
how to best design a wrapper for an access database using c# 3.0?

hi guys, i have only very limited exposure with .net 1.1 and a bit of 2.0, so i'm actually pretty excited and confused with the many changes that they have in .net 3.5. so i have this access database but we don't want the other programs from calling into this database directly. so i'm writing a wrapper exe which will contains functions w...

Hibernate DAO

Can anyone suggest me a DAO implementation for a web application? What will be the problem if I create a transaction for fundamental operation (e.g. findByID(), findALL(), creatObject(), deleteObject(), etc.)? Please suggest me a DAO implementation that supports lazy operations. ...

Database design: Splitting a blog entry into multiple pages

What is the best database strategy for paginating a blog entry or page content where some entries may be a single page and some may span multiple pages? Note: The content would be article-like rather than a list of items. The method that I'm currently considering is storing all of the content in a single text field and using a page sepa...

How to deal with requests for ridiculous functionality in your software?

Of course, most of the time this type of request comes from management that neither has a clue about what the users really want, nor does [s]he have a clue about the technical aspects of building a specific software project or software in general. See Dilbert's Pointy-Haired Boss for more detail. However, that's just one aspect. What ab...

Thread Modelling

In my university days I came across a Java app in one of my courses. You basically modeled your threads (any actions they perform etc.) in a simple language. It would draw a diagram and identify and issues with your threading. Does anyone know what this app is called? I have tried for the last 30 mins on Google but can't find anything. ...

bad design? a class that can cause an error in a package

Suppose I create a some client code consisting of a couple of classes. A user is able to create a class/object that causes an exception to be thrown. Is this bad design? Should your ideal code be such that it is impossible for someone to cause an exception? ...

constructor methods in interfaces

Are constructor methods in interfaces bad? ...

How can I write DAOs for resources with extensible properties?

I'm trying to write an embedded (NOT web, not enterprise) content management system in Java, with a focus on organization and ease of use and scalability to 100,000 or so items. The user & system should be able to create and define metadata items which can be associated with unique resources, to allow for searching. For example, they c...

Interface + Extension (mixin) vs Base Class

Is an interface + extension methods (mixin) preferable to an abstract class? If your answer is "it depends", what does it depend upon? I see two possible advantages to the interface + extension approach. Interfaces are multiply inheritable and classes are not. You can use extension methods to extend interfaces in a non-breaking way. ...

What's an example of a well designed network server?

I'm interested in looking at architectures for extensible network serving applications. I'm not too interested in the protocol, or the language used, more in the elegance and extensibility of the design. Of course Apache comes to mind, but I was wondering if anyone had any other examples that they find a pleasure to work with. EDIT: j...

How to design an email system?

I am working for a company that provides customer support to its clients. I am trying to design a system that would send emails automatically to clients when some event occurs. The system would consist of a backend part and a web interface part. The backend will handle the communication with a web interface (which will be only for intern...

Is this a good way to factor DragDrop logic out of a control?

I was recently adding some drag/drop functionality to a usercontrol that I'm creating, and I decided that it made sense to factor the specifics of drag/drop out for subsequent testing, etc. The core logic is in DragOnMouseMove<TInput>(). (Formatting trimmed for brevity) internal class DragState { private static readonly Size deadZ...

Website administration - Integrated into main website or separate section?

From a usability perspective, is it better to integrate admin section on the main website or have a separate section to manage content? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. EDIT: the application is a CMS for very non-techno friendly staff. ...

Graphic Compatibility with Microsoft .NET

I have created a small application using Microsoft .NET. I don't have problems with MS .NET versions, the problem is with the 2.0 version itself. It's a graphic problem. The application doesn't show the same user interface on two different Windows XP. One with a classic style and the other is XP style. Also this doesn't show the same un...

Sync Content on Multiple Servers

We have a site which sits on two load balanced application servers (Win 2K3) which comprises a C#/ASP.NET app and a bunch of static content which changes on a daily basis. My question is, what's the best way to keep the static content in sync. In Win2K8 we'd be able to point both servers at a shared directory but not in Win2K3. Ther...

Primitive vs Abstraction when designing library API

In this video after approx 35 minutes Krzysztof Cwalina (Micrsoft's .NET Framework Program Manager) talks about distinguishing library, abstraction and primitive types in their design process. Examples of each: Library types are at top layer: Diagnostic.Debug, EventLog Primitive types are at bottom, have minimal interface and suppose...

Returning an object vs returning a tuple

I am developing in python a file class that can read and write a file, containing a list of xyz coordinates. In my program, I already have a Coord3D class to hold xyz coordinates. My question is relative to the design of a getCoordinate(index) method. Should I return a tuple of floats, or a Coord3D object? In the first case, I get ver...

Company & Contacts Object Design Help

I am hoping that someone (or some people) could help us with a problem that we have wrangled with for a few days. How to organize our business objects given the attached diagram? We are looking for any assistance (ideas about where to or how to search for the design pattern(s)/object model(s) we could use in order to solve this probl...

Designing Javascript validation methods

When doing validation in JavaScript, how do I keep validation methods that need to handle a bunch of contingencies from becoming unruly? For example, I have a form with a field that has validation that checks: is the new value a number? Is the value in another field on the form > 0 when the current field > 0 Is another field on the fo...

Word for "settings"

Context (example): In windows explorer in "Folder Options" there is a section called "Advanced Settings" where "settings" is a set of pairs (name : value), e.g. "Do not cache thumbnails" : On "Hidden files and folders" : "Do not show hidden files and folders" What is a correct name for each of those pairs? Is it "setting"? Questi...