
It is possible to have different web.config files for a Team Foundation Server project?

Hi folks, I've got a simple ASP.NET MVC website. It has Debug, Testing and Release configuration modes. We're using TFS as our source control and bug tracking, etc. Nice. Now, we're about to embark on using Team Builds to automate some Continuous Intergration. The thing is, we're not sure how to make it so that if we want to make a DE...

Virtual Development Environment Performance - .NET Development

I have the following setup for my daily/main/only development environment Hardware/Tin = 4gb ram, 2.6ghz dual core CPU, 2x250gb HD's, usual array of periperhals One the tin above, I currently have Windows XP installed, in Windows XP I have VMWare Workstation installed and I run a Windows Server 2003 deelopment environment. This includ...

Visual Studio 2008 can't find .dll file after adding the .lib file to the project

Ok, I'm just now learning how to add libraries to visual studio projects, but I'm running into a problem. I've gone to the project properties and added the correct path to the include header files I need and then I've added the correct path to the library files that I need. I'm not sure if this is redundant or not, but after that, I add ...

Eclipse, is there a reason to chose it over emacs or vi?

As an old fart who has settled into using emacs whenever I can, I hear about Eclipse every so often. Is there any real reason to use Eclipse and give up all the knowledge of emacs and packages, plus the macros I wrote for it? ...

Setting up a fresh web developer environment OS X or Unix?

I am doing a clean install of OS X Snow Leopard and I was wondering what people think should go into the ideal web developer environment? Can I get a good rundown of things you would do when setting up a clean system? My main focus is HTML, CSS, PHP, and Actionscript work. But I would also like to dabble in other languages and framewo...

What is in your JavaScript toolchain?

I am looking to start writing a sophisticated application in JavaScript to run on the web. I've written little bits of throwaway code in JavaScript before, using the DOM directly and a little bit of jQuery. But this is the first time I'm looking to write a full-fledged application to run in the browser. So, I'm wondering what toolchains...

Using Resharper -- is it really a "personal decision"?

My team lead recommends that all the developers user ReSharper but he does not "enforce" this recommendation. As a result, whenever I open some code it immediately jumps out to me whether the developer who wrote it used ReSharper or not. Tell-tale signs are unnecessary nesting, use of redundant type declarations and generic parameters,...

Suitability of staging/dev sync software such as VMLogix stage manager

Hi, I am planning to setup a dev/staging/QA type environment on my home PC. I have a second HD ready for a Windows Server 2008 install (which I have). I have come across products such as VMLogix Stage Manager and a similar product from VMWare and Citrix, which synchronise staging/dev/live environments - e.g.

What are the pros and cons of using remote desktops for development?

The topic of using remote desktops (think Sun Ray thin clients, or remote X11 sessions via XDMC) on a beefy central server over beefy laptops/desktops for developmet came up again at the office today so I thought I'd seek out some good resources for the various pros/cons of setting up a development environment this way. Some benefits co...

Put file at specific port on Localhost

Dear All, I need to put a file at this address: http://localhost:51547/file.txt What folder would I put it in on C:/? Tony ...

Offsite backups - possible with large amounts of code/source images etc?

Hi, The biggest hurdle I have in developing an effective backup strategy is being able to do some sort of offsite backup. Unfortunately, this can only be via uploading data to the offsite source but my internet cable has upload speeds which prohibit this. Has anyone here managed to do offsite backups of large libraries of source code? ...

Team Foundation Server + Visual Studio 2008 Pro. A worthwhile combination?

Consider the use case of: Team Foundation Server (Workgroup edition?) Visual Studio 2008 10-15 developers ~10 SQL Server devs and admins (data warehousing/reporting) The needs are: replace Visual SourceSafe as the defacto version control system continue to use VS2008 Pro allow the SQL-focused users to leverage the TFS version contr...

iPod Development Under Linux

Hello, I was thinking in start to develop iPod applications, the thing is that I use Linux(Ubuntu Hardy) and I don't know if I can develop on it, then I'm here asking for some resources and tutorials to begin. Thanks. Remember that I don't want to develop for iPod Touch, but for iPod Video ...

How to train new programmer without giving full source code access?

Hi I am just started to employ some new programmers for a trial period. They are students so nobody know if they're good or not. I would like to give them some typical tasks at the beginning to see how skilled they are. The problem I have is that I want them to write some bits for my mvc web application, but I don't want them t...

QA Function - Who's Responsibilty? What skills to look for?

Our company is exploring hiring a QA specialist and I had a couple of questions. I'm not sure if there are any cut and dry answers here but any input is appreciated. Here are my questions: Would a QA tester report to the business side or the IT side? It seems like there may be benefits to either. What skills are best - should we l...

Best Environment For Windows Mobile 5 Development

Hello, I got my Pocket PC(HP iPaq Hx2490b) and now I want to know which is the best environment to develop for it, things like IDE, Windows version, language, .Net framework version...? Thanks. ...

Free cross-platform tools for web development

This question is geared towards a group of newly hired developers that need to adopt into a minimal learning curve, maximum development/programming/management effort. Some of the developers have senior level experience and will be mentoring the junior developers. My question is I would like a solid set of tools that can run on any system...

django - strange template loop failure between dev/prod environment

Hi - I'm working on a django app for a site that requires an image gallery. Since the site is fairly simple I chose not to use a database. In the gallery part, I have a loop in the view that reads all the image files from the image folder, and sends them to the template, where they are rendered inside a loop: import os from django.short...

Files to ignore when using Visual Studio with Git

I've installed Git to do some development using Visual Studio 2008. Most of the work will be new development but we do have some old projects from prior to VS2005 that I want to bring over into the new repository. There is an existing thread about general VS/Git integration but my question is limited to the .gitignore file and Visual St...

Lightweight development web server with support for PHP v2

In line with this question: The above question has been asked numerous times and answered exactly the same in all the cases I've found using google. My question is similar to a degree but with a different desired goal: On demand development instances. I have ...