
JSF vs HTML(JSP) for enterprise portals UI layer. Which one to Choose? and WHY?

Hi, Recently my company has decided to rebuild an enterprise portal, which will be used by people across the globe to resister there product for extended warranty. They have come up with J2EE ( spring MVC ) and Oracle as technology stack for the Business layer, and have decided to use JSF (java server faces) to design the front-end st...

Name for a bitmask with 1-bit set

In C and embedded, one frequently uses enumerated constants where every value is a bit mask with exactly 1-bit set. (e.g. 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, etc.) Is there a standard name for this type of bitmask? I've seen them referred to as flags, but more in passing than as a standard definition. I know it sounds snobbish, but "flags" doesn't r...

Thread-per-character vs Thread-per-map design

I want opnion about multithreading design in java. Between thread-per-character and thread-per-map/zone. Which is more advantage (or other way) and game server can handles 3000+ players. ...

Why are TreePath constructed by Object[] instead of TreeNode[]?

From the Java API, it seems that nodes of a JTree are instances of TreeNode. In addition, all TreePaths returned seems to be instances of TreeNode. So, why are TreePaths represented by Object[] instead of TreeNode[]? This give raise to inconvenience when using these classes. Thanks. ...

Tutorials with CSS/HTML code along with design?

I'm a backend programmer and I'm finding it very difficult to understand CSS/HTML design/layout. Are there tutorials where they display various designs/layouts and show the CSS/HTML code? A lot of programmers just google and copy code anyway, so it would be a time saver if there are sites that give me the code right away. ...

How to find out if the internet connection is not available from your web app

How to find out if the internet connection is not available from your j2ee web app, since some portions of our UI will not work properly if an internet connection is not available. So instead of failing with a bad exception, I would like to fail gracefully. ...

iphone application design

What would I put into my root controller in an application that will have multiple tabs, where is tab is a navigation controller? Do I create derived classes of the navigation controller, where each one manages its own view controllers and the root manages the tabbar and list of navigation controllers? ...

How to: SQL or NOSQL?

I haven't been confronted with this yet, but this is what i think (very superficial and simplistic imho) If you have a key value kind of storage and all you accesses are key lookups use the NOSQL solutions. If you want lookups based on values (and subvalues) or have something more complicated like joins you would go for a relational sol...

What technology/platform to use for an extendable factory of objects?

We're starting to work with a new project and seeking an advice on what technology/platform to use for it. This system is going to be an aggregator of "objects" written in different languages and on different platforms (C++, Java, PHP, Python, whatever). These objects will have to communicate with each other through a centralized object ...

Tree View of a Data Grid

I am trying to implement some tree like that in ASP.NET: However, this is a TreeView component in the Navigation Tab. I want a DataGrid in a tree view which isn't navigation. Is there a ready FREE component out there?? If not, what is the right component to start with to build such a tree component??? I'm not in a hurry, it will be be...

Application design guidelines/practices to support app health monitoring

Hi, Can anyone point me to some application design guidelines for supporting app health monitoring? Platform windows, apps include: window services and winforms. I've searched for this topic and found references to apps but not alot about how to design/implement an app to support health monitoring. Thanx John A ...

LINQ to SQL using dynamic tables

I am developing application VS 2008, .NET 3.5 and I am trying to use LINQ To SQL. I drag & drop tables on the designer to generate the .dbml file. The problem I have that I have some dynamic tables for search indexing. I know the structure of table, only the application creates new tables like this: Files_1_1, Files_1_2, ... Files_m_...

Offline / Online Data Synchronization Design (Javascript)

Hi All, I'm currently in the process of writing an offline webapp using all the html5 goodies for offline support. However I'm starting now to think about writing the sync module that will ensure that any offline data gets sent to the server and server data back to the client. Now I'm sure this has been done before, I mean its a prett...

how to design a website?

im not good with designing. i wonder how i should design a website after the html layout has been set and the backend logic is there. how to do with the design? i cant image how long time it would take to test every detail with css mix-and-match (the size, the font, the colors, the background etc) how do you guys do? download free c...

How would you use Aero glass in UI design

I have a number of utilities that were written in the days of yore and look very dated. So I recently set out to make them use Windows themes and wanted to incorporate some Aero glass effects. Thing is, I'm not quite sure what the appropriate use is. IE7 and now Firefox 4 glass the top part of the window including the toolbar, but that ...

Initialization of object static members

Static members confuse me sometimes. I understand how to initialize a simple built in type such as int with something along the lines of int myClass::statVar = 10;, which you place in a .cpp file, but I have something of the following sort: class myClass { public: // Some methods... protected: static RandomGenerator itsGenerator; } ...

Heuristics for finding class invariants.

Hello everybody! Is there any heuristics for finding class invariants, I mean pay attantion on ...; never rely on ...; Maybe there is common advices. Any links on paper where studing real-life examples will be welcome. ...

How to translate transaction dependant code into non transaction dependant code?

I've heard a couple months ago that Amazon was inclined to change all of its transactional shipping code (which also has another problem, they are distributed aka "sharded") into non transactional code. some_buy_method() check_item_stock() remove_item_from_stock() add_to_order() end ...

Aspect Oriented Development/Programming resource

Recently, I've had a request to implement logging for all of the Controller classes in my ASP.NET project. I've used postsharp and everything is working great! But, usual question: is there any OpenSource component or any pattern? Also, I want to know more about AOP design patterns, resources and real-world application. ...

Best way to implement Stackoverflow-style reputation

I'm implementing a Stackoverflow-like reputation system on my rap lyrics explanation site, Rap Genius: Good explanation: +10 Bad explanation: -1 Have the most explanations on a song: +30 My question is how to implement this. Specifically, I'm trying to decide whether I should create a table of reputation_events to aid in reputation r...