
application crashes while running on device due to sqlite assertion

HI I have developed the application on with sqlite Database .when i run the application in simulator it works perfect but when i tested with device application gets crashes. this is my code * Assertion failure in -[sampleProjectAppDelegate copyDatabaseIfNeeded], /Users/xxxx/Desktop/new/sampleProject/Classes/sampleProjectAppDelegate.m:...

i want to make screen capture device driver like this

i want to make screen capture device driver like superwebcam someone told me easyway is make screen capture source filter and register device driver this is source fileter and how can i register?? not this regsvr32 ...

How do I detect when a device attached to the system is ready for use?

Hi all I'm sorry if this is similar to an earlier question but this is something I just noticed. I can detect when my device is attached to the system (via usb) and trap the message correctly however if I unplug and plug the device back, attempting to access the device via the CreateFile() function always returns an error: ERROR_GEN_FAI...

Android - VideoView video scaling - different screen orientations and devices

How does Android handle scaling of a video being played within a VideoView? So for example if I have a video that is say 480 X 270 (width and height), aspect ratio 16:9. And, say the VideoView is added to a LinearLayout with LayoutParams of (480, 270). What will be width and height of the rendered video in portrait orientation in a devi...

device behind firewall connect via ssh

Hi all, There have been a few questions like this around the place but none have really answered my question specifically.(for example ) What I want is a central server, that receives a heartbeat from multiple ( say 100's) embedded devices behind personal f...

DirectX 9 C++ program crashes and wont re-open

I am just beginning to learn how to program DirectX 9 applications in C++, so I'm still not very good, and I'm messing it around quite a bit. When I reopen the program after it crashes, the D3D Device fails to create with the result being D3DERR_INVALIDCALL. I am compiling with G++ in MinGW, using the DirectX August 2009 SDK. I'm guessi...

Real Player was designed using which technology / platform?

Real Player UI is definetely the one that I admire. Need to know its development platform. So that I can request my team to work on same platform to deliver such a nice UI. Is it .NET, MFC, WCF, WPF etc... etc... ? Also which is the apt platform to use to make the application work on Window desktop PC, Web-enabled devices, iPhone or w...

Link Errors when building for Device for Iphone

Hi i've been struggling with these errors for a day now. I'm using the TouchJSON framework( for the iphone.Everything compiles fine on the iphone simulator but when i try to compile on the device i get link errors. Undefined symbols: "___switch8", referenced from: -[NetworkController constructByte...

Can one iphone device be shared for testings from different account certificates?

Hi, this may be a dumb question, but I can't seem to find the answer. Can one iphone device be "used for development" by two people with different Apple accounts/certificates? Would there be implication to the iphone device? Thanks ...

are device drivers specific to device controllers or peripheral devices?

it is said that device drivers are specific to device controllers but whenever a new hardware is connected to the system, say a mobile handset we need to install the specific device drivers for that mobile handset. this indicates that device drivers are peripheral specific!! can someone explain this?? thanks in advance Regards Ankita ...

Connecting my Android phone to the DDMS SDK utility

I am trying to use the SDK's DDMS utility to capture screens off my Droid X. I have installed the Java JDK and the Android SDK. I set up the USB driver on my Windows laptop and connected my Droid X to the USB port. Windows XP can see the Droid just fine in Windows Explorer as a removable USB device, but the DDMS utility shows no devices...

Making sense of "/dev/video" ouput.

I've tried writing a simple application thats supposed to detect pixel differences from the /dev/video device. Like motion does. I don't know how the /dev/video device works, so most of it was guesswork. What I found is that it seems like the data ( from the specific webcam ) can be divided into sections of 8192 bytes. I assume each rep...

Determine iPhone device at runtime

Is ther any way to perform a runtime check for the iPhone device at runtime? It has to be able to differenciate iPhone 4 from other iPhone/iPod touch models. Any workaround that does the same thing is OK too. ...

Compiling iphone app for device - errors

I've been trying to compile an iPhone app to test on a device, it's properly provisioned and everything, but I'm getting the following error in xcode when I'm trying to build it: error: can't exec '<>' (No such file or directory) Command <> failed with exit code 71 ...

how to use device specific control inside another devicespecific control in mobile application

Hello all, I am writing mobile application. I have fixed headers and footers contents. and I want to use style on middle contents. these middle content will have asp controls rather than mobile controls. so I need this scenario: ->Device Specific ->Choice ->fixed Header ->Middle contents // with asp controls defin...

java jni self wake up on usb

I have an existing java and JNI based application which reads successfully from a usb device. I need to add a feature that when the device is plugged in, my application should wake up. Can anybody please point to similar solutions with examples and docs ? i need to do this in mac only. ...

cuda offset device pointer in host code

I first process a matrix in cublas, I have already sent it to device and I want to process some column vector of the matrix, still use cublas function. I first try using pointer arithmetic operation to offset the device pointer from host, but it seems doesn't work. Is there any way I can process vector in matrix without copying it back t...

real-time synchronization between two devices over a wireless signal

i have never done embedded (i dont know if thats what you call this) programming and know nothing about it. my question: is it possible to have two devices sharing a wireless connection (no internet, just between themselves, perhaps bluetooth, but i dont know what ever is best) ? is it possible to have one editing a file and the other ...

ggplot2 hell with rpy2-2.0.7 + python 2.6 + r 2.11 (windows 7)

i am using rpy2-2.0.7 (i need this to work with windows 7, and compiling the binaries for the newer rpy2 versions is a mess) to push a two-column dataframe into r, create a few layers in ggplot2, and output the image into a <.png>. i have wasted countless hours fidgeting around with the syntax; i did manage to output the files i neede...

Android - Slider devices cause Activities to reset....

While testing on Android 1.6 using a G1 I have noticed that when I slide out the keyboard it kills the activity and recreates it even though I have set my activity to only display in portrait mode. Same happens when I push the keyboard back in. I get onSaveInstance, onDestroy called, then onCreate, onResume, OnrestoreInstance... I und...