
Setup for Production and Development Environment when most of your "code" is in the database?

I want to set up a production and development environment for a wordpress website. The Wordpress site uses a lot of plugins. These plugins consist of php files which I upload to a directory within the main wordpress directory. When activating and modifying the plugins, much of the configurations are stored in the mysql database. Deve...

I can't get the ruby development kit working for Windows XP

So, I can't for the life of my get this working properly. My ultimate goal is to get the dbd-odbc gem installed and working, and from multiple things I've read, I need to install the ODBC binding for ruby alongside the dbd-odbc gem. Well, I can get the dbd-odbc gem installed just fine, but when it comes to trying to install the binding i...

Where do you keep your web development environment, in your workstation or on a server?

In several years I am using my workstation as development environment. I think that most of web developers use their workstation for running their servers, Apache, Tomcat, Mongrel etc. I have been working in a company that have a Unix development server in another city, with the document root folder share with samba. I am still developin...

local LDAP server for development on windows 7

Our (ASP.Net) application has to talk to an LDAP/Active Directory server for verifying user groups. Now several members of our team need to be able to work disconnected. Is there a way to set up a local LDAP server on the development machine (Windows 7 Pro)? ...

Collaborative editing for .NET development - what are the possibilities

What are the best options for real-time collaborative editing for .NET development? (C#,VB.NET, ASP.NET - not Mono unless it is the best way to get collaboration) 1) Anything possible with visual studio? 2) Collaborative editors? I know Eclipse has real-time collaboration, but I don't know how far you can combine it with .NET support....

visual studio doesn't tell me when i type a control that doesn't exist

I noticed that VS2008 doesn't tell me when I'm typing a control name that doesn't exist. why is that? ...

Advantage Database or SQL Server

I have a client that currently uses a local Advantage Database on their PC along with an application. They are thinking of upscaling their setup to have multiple applications running communicating with a database server i.e/a client-server environment. They are now considering the best database for this approach. They are looking at t...

nm: "U" The symbol is undefined

When I nm on one of my libs: nm I get a line like this U _ZNSs4_Rep20_S_empty_rep_storageE@@GLIBCXX_3.4 I checked the man page for nm and I got "U" The symbol is undefined. What does an undefined symbol really mean? If it is really undefined, then why does nm report it at all? ...

Visual Studio 2008 TFS Shelve/Unshelve changes stopped working and hangs VS

Greetings. This is second time I've actually spotted this problem with VS 2008 TS with TFS addon installed on top. The problem is that at some point, when you actively work with Shelve/Unshelve changes from TFS, the Shelve changes window (when you hit "Shelve" button) hangs and hangs whole VS. After that, if you restart studio, the Sh...

java based development environment

Most of the project artifacts (build time, run time libraries) needed by our development environment is handled dynamically via maven dependencies. But there are other programs which have to be used for all developer accounts before they can reliably use the system (e.g. JDK, Ant, svn client or tortoise svn, eclipse, maven, jboss appserv...

What is the workflow for development using EJB3 with Eclipse Galileo and Glassfish v3?

I'm starting to learn EJB3 and I'm a bit lost when it comes to setting up Eclipse. I've got Glassfish v3 prelude downloaded and set up in Eclipse, but when I attempt to publish my EJB project to the server, I'm told that the server is incompatible with the EJB3 facet of the project. What would the proper steps be to create a new EJB3 pr...

TextMate tips for Rails Development

Working on Rails code for a bit has started me on the spiral into obsessively customising my dev environment (I say obsessive as at the last Rails meetup I went to there was some guy who was raving about shaving milliseconds off each line of code and therefore upto half an hour a day... I hope I don't become that guy...) I spend most of...

SharePoint End to End Development

How do you use SharePoint as an end-to-end developer platform? Which Source control software do you use typically. SourceSafe/TFS or any other source control software? Which end to end development tools/methodologies do you use? When do you allow SPD as development platform, and how do you maintain the site working with SPD? What the...

Setting up Linux to use a certain version of python for compile.

I'm running Ubuntu to compile a set of code which requires python 2.4. How can I setup a terminal launcher so that when I open that launcher all python related commands will use python 2.4 instead of the python 2.6 that is defaulted in Ubuntu? ...

Django "Error: cannot import name escape" on windows

I cannot run the dev server because of this error ("Error: cannot import name escape"). I assume its because of modifications I've done to the project, but i have no idea how to find where the error is originating from to fix it. I don't import anything called escape anywhere. Update Using rather than the projects man...

Most up to date environment for classic ASP development

Hi all, I've inherited a Classic ASP application that requires some maintenance. What's the most up to date/capable IDE and Operation System that I can use to perform this maintenance? I'll be setting up the Env in a VM - so won't be tied to it full time. Hopefully there's something newer than Visual Interdev for me to use. Ideally I...

Moving from XP to Windows 7

This week I’m going to try and start the move from Windows XP to Windows 7 on my development PC at work. I’ve downloaded the Windows Easy Transfer app for going from XP to Win7; that should take care of My Documents. My concern is all of the development environment. In particular I’m concerned about re-establishing things like my Wind...

How to avoid accidentally 'hg push' instead of 'hg qpush' ?

For those of you that use Mercurial with the MQ extension: This is the second time I accidentally submit changes to the central repository (hg push) instead of applying a patch to my working directory (hg qpush). I think this is very unfortunate, because it is a very simple error to make and has very severe consequences (the least havi...

How to consume sunlight while programming in a cave?

Hi, I work in a dungeon/cave. It is the basement. The atmosphere is great but I do miss sunlight. What do you do in such an environment? I found some devices that produces artificial sunlight but I think they can cause much problem. Ideas? ...

Windows Mobile Development on MacBook Pro?

I am a frequent Windows Mobile application developer in need of a new development laptop. I am considering a MacBook or Macbook Pro running either Fusion from VMWare or Parallels Desktop. This will give me the option to port my applications to the iPhone depending on what MS does with WM 6.5 and 7. Has anybody tried doing Windows Mob...