
Import ITK/VTK into Matlab or Matlab into VTK/ITK environment?

For a current project I have to use and do mathemetics on information provided in matrices as well as use ITK/VTK functions for displaying medical information / renders. Basically I have to use both matlab routines and VTK/ITK in a (I guess) 50/50 way. The problem is that, since I have to use both, I want to decide in advance which metho...

keeping sql database schemas synced between developers

We are a small development team (about 5) doing a dev project from different locations. We use SVN as out code repo. The biggest issue that we are having now is that our DB schema is totally out of sync between all of us. I have though of the following options: 1. Work off a "central" DB. This is a bad idea and will most likely not happ...

Making android development less resource heavy!

I have a dell studio 15 laptop with 2.2Ghz dual core processor and 4 GB ram running Vista. I recently downloaded the whole android development goodness and I find that my machine slows down considerably (its not the best machine money can buy but it should be fast enough for development). Things that I have noticed: - Running the emulat...

Where can I find nice Dark ReSharper (with Color identifiers = on) Themes?

I haven't come across any decent dark Visual Studio 2008 color themes with support for ReSharper's Color identifiers turned on. Have any been published? ...

I need a beginners guide to setting up windows for python development

I currently work with .NET exclusively and would like to have a go at python. To this end I need to set up a python development environment. I guide to this would be handy. I guess I would be doing web development so will need a web server and probably a database. I also need pointers to popular ORM's, an MVC framework, and a testing lib...

Best setup for Linux development from Windows?

What's the best setup for developing Linux apps from a Windows workstation? Right now I'm connected via SSH to our Linux development server and am using Eclipse, forwarded over SSH via PuTTY, to the public domain version of Xming running on my Windows workstation. It works, but it's not great; Eclipse's response times are far from snap...

best IDE software for Windows?

Anyone got reccomendations for the best IDE software for a windows powered computer? I want text editor, css editor, ftp, live preview if poss, and it should also be able to handle php and javascript. Any suggestions? What do you use and what is awesome! ...

Correct installation order to a clean development enviroment

I want to setup a Win7 virtual machine to develop using Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.Net 3.5. I don't know what the best order to install what I need. I will need to install: a) Visual Studio 2008 b) IIS c) Service Packs for Visual Studio and/or .Net Framework My last try was bad, I cannot do my old ASP.Net 3.5 web app to work on Win7 ...

TFS vs. JIRA/Bamboo/SVN

Hi, this week I participated a presentation of the 2008 TFS. Currently we are using Jira and Svn (and maybe Bamboo). What solution to you prefer? ...

Installing shared assemblies into the GAC for development and build

I've read a few posts around here about the GAC and why you should never deploy applications by installing shared assemblies into the GAC. This i can see sense in as it should make updating applications on client machines easier. However, there are two areas where i could see the GAC being useful is for during development and on a buil...

What does your ideal web development (ASP.NET) environment consist of?

I start at a new client on Monday. They’re just beginning to do web development (ASP.NET) and I’m going to help them with setting up a proper development environment. I don’t think I’ll have a say on what type of machines the developers will be using, so this is more of a backend scenario. So far the main things I’ve come up with incl...

How to multitask and retain focus

I am currently in a role that requires me to concentrate on programming and at the same time, mentor junior devs (read constant interruption). It's very challenging for me to switch gears and maintain focussing on the job at hand. It's not only frustrating but also time consuming. I feel if I master this art of multitasking, I could defi...

Does my development environment mirror user's environment?

I am trying to get a better idea on this as so far I have had mixed answers in person. I am a solo dev in a 5 man IT dept for a Health Care related business. My developer machine is running Win 7 RC1 (x64) but my users are all running Win XP Pro (x86). Is this a big deal? Whan kind of pitfalls should I be aware of? Is having a VM o...

What's a good way to handle development/production libs paths with Perl?

With Perl, what is an easy way to handle different development versus production libs paths? I want to use my local box path for testing, but when I launch I want it to automatically point to the production lib path. ...

shifting from windows to *nix programming platform

How to migrate to *nix platform after spending more than 10 years on windows? Which flavor will be easy to handle to make me more comfortable and then maybe I can switch over to more stadard *nix flavors? I have been postponing for a while now. Help me with the extra push. ...

How to use classes from another project?

I have got two Java projects inside Eclipse. Now I want to use classes from project A in project B. I added project A to the build path of project B. But the classes are not available in project B. What could be the reason for that problem? Did I do something wrong? What and how should I do? Thanks in advance. Update: The problem was ...

switch versions of python

Story: One of the app that i have works on python 2.4 and other on 2.6. I tried to do a sym link of python2.4 to python and things started to break loose on ubuntu jaunty. Now i am downloading every dependency of 2.4 and installing it using python2.4 install. The dependencies seem to be endless. Question1: How will i tell any ...

Setting up a new Java development shop

I'm setting up a Java development shop, currently just for myself as the only developer, but with hopes of needing to hire others as the business grows. Obviously I'm hoping to set it up right so that as more people come in, they can be productive right away. Please help suggest things I want to do, and tools to do them. Here's what I...

Is linux really a better development environment?

If so, why? What's missing in Windows that I get for linux (excpet GCC, and we have MingW for that)? I know it's subjective but I want to hear some opinions before I switch OSes. I'm not familiar with either Emacs or vim. Is there another IDE that you guys would recommend? What's the best development env. linux distrubition? ...

Moving from to php development environment

hi, we are looking at moving our web development from a .net platform onto linux and php (mainly due to cost issues) what are people using as their IDE to write php in, how do you go about debugging (i've only written php in text editors before and struggled stepping through etc), are we better of writing on a Linux or a windows platfo...