
DirectShow DVD playback

I have created a custom allocator/presenter that works fine for playback of normal media files. However, when I use the following code to try to playback a DVD, it fails with a stack overflow exception. vmr9_ap = new vmr9ap(); HMONITOR monitor = MonitorFromWindow(hwnd, NULL); IGraphBuilder *graph; IBaseFilter *filter; IDvdGraphB...

Good books or tutorials for beginning Direct X with c++

I'm pretty familiarity with c++. I'v made a few games like tetris and solitaire with it. But what I would really like is some nice textured graphics for those games :-p GDI just isn't doing it for me anymore. Really, all I would need to know is: DX scene initialization making something simple like a round rectangle and basic shapes ab...

API General Questions and Choices

I've decided to start making graphical games. My language of choice is C++ and the only game I've made so far was a text based game based on Hunt the Wumpus which taught me fundamentals of game loops and robust error handling. I now think I'm going to move onto a version of Tetris. Obviously moving from text-based to graphical programmi...

I thought *.DDS files were meant to be quick to load!?

Ok, so I'm trying to weigh up the pro's and con's of using various different texture compression techniques. I spend 99.999% of my time coding 2D sprite games for Windows machines using DirectX. So far I have looked at texture packing (SpriteSheets) with alpha-trimming and that seems like a decent way to get a bit more performance. Now ...

Why won't Direct3D recover after unplugging a monitor in Windows XP?

An interesting bug came up that I'm having no luck with. In a windowed Direct3D9 program using native code, I handle a device lost using something similar to the following: void MyClass::RecoverFromDeviceLost(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 deviceToRecover, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS devicePresentParams ) { HRESULT hr = deviceToRecover->TestCoopera...

How to get DirectX debug messages under remote debugging with VS2008 without installing the DXSDK on the remote machine?

I'm trying to debug some problems that only happen on some Windows XP machines. My development system uses Vista, and I'd like to avoid having to setup a complete development environment in XP to debug this problem. I've successfully setup remote debugging to the XP systems using VS2008, but have not been able to get DirectX to output ...

Given normal map in world space what is a suitable algorithm to find edges?

If I have the vertex normals of a normal scene showing up as colours in a texture in world space is there a way to calculate edges efficiently or is it mathematically impossible? I know it's possible to calculate edges if you have the normals in view space but I'm not sure if it is possible to do so if you have the normals in world space...

Extract frame from VOB(DVD) file

I need to generate thumbnail from video files, i m using IMediaDet to get frame from video, it not working for (*.vob) file DVD, how can i get thumbnail from DVD in C# .. ...

Want to learn to write 2d games

Hey stackoverflow Community! I learned the basics of C# (i can write some Form-Applications) and now I want to learn how to write 2d games. I don't know where to start. Is there a engine that's good for 2d games? After learning the basics of 2d I'll want to write simple games which work under windows and linux (that whould be cool, linux...

Bootstrap manifest generator gives error

I am trying to add Direct X 9 c in the list of prerequisite of click once installer. For which i am using Bootstrap Manifest generator as i read in some article on building the Bootstrap Manifest generator. I am getting an error that says A null string was requested to be built, which is not allowed. I have my DirectX exe file ...

"Wrap-around" effect with a Direct3D.Texture

Given a destination rectangle and an x/y offset value, I need an image to be drawn within the confines of that destination rectangle. If the offset would push the image off the edge of the rectangle, then the part that "pushes out" should appear on the opposite side of the destination rectangle. In simplest terms, I need a scrolling back...

3D graphics in Delphi/Native TForm GUIs

What is the easiest way to do accelerated 3D graphics inside a TForm in Delphi? ...

Does XNA effectively replace Managed Directx?

The subject speaks for itself. Does XNA effectively replace Managed DirectX? We have a few projects using managed DirectX in VB.NET. I was considering porting one over to XNA, but wonder whether it's worth the effort. Thanks in advance for your time. ...

Why check only certain values for errors? (C++?)

I recently started learning DirectX/Windows, and the book I'm learning from had the code d3d = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION); if(d3d == NULL) //catch error &c. My question is: What would cause an error in this line, that is different than what would cause an error in another line (say, for example, int num = 42)? ...

MS API Code Pack - Will it support future versions of DirectX?

I'm working on deciding between Managed DirectX (through MS API Codepack), SlimDX library (managed wrapper for DirectX), XNA (managed wrapper++ for Directx9 only), or unmanaged Directx (20%+ extra development time). So, the MS API Codepack interests me, because it has support for DirectX. However, I get a feeling that they might not su...

How to lower loading time of DirectX?

I am making a C++/Windows/DirectX program that requires the functions d3d = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION); and d3d->CreateDevice(...); when I run the program, these to init functions take particularily long to work (not long, but noticible). Is there any way to shorten the loading time of these? The basic structure of the prog...

Mouse click detection and Transformation2D in Direct3D

I use Sprites to draw images in a D3D window. I draw an image on every sprite within a rectangle (0, 0, width, height) and use Matrix.Transformation2D to place the image in the rendered view. Example: using (Sprite s = new Sprite(device)) { s.Begin(SpriteFlags.AlphaBlend); Matrix tranz = new Matrix(); tranz = ...

Using IE DX Transforms in gridview rows

I am trying to apply a DirectX gradient filter transform to the selected row in an page gridview. In the RowDataBound() event I am applying the approprate style (whihc I know works in other situation), and the added row attributes for 'onmouseover' and 'onmouseout' to enable and disable the filter array element(s) so when the mo...

Position of fields (position, normal, etc.) in a D3D9 vertex

Hello, I'm trying to read 3D models which were created for a DirectX applications, which are defined in the following way : In the file header, the Flexible Vertex Format (FVF) of the mesh is given (actually, I have any combinations of D3DFVF_{XYZ,DIFFUSE,NORMAL,TEX1,TEX2} in the meshes I tested) Then, n vertices are given in a linear...

What creates the three close/minimize/maximize icons in the top corner of a window? (C++)

I am making a C++/Windows/DirectX program, and when it runs in windowed mode (using d3dpp.Windowed = (!FULLSCREEN); where FULLSCREEN is defined as 0), the three icons that are usually at the top of any window (minimize, maximize/restore, and close) are not there. Also, it's not like just an image with no border or anything, it looks ...