
Beginning PHP development

I am starting on a project where I will be making HTML and CSS edits to PHP site. I need to configure my home computer to run the site and do PHP development work on it. What is the best recommendation for a beginner to start PHP development? I have an extensive background using the Microsoft programming stack and .NET development. M...

Is it possible to make localhost work through a Virtual Machine?

I am using a Macbook running 10.6. I am using VMware Fusion to run an Ubuntu Server minimal virtual machine. Ubuntu Server is running your basic LAMP stack. I do my development in Mac OS. I have VMware share a directory from Mac OS to the Ubuntu Server. Ubuntu Server uses that directory for apache. I access my server is Mac OS in...

XML, XML Stylesheets XQuery: book and development environment

I'm completely new to XML Schema, XML Stylesheets and XQuery. To me, XML is just a text file just containing tags and values. I know that much, lol. I just got a homework asking us to design simple XML Schemas, and also applying Stylesheets and XQuery. Could anyone please point me to: "Best" books/resources (based on your experience...

Eclipse smart quotes - like in Textmate

Hey all, Happy Friday — Does anyone know if eclipse has the notion of smart quotes like Textmate. The way it works is to select some words and quote them by simply hitting the " key? I'm a newbie here so be gentle. FWIW - I'm using pydev in Eclipse. Thanks Rephrase What I am looking for is given I have a word or phrase selected on...

What's the best SQL Server setup for a development environment?

Hi, We are a small team using Visual Studio 2008 for development and SQL Server 2008 Standard in the production servers. We are seting up a new development lab and I am wondering about SQL Server versions/editions and configuration. Visual Studio 2008 comes with a development license of SQL Server 2005, but since we are only targetting...

Linux Development C/C++/bash/python on windows-7.

Before resorting to stackoverflow, i have spend a lot of times looking for the solutions. I have been a linux-user/developer for few years, now shifting to windows-7. I am looking for seting-up a development environment (mainly c/c++/bash/python) on my windows machine. Solutions i tired - VirtuaBox latest, with grml-medium (very ligh...

In which practical ways can virtualization enhance your development environment ?

Practical uses of virtualization in software development are about as diverse as the techniques to achieve it. Whether running your favorite editor in a virtual machine, or using a system of containers to host various services, which use cases have proven worth the effort and boosted your productivity, and which ones were a waste of tim...

Advantages of running a production-oriented stack during development?

Lately I seem to have noticed a trend amongst some RoR developers, that is using RubyEE/Passenger/Apache type setups during their development process. Besides the obvious "use what your clients use" idea, do these technologies enhance the development environment in any way compared to what the vanilla mongrel stack gives you ? ...

Distinguishing development mode and release mode environment settings on Android

I'm building an Android application and would like to maintain a few environment variables that I can tweak depending on whether I'm in development mode or release mode. For example, I need to invoke a web service and the URL will be slightly different in either mode. I'd like to externalize this and other settings so I can change them ...

Architecture: using different classes on development / production

Hello, I'm interested about using 2 different classes in 2 different environment. Both classes should share the same structure (methods), but the one used in production would be "light", with less verifications or less funtionnality or different actions. Example: a SQL query class which doesn't check the type/existence of fields. Other...

How risky is development against SQL Server 2008 with production on SQL Server 2005

My dev environment has SQL Server 2008 installed. I have an 1.1 site in production using SQL Server 2005. I'd rather not install SQL Server 2005 on my development environment. How risky would this be? What kinds of things might cause problems? ...

Prevent file differences between live and staging websites AND system scripts (PHP)

I'm trying to find a good way to maintain PHP configuration differences between a dev and live environment. I know how to handle differences when scripts are run by Apache (see below), but not when they are run on the command line, e.g. via cron. Background info: What do I mean by "configuration differences"? Like most code shops, we r...

Do you virtualize all or part of your development environment ?

I've been thinking about virtualizing part or all of my RoR development environment. This could have, in theory, many advantages due to encapsulation easily manage app-specific configurations sandboxing gems and plugins dependencies cross-platform plug 'n play virtualization commodities, like snapshots and so on separation of conc...

A Development Machine in VirtualBox - (Debian-min vs ArchLinux vs recommend-one).

I have few years of exp on linux, mainly ubuntu (dual-boot). Now i am shifting to windows, and installing linux in VirtualBox (PUEL). I am looking for a light-weight distro for development machine setup. Thought of using debian-unstable-minimum, and installing build-essentials, openbox(or a little more feature light-WM, ps recommend), ss...

Development software - How common is it for developers to buy it for personal use

Edit: The answer is yes, pretty common. The Microsoft TechNet is one of best deals (except it does not have Visual Studio). So MSDN generally is a better choice. Thank you Hello All, I was recently looking at prices of Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL server and MSDN subscription. I never considered it necessary to buy it for personal use, ...

Is it possible to exclude grails plugin from production environment?

I would like to use certain plugin in development environment, but would like to exclude this plugin from production and from generated war. What is the easiest way to accomplish this? ...

Create a Fully Featured Environment For Tcl/Tk Development Under Windows

I'm now learning Tcl/Tk, but as I'm running Windows, I want to create a fully featured(professional) development environment for this language, but I need to know: Which tools I need to install(first of all)? What are the IDEs that support Tcl/Tk development? What is the best text editor to develop in? Where I can find some librarys fo...

What development environment for PHP + MySQL would you suggest

I am setting up web application development environment on my localhost. I am used to use WAMP server but I noticed Zend Server which looks promising. I am developing both Zend Framework and non framework applications. Which of these two would you suggest? Is there another option? ...

Managing different developer's connection strings under LINQ to SQL

With my source in Subversion, I am having issues when 2 different computers have different connection strings. The LINQ to SQL designer seems to only like having the same connection string. Is it possible for the designer to use a connection string that varies since developers have different local configurations, but the actual usage i...

Library locations and packages for software development on Linux

We will shortly be spinning up a new Linux-based development effort; and we are new-ish to Linux development on a large scale. We have a well-defined process to handle third-party and internal libraries on Windows, but I am interested in Linux-specific variations and optimizations. It seems logical to (as on Windows) Not have everyon...