
What is the most Interesting and innovative IDE?

As every programmer knows tools are important and there is no tool more important for a developer than the IDE you use to code. In the last few years the IDE-s fall into standards and it is not common to see innovation in this area. What IDE-s you can recommend as innovative and what new ideas and paradigms they introduced? ...

Test to identify your development environment?

The code has a runtime dependency which is not available in our development environment (and is available in test and prod). It's expensive to actually test for the dependency, and I want to test for the environment instead. if (isDevEnvironment) { // fake it } else { // actually do it } Without using appSettings, what code/t...

Multi-platform development from one computer

I am planning to build a new development computer for both Windows & Linux platforms. On Windows, my development would be primarily in .NET/C#/IIS/MSSQL Server. On Linuxpreferably Ubuntumy development would be in Ruby and Python. I am thinking of buying a laptop with Windows 7 pre-installed with 4GB RAM, Intel Core 2 Duo, and 320 GB HD;...

Rails: Different behavior on dev and production

I'm doing maintenance work on a Rails site that's deployed using Phusion Passenger. The workflow is a little different than the standard three-tiered Railsian test-dev-production arrangement; instead, there are two separate installations of the same codebase running against parallel Oracle databases; the dev site lives at,...

In your Understanding what is the scope of a Tool's Smith in Software Development?

I've been asked to maintain a few of our software development tools; Clearcase (Views, Streams, Triggers), JIRA, Enterprise Architect and various document based repositories, Confluence, doku Wiki etc.. But as I wonder where does the line is when it comes to the "best practices" and cleanup efforts to make the most of these tools for de...

Development environment to use/learn VTK with C++

Hi, I am a newbie with VTK and C++ (but am well versed in the concepts/Java etc). I will eventually need to use both QT and VTK for my project. (1) I would like to know if there is a "development environment"/"editor" for VTK (using C++) ? (2) Something similar to VTK Designer ( ? With VTK De...

As a team should we develop locally and merge into the dev server, or develop on the dev server?

Hey, Recently I was tasked with writing up formal procedures for a team based development enviroment. We have several projects with multiple modules each. Right now there are only two programmers, however there are plans to expand to 4-6 programmers. Each programmer will be working on the same project and possibly pages which may cau...

How do I setup a Python development environment on Linux ?

I'm a .NET developer who knows very little about Python, but want to give it a test drive for a small project I'm working on. What tools and packages should I install on my machine? I'm looking for a common, somewhat comprehensive, development environment. I'll likely run Ubuntu 9.10, but I'm flexible. If Windows is a better option, t...

Should Development / Testing / QA / Staging environments be similar?

Hi all, After much time and effort, we're finally using maven to manage our application lifecycle for development. We still unfortunately use ANT to build an EAR before deploying to Test / QA / Staging. My question is, while we made that leap forward, developers are still free to do as they please for testing their code. One issue th...

What is the best way to set up a PHP development environment on a Mac?

When I do PHP, I use XAMPP to set up a development environment on Windows, then upload to Linux servers, works very well. I'm now passing on a PHP project to a person who has a Mac so he needs a local PHP dev environment. I noticed XAMPP has a version for Mac which I will recommend. But knowing that Mac is always a bit different, has a...

Creating a Sharepoint Development Environment from an Existing Production Environment

I have very little experience using Sharepoint but a good amount using Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2005, Windows Server 2003 and IIS6. I need to create a development environment for a SharePoint 2007 system that will be used internally. The system is already deployed over two servers - one of the servers simply holds the database an...

How to setup directories in Visual Studio when using boost?

Hi, I have introduced boost to our code base, on my machine I created a boost directory called Thirdparty.Boost and added that as an additional include directory in my Visual Studio setting, all is fine. However I now want to check in my changes, so the rest of the team can get them. Inorder to build the code they would need to setup b...

Dev environment for smart client application

Hi, we are starting a new smart client project, which is .net winform as client, connecting web service at application server in win 2003. currently, all developers are using win xp pro, to enalbe debugging at both client and server side, we try to get both client and web service installed on XP pc, but the web server require service ac...

Textmate Code Completion Question

Hi, I know the ESC key does code completion, but is there a way to get a pop-up(tool-tip I guess) that shows you all the possible choices for a piece of code? As an example, it would be nice when writing Javascript to get a list of available actions. Other apps I've used like Coda do this. I'd like to check out Textmate but I have a h...

Virtual PC 2007 as programming environment

I'd like to create a VM in Virtual PC 2007 for use as a development environment/sandbox for an existing ASP.NET application in Visual Studio 2005/SQL Server 2005 (and VSS for source control). I'm thinking that I need to create a 'base' copy of the environment (with the os, Visual Studio, and Sql Server), and then copy that to a 'work' ...

A couple of questions about the encoding of a mail message in GAE Python API?

I've noticed that dev_appserver inbound mail tab now encodes the email body to base64. Why the change? How can I detect what the encoding of the message is? Clarification: I mean that the form for submitting test emails on the dev_appserver used to pass the text of the message body to my application's handler exactly as I entered it, bu...

Webbased data modelling and management tool

Is there a web-based tool available, where I am able to... ...define data models (like in a database admin tool) ...fill in data (in custom web forms, not too generic) with basic features like completion ...import data from CSV oder Excel Sheets ...export data to CSV or SQL ...create snapshots of my data models (versions, diff, etc.) ...

IDE recommendations for C on Windows

Anyone have recommendations for a good C editor for Windows? Any improvement over the Emacs over ssh setup I have right now would be appreciated. ...

Auto detect internal/external development environment

We use the following function to auto detect if we are on a machine internally or on a live server and then choose the appropriate configs for various components: function devIsLocal(){ $res=false; $http_host=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if($http_host=='localhost')$res=true; if($http_host=='')$res=true; if(subs...

How do you energize yourself when working alone on a project?

I am working in an environment with a very small team (3 developers only) and each of us have been assigned a different project, without counting support tasks. I know this is a bad business practice and that we should all work on a single project at a time, and then move on to the next one (Already explained to the management on how muc...