
Different Development environment than Test & Production environments?

What would you say if a developer wanted to implement a sql2008 dev environment, but we were still forced to use a sql2000 test and sql2000 production environment? Would there be anything wrong with using sql2008 on a dev server? Of course you'd need to know what functionality you couldn't use, so you didn't have problems migrating you...

How to setup a DotNetNuke Development Environment with Source Control?

My team is developing a new DotNetNuke web application and would like to know what is recommended to setup a development environment with source control and automated builds? We would like to keep the DNN source code separate from our custom modules and extensions source code. The DotNetNuke Compiled Module template for Visual Studio w...

Shortlisting Intellisense

Hi, Does anyone know if there's a way in VS 2008 to shortlist the Intellisense to show only, say, events or properties? Or is there possibly a plug-in for this? I use Intellisense over going to the documentation for classes a lot and this would just be a quicker way to find a "method to do X" or a "property for Y" without knowing its n...

Service with wide API organizational & techincal questions

Here are some task details: The key functionality of service is Java socket-server (based on Red5. I know it might be overkill, but it makes me confident in future) on unix-platform (FreeBSD or Linux Debian, but I suppose, that the last one). Service deals with quite a lot of simple data. Service must have very strong and wise API. We ...

Useful Java Annotations

I'm interested in finding out exactly which Java annotations people think are most useful during development. This doesn't necessarily have to limited to the core Java API, you may include annotations you found in third party libraries or annotations you've developed yourself (make sure you include a link to the source). I'm really i...

Is it possible to work on the same assembly in different projects in .Net?

I'm interested to know how people work in large teams of developers. I work on my own, and each time I create a brand new control, I create a new project to keep all the related files together. I have various common helper assemblies that I import but, for the most part, distinct controls are kept in distinct projects. I'm wondering w...

Desktop Based Application

What is a better platform/language for developing Windows/desktop based application that can run offline (sometimes)? .NET (C#, ASP) or Java or any other development tool? This application requires to store data into a database(involves some GIS) and later Synch both ways with the main server (SQL/Oracle) during off hours or when initiat...

Which debuggers support step back/time machine/back-in-time feature?

If possible, describe platforms/languages/symbolic formats supported and if full support is provided (historical states back) or partially (only code can rerun with no rescue for states). Further information about performance or resources needed is welcome but optional. ...

Is anyone developing in the cloud yet? (So basically using rdp to acces your devenv)

Hi, I was reading up on Amazon's ec2. And I think that apart from the usual uses: hosting stuff, servers, etc, it could also be used for hosting your development environment. Benefits: Being able to log on from any computer and start developing Works even on the weakest of atom notebooks. Easy options like making snapshots and clones...

Choose between multiple devices in XCode

Hi I've 2 devices (iPhone + iPod) connected to my Mac and both are available as developper devices in XCode. How can I choose which one to use for testing purpose and switch from one to the other when I want ? For the moment the only way I found is to unplug the unwanted one in order for the other to be available. Am I missing something...

Server Development Tool?

Hi, For my programming tasks I use about 2-3 remote servers to deploy and run my code against different conditions. This cannot be emulated locally as the server configuration requires powerful hardware. Most of time I need to stop service, update binareis, start service, view logs in realtime, download logs. Currently I'm doing this ma...

How do I force RAILS_ENV=development from within environment.rb or initializers?

Hi there, Our host does not allow us to modify the passenger config file (i.e. the apache config OR the vhosts file), but we'd like to run rails in dev mode. So we have to specify the environment (prod/dev/test) in one of the files that rails loads AS the application is restarted. Anyone know how to do this? We've tried the following wi...

How easy (or difficult) is it to migrate to a development environment on Mac from Ubuntu

I am used to Ubuntu, I like it, I know my way around it. I am looking forward to upgrade my work laptop. I find the awesome hardware that a Macbook Pro is made of, a turn-on. Now, having never used a mac before, I'd like to know how easy it is to move my development environment to a mac from being on Ubuntu. My work is primarily web ...

Production and Development environment sync

Hi, I have a web app on my computer and on web server with ssh. The problem is that I`m developing the app locally on my computer and I want to sync it with the server not by copying files via ftp. Is there any other way? git? ...

How to search all open files in Eclipse?

Simple question: how do I search all the files currently open in Eclipse? Note: I don't wanna search all the files I have in that workspace, just the ones open in tabs. Is there an easy way to do this? ...

Change a Rails App to production

How can I change my RoR app to run in production mode? Is there a config file (environment.rb for example) to do that? Thank you. ...

Java project structure explained for newbies?

I come from a .NET background and am completely new to Java and am trying to get my head around the Java project structure. My typical .NET solution structure contains projects that denote logically distinct components, usually named using the format: MyCompany.SomeApplication.ProjectName The project name usually equals the root nam...

How do i create a GNU Autotool Project in Eclipse CDT from existing C++ source code?

Hi, I have an existing C++ source code that is built using autotools and i wish to use in Eclipse CDT. I'm a beginner with Eclipse CDT. I've installed the Autotools plugin for eclipse but don't know how to create a project from existing code. May you please guide me in the right direction so that i can create an eclipse project that us...

RoR development-environment setup.

I'm interested to play around with RoR a bit. Apart from literature i should read, i'm particularly interested about how to setup development environment. Here's a good example how to setup environment for Java from Noda Time project wiki pages. I want something similar but for RoR. As far as i know - unix operation systems fits way mu...

how to merge cloned git repository with the original repository

we are using git on a lan of computers and we have a central repository on one machine, every developer has to clone the repository and work on his one machine. but how to merge all this repositories together in the central repository ? ...