom Collection vs Generic Collection for public methods

What are the recommendations for exposing a custom collection vs generic one? e.g public class ImageCollection : Collection<Image> { ... } public class Product { public ImageCollection {get; set;} } VS public class Product { public Collection<Image> Images{get; set;} } What cases would you consider creating a custom col...

Design Decision - WCF Service or Shared Class Library (DLL)

Hello everyone, I am presently designing a message queue system that will be used by various applications and am having a difficult time trying to decide whether to use WCF to provide the services or use a shared class library (DLL) and deploy the DLL with the clients. For some additional information: • The queue is stored in a SQL ...