
Changing web.config file based on an Environment Variable in ASP.NET

I need to change my connection string in the web.config file based on an environment variable (for different enviornments, like dev/staging/production, etc). I have seen other solutions that use build tasks to accomplish changing different configurations, but haven't been able to find something that will let me change my connection stri...

Ctrl+Tab in Visual Studio 2008

My Question: Is there a way to set up Visual Studio to use the Style of Ctrl+Tabbing so that it doesn't remember the order of tabs and just goes to the next tab or previous tab depending on the usage of the "Shift" key? Maybe a registry setting (I think that there was something for this in TweakUI for Windows XP)? or a program setti...

Linux development environment for a small team

Hi, Approach (A) From my experience I saw that for a small team there's a dedicated server with all development tools (e.g. compiler, debugger, editor etc.) installed on it. Testing is done on dedicated per developer machine. Approach (B) On my new place there's team utilizing a different approach. Each developer has a dedicated PC w...

How to maintain multiple code development paths?

I'm working on an ASP.NET app that uses VSS for source control. WE have a PROD server and TEST server. As things get built, they're published to the TEST server for user testing. Once accepted, they're moved to the PROD server. I need to work on some new functionality in a sandbox without affecting the existing build in TEST. I don't wa...

C++ IDE on Linux

Hi, We trying to choose an IDE for C++ development on Linux. The proposed options are KDevelop and Eclipse. Eclipse is highly customizable, but Java centric and heavy. KDevelop is bounded to particular KDE (I believe because KDE API) and can not be replaced if required. What you use and why? Thanks Dima ...

Header files dependencies between C++ modules

Hi, In my place we have a big C++ code base and I think there's a problem how header files are used. There're many Visual Studio project, but the problem is in concept and is not related to VS. Each project is a module, performing particular functionality. Each project/module is compiled to library or binary. Each project has a directo...

How do I get Rails to stop re-loading my gems?

I have a gem: # in /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/my_gem-1.0.0/lib/my_gem.rb module MyGem def do_stuff .. end end And I loaded it in Rails: # in [rails_root]/config/environment.rb: config.gem 'my_gem', :version => '1.0.0' And used it: # in [rails_root]/app/controllers/application_controller.rb class ApplicationController < Ac...

Python OS X 10.5 development environment

Hi, I would like to try out the Google App Engine Python environment, which the docs say runs 2.5.2. As I use OS X Leopard, I have Python 2.5.1 installed, but would like the latest 2.5.x version installed (not 2.6 or 3.0). It seems the latest version is 2.5.4 So, I went to here: and sto...

What is the Best Windows Development OS

I am building a DEV image and am currently planning to use Windows XP Pro x64 as my O/S. Is there any reason to use a Server O/S as a development operating system or is XP the best choice right now? ...

Is SQL Server 2005 Express good enough for development

At the company i develop, developers typically run databases on their laptops. We also have an instance of a SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000 servers running as virtual machines, under an MSDN license. I am not a MSDN guru and not really familiar with the ins-and-outs of MSDN, so the my questions are as follows. Would each develope... mvc template missing

I installed mvc and then followed it up by installation of visual studio 2008 express. When I do new project I dont see mvc template to choose from. How do i add the mvc template for visual studio to know where it is? ...

Setting up a sandbox dev environment for Sharepoint

I am planning to get Sharepoint (MOSS) setup on my home development workstation and one of the things I read about using virtualisation (I currently have Vista, need Windows Server) is that you can install VMs with different OS's (eg Vista, Server) or you can run one OS with the ability to do development on Sharepoint/MS CRM etc which is...

The context menu does not work in Visual Studio 2005 (win7)

When I select a class, variable etc that should have a context menu in vs2005 and right click on it does not open up the context menu. I can use the context menu key on the keyboard to activate the menu but not the mouse. If I right click on any white area a context menu will show, but that does not make any sense for me i.e. there is n...

What are good environments for running high-memory-consuming (Python/Perl) scripts?

I'm looking for suggestions on new development system from some programmers that have more experience, but let me give some background on why. We need a new development server for running scripts on large feeds Speed is not a concern, it just needs to finish The scripts are not ran often, and are typically coded very quickly (not o...

Which Operating System is the best for PHP development or Development in General?

Which Operating System is the best for PHP development or Development in General? 1) Linux Mint? 2) Ubuntu? 3) Windows 7? 4) OS? ...

Acessing other webapps while one is in document root

I have a Zend Framework project on a local machine, and as recommended its /public subfolder is made a DocumentRoot in httpd.conf. So I access this app simply with http://localhost. This new requirement makes me unable to access other web apps in a former webserver root (which contains a few regular php apps and a couple of zend framewo...

[KDE4] How did you setup your dev-env / desktop on a very large screen?

This question is specific to KDE4 if you are using a different Desktop/OS then please open another thread. -- Hi there, for a day now I have been using a 24" 1920x1200px monitor. And it's awful! Maximizing windows (horizontally) is pointless. So I've begun editing window profiles (upper-left corner -> klick -> configure window behavior...

Is there a way to stop Google Analytics counting development work as hits?

I have added the JavaScript that I need to the bottom of my pages so that I can make use of Google Analytics. Only problem is that I am sure that it is counting all my development work as hits. Seeing as I probably see some of those pages a hundred times a day it will really skew my readings. Is there a way to turn it off from a particul...

What are the easiest/best methods for managing your ctags tag file(s)?

I just started using ctags and greatly appreciate the tool but the way I manage my tag file is somewhat cumbersome in my opinion and very inflexible. How I currently manage my tag file: I have one monolithic tag file stored in my home folder at ~/.vim/tags When I update my code or change projects I run a script that deletes the old ta...

How do I create a development environment for SharePoint using Windows Server 2008?

I'm in need of creating a development environment for SharePoint 2007. I'm running Windows 7 RTM and have installed Windows Virtual PC (not Virtual PC 2007). I have a VM of Windows Server 2008 running with all available updates applied. At this point, I know I need to install IIS 7, Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server (hoping to use 2008, ...