
Silverlight Listbox design- change backgroundcolor of alternate row

Hello ppl, how to change listbox to set background color of alternate row diff... e.g. Listbox having 6 rows 1st,3rd,5th row having "blue" background and 2nd, 4th, 6th row having "white" background. ...

How to design a website for mobile phone users?

How can i start the development of a site that can be browse from mobile phones? For example, if i browse my website site from a browser it looks fine which is known by everyone... I am extending my website to browse through nokia mobile phones.. Where should i start? How to write css or should i recreate a new w...

page curl effect

currently i am working on a website and the client requires page curl effect in the top right corner of the page.What will be the best resource for this effect? ...

Is it breaking Facade design pattern

In HomeCADEngine facade class I have a method "addRoom(room:Room)" and it will add this room to a ArrayList. But is it break facade pattern when we create a room outside facade class and then pass it into addRom() method?? Many thanks ...

What's behind the FXCop rule CA1061 "Do not hide base class methods"?

Why is the FxCop rule CA1061 a bad idea? The docs state that this rule should not be suppressed. If I have class like so: public class Set<T> { List<T> m_backingList; public bool Contains(T value) { return m_backingList.Contains(value); } } then I add a specific implementation like this: public class C...

Want to learn Advance Concepts of CSS

Possible Duplicate: Learning advanced CSS Hi Guys I want to learn advanced concepts of CSS Is there any site where I can download the Advance Concepts of CSS and Download PDF Please suggest me....... Thanks ...

Creating multi-field in-place editor with JavaScript/JQuery

I am looking for a way to create an in-place editor in JavaScript like JEditable or similar plugins. However, the difference is that my editor would be a multi-field form rather than single field. Since the same form will be used in different parts, i.e. editing existing items and creating new items, I would like to be able to specify t...

WPF - Where to put DAL in 3-tier architecture design with MVVM?

I'm fairly new to the whole n-tier architecture thing, and I had some questions about using MVVM with a 3-tier application. From my understanding, we have: The View, or UI layer, which is the xaml file The Model, which is a custom class containing properties and methods that "models" the data object The ViewModel, which is the "adapte...

ASP.NET MVC Updatable List View

I can't find anyone doing this, and I'm trying to get my head around the best way to tackle this issue. I'd like to take the standard "List View" view in an ASP.NET MVC application, and convert all of the "Labels" to "TextBoxes" and then save any changes made to each record. The end result would function very similar to the List View i...

When should extension methods be avoided?

Before you start pointing me to duplicates just know that I have read nearly all the posts on SO about extension methods. I am just trying to play devil's advocate for a minute to consider the alternative to my working opinion. Recently I was working on a project and a need came up for a method to be a base of an interface. So I suggest...

Logging Error Code Design, Input needed

So, I'm stuck on a little problem. I was curious if anyone had some extra input they might be willing to give on this design. I have an ILog interface which has two methods exposed for the Error Code logging part of the design. FlagError and GetErrorCode; FlagError sets a bit on an integer, each bit representing that a certain error was...

Config files vs database tables

The scenario I am particularly interested is multiple servers having daemons that run on certain configuration parameters. (since, this is a learning exercise. i welcome any thought beyond this particular case) The question is, where should the configuration parameters sit. A. a central database table B. a config file pushed to each o...

What is the difference between GUI and UI?

What is the difference between GUI = Graphical User Interface and UI = User Interface? ...

WebSite Navigation design

Hi all, I'm designing a blog site and is confused about position of navigation pane on my site. Please suggest wheather I should go with design having navigation panel on top of page, on left sidebar or on right sidebar? Which one is preferred? Can you give some examples supporting your answers? ...

What is the best way to optimize schema for capturing attendance data

We have a sports training camp which is regularly attended by various teams in the city. We have a session per day spanning 2 hrs(9-11 AM) and the time slots could vary for different teams. We would like to capture who attended the training camp on a daily basis. We arrived at the following model to capture attendance. (id, user_id, dat...

What should be the best Exception Handling Strategy

Hi, I am working on application where user invokes a method from UI , on this I am calling a method from business class which calls another methods UI--> Method1 -->Method2 --> Method3 I want to display the error message to user if any exception occurs in any of the method. Shall I go with throwing the exception directly to the calle...

Design pattern for shared error handling code

I'm looking for some thoughts/opinions on architecture for a layer of code that invokes methods in an API. In my case, the calling code is C#/.NET and the API is part of an unmanaged legacy DLL. But the same question could apply in many different languages/environments. I'm basically writing a managed wrapper around an unmanaged API. ...

Should you always Code To Interfaces In Java

I understand the principles of Coding to Interfaces - to decouple the implementation from the interface, and to allow implementations of the interface to be swapped in and out. Should I code to interfaces for every class I write or is that overkill? I don't want to double the number of source files in a project unless it's really worth...

When is it good to expose a third party library as part of your API ?

I have my thoughts about this matter but it seems that a lot of libraries and products let third party libs bleed into the API. Logging is a perfect example of this. Nearly everything exposes the need for you to configure that logging API rather than using a provider interface that you can implement and give to the lib. Is aiming to wra...

How to avoid cyclic dependencies between documents in CouchDB

I'm interesting in modeling relations between documents in CouchDB. Let say that i have three documents A,B and C. These documents may refer to each other, but there is an application constraint that cyclic dependency must not occur. Lets take a example (-> is a marker for dependency): A -> B C Two clients (C1, C2) try concurrent mo...