
"Sketch" mockup tool that supports hyperlinking?

Balsamiq Mockup is nice, but I'd like something similar that could produce something that I could distribute to clients that would allow them to click on elements and move between the mockups. Not looking for any fancy navigation - just the ability to move from on screen to the other based on what it click - like "hyperlinked regions". ...

SQL Reporting Services - Disaplying Left to right, up and down

Is there a way in SQL Reporting 2005 to display data in a column that prints left to right then up and down? Example: Column 1 Column 2 Adam Bob Carl Dick Eric Fred Instead of the current way which is: Column 1 Column 2 Adam Dick Bob Erick Carl ...

Database Internals - Where to Begin?

So lets say that you want to learn some stuff about database internals. What's the best source code to look at? the best books to buy? I was talking about this with a buddy the other day and he recommended: Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching What other books would help me learn about all the File IO and memory...

Should I create a separate application for my Website Admins?

IS it best to configure permissions within a website for Administration access, separate webPages, or a completely separate application to administer changes on the site? ...

How to Store Video in a Video Web Application

What is the best way to store lots of video in a web application? Hardware, Database, etc. If you were building a YouTube clone, how would you do it? ...

Edited properties who can't be set to true/false equally

It's hard to explain my problem so give me a break if it's not very clear. I have some ten properties that can be edited in the view. Most of them are booleans. These properties configure a test environment (like one property can be configured to show the solution). Now, the problem is that some properties can't be set to true if other...

how can i build rule engine which can execute user defined if else rules in

hi I have requirement to build new rule engine in which i have rule like this which is stored in Excel sheet, in tabular format. <If> "Name = Nita " <Value> "200" <else> "Name = Gita" <value> "300" <LookInto> "/Name/@Income" I have two files say 1 n 2. i need to see in first file that whether Name is Nita or Gita. Based on executio...

"Conditional Conditions" in a WHERE clause (Which condition to apply depends on a "mode" flag)

I have a situation which I have solved in two different ways, but was wondering what people thought about the options, and if they have any other alternatives... The system is processing "intervals" of data. All the data is allocated to an "interval" The interval is represented by an "interval_start" DATETIME in the Fact table A...

What's the proper "C++ way" to do global variables?

I have a main application class, which contains a logger, plus some general app configurations, etc. Now I will display a lot of GUI windows and so on (that will use the logger and configs), and I don't want to pass the logger and configurations to every single constructor. I have seen some variants, like declaring the main class ext...

How do XBox game updates work?

You have a static medium, a cd, so you can't change any files on it. So how do the updates work? I understand there is come code that runs and checks if the version isn't correct, and then downloads a patch if needed, but how does that path get integrated into the game? Is there a bit of "update checking" that checks for patch files and...

Where does this method belong?

Let's say I have a model Address which get entered from UI. I have to validate that the address never gets saved into a system in an incomplete state (whatever that might mean to the business). When the user enters an address in the UI, it gets serialized into an Address object. So I was wondering: where does a method like "isComplete" ...

What should be the default version if I have many versions for a REST api ?

I have a REST api that will accept a version via a custom HTTP header or a request parameter. I'm doing this because I don't want the URI to contain the version like .e.g http://server/api/v1/... Now in my design, the HTTP header has a higher priority than the request param. What happens then if the user does not supply any ...

3-Tier .NET applications resources

Hi, A friend of mine doesn't have much experience on 3-Tier applications design and development and he would like to broaden his knowledge on this subject. Can you point me to good online resources or books on it? It would be great if they started from the principles. I was thinking of this tutorial as a good starting point. What resou...

Is UML the correct language for making software blueprints?

I was having a conversation last week with a coworker about architecture (real architecture, as in designing buildings). During our talk it came up that architectural blueprints give an architect, civil engineer, and contractor all the detail they need to build something. It got both of us thinking about the state of software engineeri...

proper usage of synchronized singleton?

So I am thinking about building a hobby project, one off kind of thing, just to brush up on my programming/design. It's basically a multi threaded web spider, updating the same data structure object->int. So it is definitely overkill to use a database for this, and the only thing I could think of is a thread-safe singleton used to con...

Code smell or not ? Validators and models share same kind of hiereachy

We use spring validation to validate our models before stuffing them into the database . So for example an Order --> OrderItem before saving the order to the database it is validated by OrderValidator OrderValidator validates order delegates to OrderItemValidator for validating OrderItem with the Order. So the hierarchy or valid...

Implement reputation system at DB level?

I'm trying to design/implement a reputation system for a website i'm coding with ASP MVC + entity framework and was wondering if it would be a good idea to write all the logic for the reputation system into StoredProcs insted of doing coding it into the application model. Personally i try to avoid using stored procedures as much as i c...

Hierarchy Visual Design

Hello, I have a hierarchy of categories, where a category can have a single parent (and you can have multiple levels of children.) I'm investigating ways to display this information to the user and it seems like a basic vanilla tree layout is the most intuitive way to go. But I'm wondering if anyone can suggest other approaches. The r...

Two tier application later modifiable to three tier application

We are considering a two tier application. However later we may want to convert that to three tier application. Is there any design pattern/framework/technology helpful in that? The main reasons for considering two tier are: 1) Single low end desktop machine is available for running the application. 2) Only single user currently. 3) A...

TDD-friendly Singleton-like class

I have repository class that is used by at least 2 other classes. This repository class needs to be initialized - which is high in cost (querying database). Now, I create separate instances of repository wherever I need it. The thing is, that everytime I create repository it has to be initialized. How to design such repository to be TDD-...