
WPF DevExpress TextEdit - " * " for Password input.

Hello, how I can use TextEdit component for passwords input?I want to se some "*" or "#" or another symbol when I type the password. Is there some property, where i can set such a thing? ...

I've won a license from DevExpress, what should i get?

I do not have experience with DevExpress products, so I do not know which license i should take. My first thought obviously was not going for some of their components, as this is not really interesting for 'personal' use. So one of their Visual Studio® Productivity Tools looks interesting. But which one is the most interesting? What d...

DevExpress WPF Grid - Event when columns width is changed...

Hello, does anyone knows, which event is raised, when user changes width of column for WPF DevExpress grid? I want to use it to store columns widths in database. ...

Document User Interface using QuantumGrid (TcxGrid) from Developer Express

Hello, I need to generate a user interface for entering a sales document (eg invoice). I'm trying to use components of "developer express" specifically the QuantumGrid component (TcxGrid). I've seen the demos of master-detail components and search in the devexpress support center, but none has helped me because all use 2 grids to handle ...

DockPanel, TForm and OnClose event in Delphi

Hi dudes, I have a project using DevExpress docking components, I create forms in run-time, which are attached into dockpanels components, my problem is that OnClose event of these forms are suppressed when closing dockpanels and doesnot execute its code existing there, it is important TForm's OnClose event is executed 'cause there are ...

ASP.NET - 3rd Party Libraries - Anyone know of a good side-by-side comparison?

I'm looking to invest in a 3rd party suite of controls and I've been searching, without much luck, for a nice tabular view that presents the various vendors offerings in an easy to compare side-by-side manner. Does anyone know of such a link? Thanks, Steve. PS: In particular I am considering the DevExpress and ComponentArt off...

How to assign event handler programatically

I'm using DevExpress AspxGridView and I'm trying to assign OnCustomCallBack programatically in the Page_Load. but it didn't work. this is my code, aspxGrid1.attributes.add("OnCustomCallback","MyServerSideFunctionName") ...

Coolite, Telerik and DevExpress

We are planning to replace our web app controls with 3rd party components, and shortlisted Coolite, Telerik and DevExpress. All these components look impressive and comprehensive and thus I would like to hear some review here and propose one of these. Thanks. ...

Devexpress LinqServerModeDataSource vs LinqDataSource

I need to access the returned results of a LinqServerModeDataSource. When using the normal Linqdatasource you can access this information in the "Selected" event e.Result, but the devexpress object does not have this event. Now that I think about it there are no "ed" events "Updated", "Inserted" only "ing" events on the devexpress data ...

Get Cell Control of GridView in DevExpress

Hi I have a GridView that has a column with RepositoryItemCheckEdit as ColumnEdit. I want to disable this control for just one row. How can I do this? Any suggestions? ...

How to count Number of Rows devexpress xtragrid.

Hi, I am using Devexpress XtraGrid Control, Here I can count the number of rows in footer of grid. but for this I need to set count property of SummeryItem in grid for at least one column. I dont want to do like this. I want count number of rows in xtraGrid without referring any one column in grid. I just want to show number of rows c...

DevExpress XtraReport Problem

I have an report, in which I like to show reports about some Employees. The Employee Class contains the following attributes : public class Employee{ public string name; public Branch branch; } I have an list of employees, and I bind them to the report columns. It is showing employee name without any p...

Dev Express RibbonControl Image Size

Is there any way to change the size of the image in a ribbon control. It is autosizing my images smaller than I would prefer, is this changeable? ...

Retain the value entered in the cell of DevExpress Xtragrid

I am using DevExpress Xtragrid control in my windows application. I enter some value into the first cell of the grid and if i go to second cell , the value entered in the first cell disappears. How to retain the value entered in the cell ? ...

When sorting using statements with DevExpress Refactor Pro can I make it so all System namespaces are at the top?

i want all of the system usings at the top (sorted alphabetically) and then all other using statements afterwards (sorted alphabetically) ...

XtraGrid Suite - is there a way to add a button or hyperlink to a cell?

I'm working with the XtraGrid Suite made by DevExpress. I can't find any sort of functionality to do this, but I'm curious if you can add a button or hyperlink to a grid cell. Context: I've got an Events list. Each Event has a Time, Start/End, and a Category (Utility and Maintenance). There can be Start events and Stop events. Having do...

Finding the Location in the User Control.

I have one user control named XtraTreeList(It is combination of the treeview and datagridview) in which I want to get the location of the cell and nodes, but I can not find any property or method for that. Anyone have used it or any idea about that? Or can I use the graphics approach to find the location of the cell or nodes ? Like, thr...

What are pros/cons to DevExpress Reports?

I'm looking for a new reporting tool and DevExpress XtraReports look pretty good. I didn't find any discussion on them so here we go. Have you found any problems with the report format, and saving reports to a database? Any common performance problems? How well does the end user report designer work? How does it fare against SSRS? (...

JAVASCRIPT - DevExpress - ASPxButton - Client Event

Hi, Can anyone see why this code block wont execute? I am using DevExpress v 9.2.9, VS2008 If I change the top function to an Alert it runs. However, If I chop the bottom block to an Alert, nothing happens. Its as if nothing is getting sent to my second function. I can't for the life of me get Firebug or any JS debugger tools to see...

Auto generate visual edit components for datasource?

In my project there is a TADOQuery tdm_Company that gets filled with a set of fields, provided with proper labels and fields set to visible=false where appropriate.The query returns a single result. I have a detail screen that needs a bunch of labels and edit textboxes for these fields. Is it possible to auto generate these in the editor...