
How can a WF4 Custom Activity determine that its in design mode v. executing mode

I have a WF4 custom activity with a custom designer (WPF). I would like to have slightly different behaviour in the CacheMetaData override depending on if the Activity is in Design or Execution mode. Edit: Reasons for requirement. We have validation that needs to look up the data from the web.config file (or one of its includes). At ru...

Efficient data structure for word lookup with wildcards

Hi there, I need to match a series of user inputed words against a large dictionary of words (to ensure the entered value exists). So if the user entered: "orange" it should match an entry "orange' in the dictionary. Now the catch is that the user can also enter a wildcard or series of wildcard characters like say "or__ge" which wo...

Best way to determine variable type and treat each one differently in F#

I have a function that will create a select where clause, but right now everything has to be a string. I would like to look at the variable passed in and determine what type it is and then treat it properly. For example, numeric values don't have single quotes around them, option type will either be null or have some value and boolean ...

Cocoa framework development: sharing between projects

I am currently developing a handful of similar Cocoa desktop apps. In an effort to share code between them, I have identified a set of core classes and functions that can be common across all of these applications. I would like to bundle this common code into a framework which all of my current applications (and any future ones) can link...

how to validate html code

i want to check the mistake of our html code. are you suggest me some method in firefox to improve mark up code and solve old code mistake. How to edit the html. who give me error list node by node like a ul is missing etc. ...

design question for transportation agency/workflow system

Hello everyone, I am designing a transportation agency/workflow system, and it including 3 types of people, customer who requests to transport some stuff, drivers who deliver the stuff, and truck manager who manages transport source/destination truck coordination and communicates/organizes drivers. The system is expected to be a web si...

How to set a value from another class

Its said that property should not be "Set" only (Code analysis rule CA1044 )and it should be "Get" as well. What should i do if I need to set value to a variable from some other class? The will keep changing so I cannot pass it through constructor. Shall I create a function for this as shown below? class A { public void SetValue(...

Is it bad OOP practice to have objects reference each other?

Pardon my noobness. I'm making a game in which several characters have relationships with each other and they need to be able to interact with each other and store some relationship data regarding how they feel about each other. I have an object for each character. Is it bad for each of those character objects to have an array of all ...

Protection of acces with Auto-Implemented Properties in C#

A simple example. A have a class TDMReader which is a buldier of TDMFile objects and I am using Auto Implemented Properties f.e. public string Name { get; set; } public Group[] Groups { get; set; } What I want to do is to make setter accessible only for TDMReader methods. In...

Forum achievements on a phpBB3 board?

I recently started a new community. The forum software is phpBB3, and so far so good. In an attempt to make my community more unique and interesting, I had to idea of having user achievements. Let me give you a quick run-down. Each user has achievements that they can earn (these will probably be across all users), for example an achieve...

Open source web design toolsets

I'm looking for recommendations on an open source toolset for WYSIWYG HTML/CSS design. What you have you found to be valuable in your work? ...

UISplitView show different views in the detail pane

How can I change the view in the Details pane of the UISplitView so that its a completely different view? Im having a fair amount of trouble understanding how its all wired up and where things should go at the moment, could someone please enlighten me? What I would love to be able to do is to show a specific view based on what the user...

Correct approach to validate attributes of an instance of class

Having a simple Python class like this: class Spam(object): __init__(self, description, value): self.description = description self.value = value Which is the correct approach to check these constraints: "description cannot be empty" "value must be greater than zero" Should i: 1. validate data before creating...

How can I share Configuration Settings across multiple projects in Visual Studio?

Ok I know this may be a design issue, so I would love to have remarks on that as well. I have a Visual Studio web application solution. I have three projects as UserInterface, BusinessLogic and DataAccess. I had to store some user defined settings and I created configSections in the config file. I access these configSections through ...

CRUD operations; do you notify whether the insert,update etc. went well ?

Hi guys. I have a simple question for you (i hope) :) I have pretty much always used void as a "return" type when doing CRUD operations on data. Eg. Consider this code: public void Insert(IAuctionItem item) { if (item == null) { AuctionLogger.LogException(new ArgumentNullException("item is null")); } _dataStore.D...

How should I provide access to this custom DAL?

I'm writing a custom DAL (VB.NET) for an ordering system project. I'd like to explain how it is coded now, and receive some alternate ideas to make coding against the DAL easier/more readable. The DAL is part of an n-tier (not n-layer) application, where each tier is in it's own assembly/DLL. The DAL consists of several classes that h...

What software design pattern is best for the following scenario (C#)

I have a gps device that records data e.g. datetime, latitude, longitude I have an sdk that reads the data from the device. The way the data is read: A command packet (basically a combination of int values in a struct) is sent to the device. The device responds with the data in fixed size chunks e.g. 64bytes Depending on the command i...

Horizontally align rows in multiple tables using web user control

I need to align rows in different tables that are layed out horizontally. I'd prefer to put the html code in a single web user control so I can create as many instances of that control as I want and lay them out horizontally. The problem is, the text in the rows needs to wrap. So some rows may expand vertically and some may not (see t...

Using an ORM with a database that has no defined relationships?

Consider a database(MSSQL 2005) that consists of 100+ tables which have primary keys defined to a certain degree. There are 'relationships' between tables, however these are not enforced with foreign key constraints. Consider the following simplified example of typical types of tables I am dealing with. The are clear relations between t...

What information do you capture when your software crashes in the field?

I am working on rewriting my unexpected error handling process, and I would like to ask the community: What information do you capture both automatic, and manually, when software you have written crashes? Right now, I capture a few items, some of which are: Automatic: Name of app that crashed Version of app that crashed Stack trace...