
Is there a way to version a whole development-environment?

I will start building libraries on different operating-systems since they will run on different mobile platforms. Is there a way to version control a whole development environment, containing both the version of the operating system as well as all the development tools, etc.? I need this information to be able to rebuild a Lib from a fr...

Joomla development environment, toolchain and workflow

I have the tas to setup, design (devlop a Template), configure (menus, users, plugins etc.), provide the acutal content and administer/maintain a Joomla based website. What tools, IDEs etc. do you use in your development environment. Of course I would like to do as much of the development work as possible offline without the web fronten...

How to show errors that occur in a modular Sinatra Application which is hosted by Passenger?

I have an application class class MyApplication < Sinatra::Base # ... do something ... end and a file # ... load libraries ... run MyApplication I usually use Passenger as my development environment which works perfectly fine for a normal – non-modular – Sinatra application. But in this case I have no error output inste...

Can Moblin run (and compile) Python scripts ?

Hello, I want to develop an app for Moblin for a competition. The development environment needed by Moblin is too complicated to setup. It uses Anjuta as its IDE, but I could never make sense of the entire compilation toolchain. However, I would like to know if Moblin could compile and run Python scripts. If I could write the app in P...

Would installing Perl 5.8.x or 5.10.x make a big impact on how my code runs if it was developed in 5.6.x?

What are the impacts (If any) by developing code in Perl 5.6.1 but running the code in Perl 5.8.x or 5.10.x? I'm using these modules: (For Linux) HTTP::Request HTTP::Response LWP::UserAgent Unicode::String XML::DOM DateTime::Format::DateManip (For Windows) Unicode-String XML-DOM DateTime-Format-DateManip (Haven't installed this yet ...

Create a Fully-Featured Environment For MIPS Assembly Development

I'm giving a try to MIPS Assembly by reading the MIPS Assembly Language Programming book, but I don't know the tools that are suggested and that are optional. What I need is Tools that are needed What is the best emulator and how to configure it? At the time I just have cross-compiled binutils targeted to mips-elf. I'm using Linux U...

Pre-installed Linux for Web Developers?

Does anybody know an ISO image of a up-to-date Linux distribution aimed at web developers with one, some or all of the following features: LAMP stack readily set up (Readily installed Apache 2, virtual sites directory structure (hosting), PHP installed, mySQL installed) Ruby/RoR set up for a beginner to start with Subversion set up for...

How does one create an enthusiastic development team?

If you have a room full of capable developers, what can be done to encourage those developers to become excited and enthusiastic about software and software development? No gimmicks, but a genuine move to create an environment where people want to work in software, not just because the company is a good company to work for overall. ...

Questions on setting up automated builds

Hi, When using an automated build system, it is usually a source control entry which executes tests (but I assume this can be configured to not be on every entry in a large team). How comes build applications have actions for source code checkins. Is there any need for this? So to summarise, is a build script executed by a source contro...

Python path in environment.

I want to call a python script from batch script, but I dont want to hard-code path to python executable (python.exe) in my calling script. e.g. c:\python26\python.exe $PYTHONPATH\python.exe Is there any way to have PYTHONPATH like setting ? ...

SharePoint Development in VM and Version Control With TFS

Our team is going to be developing against SharePoint using local VMs. Our VMs are not allowed to join the host domain. Additionally our host nics are prohibited from using Internet Connection Sharing. We have a requirement to source control all our development work using Team Foundation Server. Our TFS installation is using Kerebos for ...

Slow local windows django dev environment

My local django dev environment (apache 2.2, Python 2.6, Django 1.2a, mod_wsgi, sqlite, win7 64bit) is really slow. It usually takes 15sec-30sec to load a page. Any ideas what might be slowing it down? Same application on the production server runs just fine. Task manager shows: ...

Missing Windows Mobile Target in Visual Studio

I cannot select the Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK target in Visual Studio for some reason even though the file "...\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcpackages\WCE.VCPlatform.config" contains the target. How come I can't select it in VS? How do you get VS to recognize it? ...

Which version of Windows 7 should I install on my development PC?

I am a .net and java deloper. I have an MSDN subscription with access to all editions of the Windows 7 operating system. I am going with a 64 bit installation. Which edition of Windows 7 should I install on my development PC: Professional, Ultimate, Enterprise, Enterprise N, etc.? Thanks in advance. ...

How to develop a gem in staging environment?

I am trying to hack through a forked gem (buildr). As such I cloned it from github and began to butcher the code. The official gem is installed on my system (under /usr/lib/ruby.../gems/buildr...). There is an executable which I need to use in my dev process - buildr. Now I want the buildr executable and the library to point to my forke...

Django runserver performance problem on localhost

Hi, I have a strange problem in Django development environment. I have changed my ISP and my setup is as follows: ISP -> Modem -> WirelessRouter -> Desktop (connected wirelessly) When I start my development enviornment and access the env http://localhost:8000, the performance is horrible, each request takes couple of around 10 second...

Is it possible to use VirtualHosts to setup dev environments on a CentOS machine?

Take, for instance, that I have, and I'm looking to setup a dev environment of our master branch @, and two environments for the two developers (myself and another) @ and @ We're both working remotely via SSH. So, in summary: - main website - master branch ...

Setting up a Microsoft development environment (Enterprise level)

I have tried this many times. Every single time I get some problem or the other - Management Studio Express setup tells me .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 is missing in Windows 7!! or unable to create user instance or, blend SDK didn't install properly or default settings of Visual Studio are screwed up or unable to remove visual studio, unable t...

windows for trivial app?

we have a small app that doing trivial stuff, no GUI. we was using Linux, but the library/framework available for Linux is highly less than that for windows, it was such a pain to develop under Linux. So we want to use windows, but windows is too big for the trivial app, is there any solution that i can use windows and not losing OS's...

Choice of tool-set: scala, ruby, java and more

I'm part of a group that starts a new development project from scratch. Currently it is on hobby-basis but we aim to make it our living in the time frame of 1-2 years. We are senior developers coming from a multitude of languages and techniques with much of the focus on Java for the last few years. Now, we're thinking of choice of tools...