
Planning a database app

I am in the planning stages of a database app for personal use. I have a good bit of the database structure planned, but as I think about how I'm going to write the program, it made me wonder if I'm doing this in the right order. Which should I be planning first, the db structure or the classes? ...

In what ways can a flag be used within the program design?

In what ways can a flag be used within the program design? How can you use multiple flags? ...

Is this bad Object Oriented Design? (derived class used in base class)

Hello, Can someone tell me if this class structure is bad? class abstract Parent{ public Child Foo(){ return new Child(); } } class Child : Parent{} I've heard that referring to a derived type from a base type is always bad and signs of bad design. Can someone tell me why this is bad or even if it is bad? ...

Android Multiple Handlers Design Question

This question is related to an existing question I asked. I though I'll ask a new question instead of replying back to the other question. Cannot "comment" on my previous question because of a word limit. Marc wrote - I've more than one Handlers in an Activity." Why? If you do not want a complicated handleMessage() method, then use pos...

Design question: Should the client both create the session and the socket?

I have three classes: Client Session Socket Both Session & Socket depeand on the Client to create both objects. A Session depeands on a Socket and no sockets are created without a session. Should the Client have a function that creates a Session pubically and a Socket privately? Doesn't it violate the law of demeter? EDIT: Current ...

Service design or access to another process

I have a cache service,it's works as .net remoting, i want to create another windows service to clean up the that cache service by transfer the objects from cache to files. because they are in separate process, is their any way i could access that cache service or do i have to expose a method from the cache service to do that clean up w...

Design Solution For Storing-Fetching Images

This is a design doubt am facing, I have a collection of 1500 images which are to be displayed on an page, the images to be displayed differ from one page to another, the count of these images will increase in the time to come, a.) is it a good idea to have the images on the database, but the round trip time to fetch the images...

ASP.NET (AJAX) UI Design Tools for Artistically Challenged?

I'm building an application but I'm artistically challenged and I'd rather not spend my time writing widgets (e.g. ability to collapse/expand/close/drag-drop) if there is already controls available. I've worked with the Microsoft AJAX Control Toolkit - but these tools still require a lot of work to get a working widget (which in my case,...

C++ design with static methods

I would like to define as class X with a static method: class X { static string get_type () {return "X";} //other virtual methods } I would like to force classes which inherit from X to redefine the get_type() method and return strings different from "X" (I am happy if they just redefine get_type for now). How do I do this? I know ...

Sharing logic across different platforms

Hello all, We have a business logic that works with the file systems on OS that we want to implement on both Linux and Windows platforms. The language we have selected is Python for Linux and C# for Windows. GUI is not a priority for now. We were looking for ways to abstract the business logic in a way that we dont have to repeat the bus...

Chrome not displaying Class set by jQuery or a Direct CSS property

This might seem like a bit of a design/css question but i really need some help. This is the page It works on every browsers imaginable except chrome. By it works i mean it applies a class .error that sets the borders to 1px solid #f00 which is a red border. In chrome for so...

Booking logic and architecture, database sync: Hotels, tennis courts reservation system ...

Hello Stackers, Imagine that you want to design a tennis booking system. You have 5 tennis clubs as partners with no online api allowing you to check on their side if a court is booked or not: You have to build this part as well. Every time a booking is done on their side you want it to be known by our system. Probably using a POST req...

What is the simplest, but solid, interface from WinForms to a SQL Server database?

Hi, If I wanted to have my data in SQL Server, but wanted to use a thick client WinForms application for users, what would be the best practice way to have calls occurring from WinForms to database? And how simple is this? I guess I'm trying to gauge to what extent there are issues with this approach and one needs to go for some (a) m...

Have 2 separate tables or an additional field in 1 table?

Hello, I am making a small personal application regarding my trade of shares of various companies. The actions can be selling shares of a company or buying. Therefore, the details to be saved in both cases would be: Number of Shares Average Price Would it be better to use separate tables for "buy" and "sell" or just use one table ...

How to use yahoo UI in my page.

I need to include any dll in my project?.Is that good to use in web page my page.. ...

Design question for windows application, best approach?

Hello, I am in the process of designing an application that will allow you to find pictures (screen shots) made from certain programs. I will provide the locations of a few of the program in the application itself to get the user started. I was wondering how I should go about adding new locations as the time goes on, my first thought w...

How to override embedded style in chrome?

Chrome appends an stylesheet and it make a lot of problems for me. for example this selector html>body, html>body * {background-color:#ffffff !important} is one oe the things I can't override in my own styles. Anyone has a solution for that? ...

Fitts Law, applying it to touch screens

Been reading a lot into UI design lately and Fitt's Law keeps popping up. Now from what I gather its basically the larger an item is, and the closer it is to your cursor, the easier it is to click on. So what about touch screen devices where the input comes from multiple touches or just single touches. What are the fundamentals to tak...

Choosing design method for ladder-like word game.

I'm trying to build a simple application, with the finished program looking like this : I will also have to implement two different GUI layouts for this. Now I'm trying to figure out the best method to perform this task. My professor told me to introduce Element class with 4 states : - empty - invisible (used in GridLayout) - first le...

Looking for help with a design for a simple C# calendar app.

As a personal project, I'm putting together a C# WPF calendar. I'm stuck on coding the calendar screen - specifically, the 5x7 grid of days. I've first tried to code it using elements like Panels, Labels, and Buttons. I've decided that was too cumbersome. I've then decided to use GDI to draw the calendar myself. I now have a wonderful...