
iPhone app distribution: What name will appear on the AppStore?

Hi there, Is there a way to change the name that displays on the AppStore, rather than the name associated with the credit card/apple ID associated with the developer programme? For example, if my name on my credit card was foo, and the name on the apple ID was foo, but I actually want the name displayed on the AppStore (i.e. next to m...

Fitting a gamma distribution with (python) Scipy

Hi folks, Can anyone help me out in fitting a gamma distribution in python? Well, I've got some data : X and Y coordinates, and I want to find the gamma parameters that fit this distribution... In the Scipy doc, it turns out that a fit method actually exists but I don't know how to use it :s.. first, in wich format the argument "data" ...

iPhone app distribution build warning

Hi All, I build my app with distribution profile. Every thing goes fine except one warning, warning: 'The Validate Built Product build setting was not enabled when building for Distribution.' I find it on Google but get nothing. Is this warning affect my distribution build.? Can some one explains what that warning means.? I follow...

Getting entitlement warning while building an Ad Hoc Distribution Bundle for an Iphone App.

I followed Apple's instructions on how to create an Ad Hoc Distrubution bundle but I keep getting what appears to be a fatal Warning during the build process. As per the instructions, I set the signing identity to my distribution profile at the target (instead of the project), created my Entitlement.plist file and unchecked get-task-all...

F# powerpack and distribution

I need arbitrary precision rational numbers, which I'm given to understand are available in the F# powerpack. My question is about the mechanics of distribution; my program needs to be able to compile and run both on Windows/.Net and Linux/Mono at least, since I have potential users on both platforms. As I understand it, the best procedu...

iPhone App Store Distribution questions

I would like to enroll my company in to the iPhone Developer Program for $99. I have a few questions, which I can't really find an answer to, because Apple aren't very detailed in their pages unless you actually registered. So here goes: 1.) Is the $99 paid yearly? 2.) It says when distributing free apps there's no fee, but if I want to...

What Database to distribute as part of a C# app backend

I am planning on writing and commercialising a C# app which will store data in an underlying database I use MySQL on my environment for my own development and this is what I would have used to write the application for myself (no need to use FK - MyISAM engine would be fine). I am concerned about how easy it will be to distribute the ap...

Distribution profile and App Store Submission

Hi All, I developed a iPhone application for my client. I have my own developer account, so I created the Ad Hoc and App Store Distribution profiles by using my account. Now the thing is, my client want to submit the app by using his account. He has his own account. I want to know, Should I build the app using my distribution profi...

Why can't I include these data files in a Python distribution using distutils?

I'm writing a setup.py file for a Python project so that I can distribute it. The aim is to eventually create a .egg file, but I'm trying to get it to work first with distutils and a regular .zip. This is an eclipse pydev project and my file structure is something like this: ProjectName src somePackage module1.py ...

2 techniques for including files in a Python distribution: which is better?

I'm working on packaging a small Python project as a zip or egg file so that it can be distributed. I've come across 2 ways to include the project's config files, both of which seem to produce identical results. Method 1: Include this code in setup.py: from distutils.core import setup setup(name='ProjectName', version='1.0', ...

I created a Python egg; now what?

I've finally figured out how to create a Python egg and gotten it to work. Now... what do I do with it? How do I use it? How do I ensure that everything was correctly included? (Simple steps please... not just redirection to another site. I've googled, but it's confusing me, and I was hoping someone could explain it in a couple of simple...

Is there a way to distribute content for an application on the android market?

Does the android market support distribution of content packages? Is there any way a dependency structure can be created so that to obtain a content package for the app depends on the app to be installed as well? ...

ipad simulator error after distribution

Hi all, I developed a test app and I tried to use into the simulator.. all works fine! After, following the document "iPhone_developer_program_user_guide" I made the distribution version of my app (and xcode built it without problems). After this, I couldn't try the distribution 'cause I don't have iPad, but when I selected the debug typ...

Entitlements.plist not created properly

Hi all! reading the doc from apple I need to create an ad-hoc distribution app, and to do so I need the entitlements.plist. when i create a new entitlement, the value "get-task-allow" is not present, so I added by hand.. is right?? at the end the Entitlements.plist is this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC ...

What's the best way to distribute Lua and libraries?

I'm looking at moving a program that currently embeds a Python interpreter to use Lua. With Python it's fairly easy to use modulefinder, compileall, and zipfile to make a nice tidy zip containing all the external libraries used. Does Lua have the ability to bundle up its libraries like that, or is there some better best practice for di...

How to generate random numbers of lognormal distribution within specific range in Matlab

My grain sizes are defined as D=[1.19,1.00,0.84,0.71,0.59,0.50,0.42]. The problem is described below in steps. Grain sizes should follow lognormal distribution. The mean of the grain sizes is fixed as 0.84 and the standard deviation should be as low as possible but not zero. 90% of the grains (by weight %) fall in the size range of 1....

iphone binary failing to compress

When I try to compress my binary (to upload for app submission), I get a ridiculously small zip file (a 10 meg file turns into 300k). I've done this a dozen times and never had a problem and am uncertain what could be causing this. I tried restarting xcode and doing a clean build. Has anyone seen this happen before? ...

Unable to create File object for a file in Jar

Hi, I am trying to include a number of text files as resources in my runnable .jar-file. The following code should print the contents of one file: URI resourceFile = Driver.class.getResource("/etc/inputfile.txt").toURI(); System.out.println("Opening URI: " + resourceFile.toString()); File infile = new File(resourceFile); Scanner sc = ...

Empirical distribution estimation by using Four-moment

Hi, all I have samples from data. I want to know specific distribution of these samples when the type of distribution and parameters are unknown. 1) Is there specific method for this? (except for chi-square, KS test and so on, I already know these) 2) I think four-moments approach seems nice but I don't know how can I calculate the em...

How to combine the different distributions?

I show the better example to understand my question clearly. EXAMPLE: There are data about the height of the men in university. The height of the men in university is followed by Normal distribution with mu and sigma. Also we have data about the errors of the measurement of the height. The errors are followed by Poisson distribution wi...