
Development Environment for Jquery and javascript

What develepment environment do you use when you need to work on javascript?What options have as an developer for working with javascript or jQeury in order to have possibilities to test,develop in realtime? I tried to set up the intellisense to make it work the jquery documentation,but that's not working. Right now i'm using Fir...

What can I do to speed up Rails development mode?

Rails, on development mode is SLOW. Very, very slow. I run Vista, and I set config.cache_classes = true in development.rb... But, it's still slow and I have to restart the server after I change my code. My coworker develops Rails on a Mac and sees similar slowness. My development time slows down significantly because it takes minutes ...

What accounts to use when installing SQL Server 2008 Developer

I am installing SQL Server 2008 Developer here, and on the Server Configuration step of the installation it asks me about Service Accounts. What do I choose here? I can see the available ones in the screen shot, although on most of them I can only select two or three of those. When I click the Use the same account for all SQL Server 200...

Do you put your development/runtime tools in the repository?

Putting development tools (compilers, IDEs, editors, ...) and runtime environments (jre, .net framework, interpreters, ...) under the version control has a couple of nice reasons. First, you can easily compile/run your program just by checking out your repository. You don't have to have anything else. Second, the triple is surely versio...

Should I switch to Windows 7 for primary development?

Is it time to switch to Win7 for primary dev? I mostly deal with maven, eclipse, eclipse-derivatives, VMWare workstation, virtualbox, and other dev-centric tools. I'm wary to switch now, but I have msdn access to the RTM release, and I'm thinking of upgrading? What are your concerns for Windows 7? Have you switched yet? What are the pros...

What is the first thing you copy over from your current setup to a fresh OS?

I'm currently backing up my current setup to move over to some new hardware and was wondering what other developers think of first when given a fresh OS installation. Please answer one item per answer so they can be voted on independently. ...

Can a VMWare Fusion image be run on a windows machine.

May I burn in flames if this has been answered. At work I use a Windows XP Pro machine for my development and at home I use a Macbook Pro. I am thinking of shifting my development environment over to virtual machines using VMWare Fusion (on the mac). My question is, can I open a virtual machine image created on my Mac with my windows co...

Setting up a SharePoint development site based on production

Can anyone suggest a best practice way of setting up a decent and suitable development site in SharePoint from a pre-existing production site? I have a number of lists and document libraries that have been in production for some time, with some lookup field dependencies between them - whats the best way to replicate this within a non-pr...

Microsoft Project Server / Team Foundation Server / Subversion / Wiki on same box

Hi all, We are in the process of setting up a new development environment for about a dozen developers in our IT department, and I've got a few questions as far as server setup goes.. We're going to be using TFS 2008 for our 6 or so .NET developers, and subversion for the half dozen CF people. Is it ok/recommended/not recommended to h...

Setting Up Development Tree

Any advice on best practices for setting up development tree for .net application using with continuous integration. ...

What order to install software on a developer rig?

Hi all, I'm new to the development world, I am gradually teaching myself programming after 15 years as an ITPro. It's been a while since I worked with devs in a day to day setting and had to support them, so here is my question. What order do I install things on a new developer workstation, how much of this matters? this is a brand ne...

Consistent dev path on windows

I have several partitions on this laptop (XP, vista, 7rc1, and a clean partition for testing and installing foreign softwafe). I code on XP and windows 7. 4 partitions are already used so i have no spare partitions for my dev files. What can i do to create a consistent dev path? I tried sharing my C drive and map T to /home/c however th...

Free Application Lifecycle Management Tools for .NET Development

I would like to achieve the following: I want a free Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) environment surrounding vs2008 sp1. (My company is short of cash). I want all the stuff: CI, BugTracking, task panel, Wiki, Source control... all integrating themselves. If I could have some kind of scrum managing tools it would be better. Any ...

Creating C# Winform Development and Production Environments

Hello, I am wondering what is the best way to properly create a Development and Production environment for my C# winforms project. The unfortunate thing is that there is no development environment. Rather, I must specify the publish path each time i wish to create either the Production or Development build. Also since each prod or dev b...

Setting up staging/qa/dev environments on Windows Server 2008

I am working on a large scale ASP.NET web app. The system is large enough to warrant monitoring systems, build scripts, source control server, etc etc. I now want to setup a proper development environment whereby I have a development server, QA and staging. I am going to be setting up Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition x64 (I have 4...

Access LAN on Android without wifi

I'm working on a web-app at work, and would like to access my development computer from my HTC Hero device. Preferably linux, but I have access to windows and mac computers. The emulator can debug locally, and helps a lot, but it's not good enough to debug real touch-events. Ad-hoc wifi will breach our strict network policy. No matter h...

Any risks using Macports?

I'm considering installing macports on my mac so I can have easy access to *nix dev tools/apps. However, I'm wondering if there are any risks. I'm ok with the inevitable compatibility issue from time to time (hear snow leopard + macports has issues) but I do not want the stability of my "core" mac system to be effected. I'm also curio...

Virtual desktop environment for development

Our network team is thinking of setting up a virtual desktop environment (via Windows 2008 virtual host) for each developer. So we are going to have dumb terminals/laptops and should be using the virtual desktops for all of our work. Ours is a Microsoft shop and we work with all versions of .net framework. Not having the development en...

web development environment pick and download

A while back i found a website that would allow you to select a javascript library, including versions (jquery, proto, mootools, etc) and folder directry structure (eg. img, js, includes, html), etc all choosen through a web form and downloaded as a zip. i thought it was a great idea, anyone know of the website, or the technical name of...

Asp.Net Development Server shuts down every time I stop debugging.

Using VS2008 on my local dev machine, when I run my Web Application project, it starts up a session of Asp.Net Development Server when I use F5 to run the app in debug mode. It all works fine and I can run my app for testing and such. Then, when I stop the running debugging instance of my app (by closing the IE window with the X...