
Good/Cool implementations of Google Maps?

Hiya All, We currently use Google Maps to place points of partners we work with on a certain projects, we have a large number of "pins" across the globe. But what we would like to do is completely redesign it from the generic google maps map and pins to maybe something more adventurous or "cooler". We're looking for inspiration for th...

Should I expose a nullable or a HasFoo field?

I'm reading some data from an XML format and putting it in my classes and am just wondering what the best practice is regarding fields that can be empty and, if they are empty, have a default value. Values that haven't been supplied don't need to be written back to the file. I was thinking of using nullable types, however, what's the be...

cross browsers css

jquery is cross browser , so it abstract javascript. is there any library for css that cross browser, so if i write for firefox, it will show nicely on any other browser, even older version of ie5,6 ? ...

SVN Database Design

Hi all, I'm looking for the database Design ( Relational - Model ) used by Subversion. I'm working in a project that should be able to merge, version and any other similar subversion operations. Does anyone know any site that describes the Subversion tables ? Thanks in advance ! ...

What is the best way to insert many checkbox inputs into database?

Greetings, I have a form which it has almost 150 checkbox, but they are not in one place, the form is divided into divisions and each division has blocks, the checkboxes are put in these blocks depending on their group where you can find four checkbox in this place and eight in other and 30 in some other and so go on. So I made a two t...

Writing multi server code

I've been wondering for a while; how does websites like facebook code to be able to have multiple servers? How can the code take in account that several servers will be running the same code and gain from adding more? Or does the webserver perhaps deal with this regardless of the code? ...

Android singleTask or singleInstance launch mode?

I have an app that has a list as its main activity and then you can click items which opens a detailed view of that item. I also have a search activity that is similar to the main activity and works as intended. However I want this search activity to only have once instance on the stack so that users can search multiple times and clicki...

How To Style Each WordPress Category Page Differently?

I am redesigning a blog, but they want me to style all category pages very differently. Layout and Colors. Further on they want me to design different post pages differently as well. For eg: they have a videos category, and on a video post they don't want the sidebar and want to center the video like theater mode. Is that level of custom...

ASP.NET Webapplication design with "Subwebs"

Can anybody give me hints and help how a large ASP.NET webapplication can be structured / designed with "subwebs" !? In other words I want to structure a large web-application where I have a solution with more web-application projects. These projects are more or less independent "modules". One project should be a kind of frame applicatio...

Time delays and Model View Controller

I am implementing a turn based game, there are two sides and each side has several units, at each specific moment only one unit can move across the board. Since only one unit can move at a time, after i figure out where it should go, as far as the simulation is concerned it Can instantly be teleported there, but playing the game you wou...

Is non-programmatic software development feasible?

I'm currently faced with a very unusual design problem, and hope that a developer wiser than myself might be able to offer some insight. Background Without being too specific, I've been hired by a non-profit organisation to assist with the redevelopment of their legacy, but very valuable (in terms of social value) software. The develop...

Design breakout in sliding panel

Hi all :) Please have a look at here: Click on the login/register button, a panel will slide down, showing a login and register form. The design holds in firefox and safari but not in IE. In IE there is a huge gap between the forms. When i use the developer tool in IE i see that the form is not enclosing the d...

C++ inheritance/template question

I have two classes, point and pixel: class point { public: point(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) { }; private: int x, y; } template <class T> class pixel : public point { public: pixel(int x, int y, T val) : point(x, y), val(val) { }; private: T val; } Now here's my problem. I want to make ...

Addressing multiple access conditions for a menu?

I'm in the middle of implementing permissions on a multi-level tabbed/dropdown menu navigation setup. Is there a better method to implementing permissions compared to wrapping each menu item in an if statement? User permissions are stored in a table and pulled in to an array, there are 10 menu items and each menu item has numerous sub-m...

Ruby (Rails) #inject on hashes - good style?

Inside the Rails code, people tend to use the Enumerable#inject method to create hashes, like this: somme_enum.inject({}) do |hash, element| hash[] = hash end While this appears to have become a common idiom, does anyone see an advantage over the "naive" version, which would go like: hash = {} some_enum.ea...

What is the most inuitive way to ask for objects in pairs?

So I have to design a class that works on a collection of paired objects. There is a one-to-one mapping between objects. I expect the client of the class to have established this mapping before using my class. My question is what is the best way to allow the user of my class to give me that information? Is it to ask for a collection of...

C# Language Design: method group inside `is` operator

I'm interesting in some design choices of C# language. There is a rule in C# spec that allows to use method groups as the expressions of is operator: class Foo { static void Main() { if (Main is Foo) Main(); } } Condition above is always false, as the specification says: 7.10.10 The is operator • If E is a method group or ...

what's design pattern principle in the Android development?

I was a JaveEE developer. Recently I joined an Android development team. The structure of Android confused me. The MVC design pattern seems not suit for Android development. So what's is the design pattern principle for Android development? I means is there any hint about how to write a clean, easy reading and effective Android code. ...

Game GUI design for building new units

I'm developing a multiplayer strategy wargame based on a hexagonal grid, and trying to make the user interface as intuitive and simple as possible. The basic interaction is "select unit then select action by clicking on a target". For example, when you click on a unit all the potential actions for the unit are highlighted. This is conte...

Reentrant library design in C

Let's say I'm building a library to spork quuxes in C. Quuxes need two state variables to be sporked successfully: static int quux_state; static char* quux_address; /* function to spork quuxes found in a file, reads a line from the file each time it's called. */ void spork_quux(FILE*); If I store that data as global variables, o...