
Is there a standard SQL Table design for overriding 'big picture' default values with lower level details?

Here's an example. Suppose we are trying to calculate a service charge. Say sales in the USA attract a 10 dollar charge, sales in the UK attract a 20 dollar charge So far it's easy - we are starting to imagine a table that lists charges by country. Now lets assume that Alaska and Hawaii are treated as special cases they are both 15 d...

What are the top websites to learn good (and new) design and coding practices for web developers? (HTML, CSS2, CSS3, Javascript, etc.)

Right now, the pages that I visit everyday are: Ajaxian CSS Tricks Cats Who Code Smashing Magazine Which ones do you visit? ...

Android Service Multiple Thread Design

Hello, A new question about android and services. Currently I'm developing a App that should send images to a server. It should also be possible to send more images parallel. I made a service that creates for every image a new image. The activity can bind to that service and gather information about the progress. I want to show the cu...

What's the simplest way to make a scrollable list of controls with labels?

Using C++/CLI and Windows Forms, I'm trying to make a simple scrollable list of labelled text controls as a way of displaying some data fields. I'm having trouble making a TableLayoutPanel scrollable - every combination of properties I've tried seems to result in some really peculiar side effects. So I have two questions: Is this the ...

Mindmapping as a Documentation Tool

My team has recently begun using XMind to organize development projects. It seems to be a pretty powerful brainstorming software. I'm just wondering if other developers have employed similar techniques to aid in documenting software design. ...

WPF: Sort of inconsistence in the visual appearence of WPF controls derived by Selector class

Hello, focused items == selected items but selected items != focused items. Have you ever wondered about that? Do you specially style the backcolor of a focused/selected item ? I ask this question because a user has an enabled button because some customer items are selected. The user is wondering now "why the heck can I delete this ...

Handling Session ID with Spring

Hi, I'm trying to build a Spring server for GWT (you can think of it as of Javascript AJAX client). But I can't decide on one point of architecture. How should session be created and used? The obvious easiest way - is to use HTTP sessions (cookies and stuff). Looks fine, but I think that sending session ID separate from the headers wou...

How to validate an optional empty textbox, Is the data valid or not - its optional... -

Today I asked myself how can I handle user input if the user have not to enter it... A firstname and lastname is all he must enter. The adress he needs not to fill out. Now I have to decide, is the missing data a user mistake or didn`t the user want to enter data? How can I deal with such a scenario? ...

User account design and security...

Before I begin, I am using Ruby on Rails and the Devise gem for user authentication. Hi, I was doing some research about account security and I found a blog post about the topic awhile ago but I can no longer find it again. I read something about when making a login system you should have 1 model for User, this contains a user's usernam...

UML - Object Method Returns a Collection

How can I indicate that a method will return a collection of objects in UML? Is there a better way to explain the relationship than to have a collection class as a return type? ...

Designing software interface for various screen sizes

Hi, Nowadays we have screens like 1920x1200 and 1680x1050 in popular use and some even use 2560x1600 resolution while some older systems still rely on a 800x600 resolution. I am writing a software that looks good on a 1680x1050, but too small on a 1920x1200 and too large on a 1024x768. Do you have suggestions how to go for designing an ...

Unexpected space between DIV elements

my code for the php page displaying the divs <?php session_start(); require_once("classlib/mainspace.php"); if (isset($_SESSION['username'])==FALSE) { header("location:login.php"); } $user = new User($_SESSION['username']); ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

Android: ListActivity design - changing the content of the List Adapter

Hi, I would like to write a rather simple content application which displays a list of textual items (along with a small pic). I have a standard menu in which each menu item represents a different category of textual items (news, sports, leisure etc.). Pressing a menu item will display a list of textual items of this category. Now, h...

How to apply Abstract Factory Pattern?

I am new to design patterns and I have a scenario here. I am not sure as how to implement the pattern. We have multiple vendors Philips, Onida, etc. Each vendor (philips, onida, etc) may have different types of product i.e. Plasma or Normal TV. I want specific product of each vendor using Abstract Factory Pattern. My implementation ...

Multiple Rails forks with separate designs and layouts

I have a Rails project that is basically a simple web app for a membership-based organization. We've open sourced the code on Github for the web app so that others can use it, but have a licensed design/layout that the original organization is going to use. This layout cannot be open sourced. I was wondering if others have run into the s...

What is digital signage theme?

hi all, Client is saying that For design he need digital signage theme. I dont know what is it. Can anyone explain it? ...

Concurency problem with Isolation - read-committed

I have to write a simple demo for amount withdrawl from a joint Bank amount .Andy and Jen holds a joint bank account with number 123 . Suppose they have 100$ in their account .Jen and Andy are operating their account at the same time and both are trying to withdraw 90$ at the time being .My transaction Isolation is set to read-committed...

Is Abstract Factory Pattern implemented correctly for given scenario.... ???

First thing... I am novice to pattern world, so correct me if wrong anywhere Scenario: There are multiple companies providing multiple products of diff size so there are 3 entities i.e. Companies, Their Product and size of product I have implement Abstract Pattern on this i.e. so that I will create instance of IProductFactory interfac...

PHP Design Pattern Advise

Hi there, I have two years worth of PHP experience however I have never worked with design patterns. I have recently been given a task at work that has made me question the wisdom of that decision. I have been asked to create a system that: Insert orders into a database. These orders can have a multitude of attributes and control l...

How to construct objects based on XML code?

I have XML files that are representation of a portion of HTML code. Those XML files also have widget declarations. Example XML file: <message id="msg"> <p> <Widget name="foo" type="SomeComplexWidget" attribute="value"> inner text here, sets another attribute or inserts another widget to the tree if needed... ...