
How to tell if rails is in production?

I used script/server -e production to start rails in production mode. It did and I got no errors. However how do I tell if it is in production mode? I tried a non-existent route, and I got a similar error page I did in development. I thought if under production model, I get the 404 error page that is in my /public folder. Does it mean...

Windows 7 vs. Windows Server 2008 for a development machine

hi, I finally got some time on my hand to upgrade my main dev. machine from Windows XP SP3. Right now I have licenses to both Windows 7 Enterprise Edition and Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition. I mainly do web development (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, RIAs .. etc) Which is a better option for a 24/7 active development machine ? ...

Advice on running my development tools in a virtual machine

I am starting to get quite sick and tired of setting up all my dev tools every time that I need to move to a new machine, or get a laptop, or screw up my registry with constant installs and uninstalls. So new plan. I have heard of people virtualizing their development environment and this sounds like a great idea. Only problem is that...

How do the different frameworks and cmses handle the dev > staging > production deployment problem?

It's a familiar problem: I've got some changes to push up the dev > staging > production chain, but in the mean time, content and users have been added to the database on the production server. I work with drupal a lot, and it's lousy at this because so much of the configuration winds up in the db. (There are some solutions that try to ...

Document Virtual Machine Library for Developers

I am building a library of virtual machines for development purposes. I need a way to document each virtual machine. When developers need a particular virtual machine they can just browse a catalog and find the most appropriate. Much of the software we develop is version dependent and we have many customers on different revisions. In...

Costs and benefits of Linux-like Windows development environment

I'm taking an Introduction to C++ this semester, so I need to set up development environments in both my Windows and Ubuntu partitions (I switch between them). I was planning to use GCC in both environments for consistency and because I plan to do my serious C++ developing in Linux with GCC. It appears that installing MSYS and MinGW is...

Development environment for ASP.NET with EpiServer

At our company we are going to develop more for the Windows platform than we have done up until now. As this scale of Windows development is new to us it would be nice with some feedback from experienced developers. Requirements we have: 5 developers from the beginning. 15 developers a year from now. All developers should be able to d...

Actionscript development - OS x vs windows

I have a mac sitting right next to my PC for photoshop/illustrator/flash development. However, though I am fully capable with a mac, I find the text navigation shortcuts non-standard and cumbersome to say the least. Recently I've taken to editing my actionscript files on my PC via a network share and then merely compiling the flash compo...

TV guide written in PHP - problems with datetime() and database functions

I'm creating a TV Guide which lists programmes coming up (and on some listings, previous airings from the past), with all data stored in a database. It runs in PHP, my version being 5.28 (upgrading to 5.30 or 6 soon). Below is a script which works (note the field airdate is stored as DATETIME in the database): [Disclaimer: The script ...

Set / Reset Option in Visual Studio 2008

When we install Visual Studio 2008, we are asked about the settings for our environment like visual c# / visual basic etc. When set, We may alter these options from Tools --> Options --> Environment / TextEditor etc My problem is, if we "mess" up these settings!!!! is there any way to restore defaults or particular Settings Template ...

Correct way to Switch between Dev, Test and Prodcution Services in Builds

I have a client side app (WPF) that hits my web services. When I am running in dev I want to hit the Dev version of these web services. When I am running in the Test environment I want to hit the test version of the services. Like wise for production. Since these values are in my app.config file what is the best way to switch between...

Can I ask for screenshot of some great personalized IDE for python?

How to setup a Linux/Unix machine for python development? Which Linux/Unix version should I use? What IDE should be used? What development plugins should I have? What code style should would be THE BEST? All above, a great development machine for open source (python developers) development? Can i ask for screenshot of some great persona...

Magento & Subversion (SVN) - Getting a Development Environment Started?

Hello all, I'm working on building a Magento site, and it's by far the most mammoth package I've ever worked with. I've decided to set up a proper development server and use Subversion for version control. I'm running in to a couple roadblocks and need some help. What I've done so far: Set up web hosting on a host that uses cPanel. M...

Arguments against a shared development environment

Hello, So a constant headache at my current employer is that we (the devs) all share a common development 'test' environment. The current process is as follows: Dev works on a piece of functionality on their working copy of the project branch When they are confident it works, test the change in the shared development environment Chec...

How to get an outline view in sublime texteditor?

How do I get an outline view in sublime code editor for Windos? The minimap is helpful but I miss a traditional outline (a klickable list of all the functions in my code in the order they appear for quick navigation and orientation) Maybe there is a plugin, addon or similar? It would also be nice if you can ...

Errors installing some gems on Snow Leopard - libxml2

After upgrading to Snow Leopard, I found that installing some gems no longer worked, including webrat, mechanize etc. Each time I get this error: checking for xmlParseDoc() in -lxml2... no libxml2 is missing. try 'port install libxml2' or 'yum install libxml2' *** extconf.rb failed *** Could not create Makefile due to some reason, pro...

Experience programming with netbooks in daily commute

I commute a lot of my time to work (> 40 minutes by train) and been thinking about purchasing a notebook just to keep myself occupied on the train on my way to work and back home again. There are already questions that are heavy on notebook recommendations. However they don't really tell much about using them. I'm more interested in kno...

How to Collaborate With Team Effectively for a Project?

This question is a follow up for this question: I would like to know if there are techniques or tools we could use in order for us to do our project effectively. To make this more specific, I'm basically looking for something that will help us work...

Amazon SimpleDB for development environment / local installation.

Hello. Is there a way / tool to simulate Amazon's SimpleDB for the purpose of development? In my quest for above, I found this tool but this is for the Mac OS. Anything that can be installed on Win XP? Needless to say, all SimpleDB APIs need to be supported. Just in case it matters, mine is a .Net based web application. ...

TFS Proxy alternatives.

TFS Proxy is designed to enable Team Foundation Server to mirror source control files to other Team Foundation Servers - very useful for geographically distributed teams. We're investingating using this since we have distributed teams but would like to know: are there any alternatives to TFS Proxy before we fork out money for the licens...