
Packaging an excel addin

I have an automation addin for excel developed using C#. How do I package and distribute it ? Also when the addin is installed for the first time, I want a username and password check to pop for the first time. How can I go about doing this ? thanks ...

Linux distribution binary compatibility

Any way to make a binary in a Linux distribution and run it on another distribution with same architecture? Or I should compile and build it on different distributions? Is there any compatibility between Redhat, Debain based distributions for binary files? (I want to use my ubuntu binary file on fedora!) ...

Plot with fewer markers than data points (or a better way to plot CDFs?) [matplotlib, or general plotting help]

I am plotting Cumulative Distribution Functions, with a large number of data points. I am plotting a few lines on the same plot, which are identified with markers as it will be printed in black and white. What I would like are markers evenly spaced in the x-dimension. What I am getting is one marker per data point (and given the number o...

Distributing my Windows Mobile app outside of marketplace?

Hello all friendly Windows Mobile Developers! I have a simple question: Can I distribute my Windows Mobile App outside of the Marketplace? If so, how is this done? Can I from my phone send an app, I have developed my self, to another person in the same room? I am aiming for Windows Mobile version 6.5, though if any one has some inpu...

which android sdk version to release to market?

I want to release an app on the market. It uses nothing new from the 2.0 release like bluetooth for instance and it works well in every emulator using version 1.6 to 2.1. My question is upon version of the sdk should I distribute my application to make it compatible with all devices running 1.6, 2.0 or 2.1? I only have a physical devic...

Mac OS X Programming and distribution

In the recent hype over iPhone App programming, I got my hands on a MacBook. I have an idea for a program. Can I just write it in Objective-C and distribute it, or must I register with Apple Developer Connection? Does the OS X development / distribution process require Apple censorship like the iPhone does? ...

releasing a javascript library for the first time

Hi, I'm almost finished working on a useful (at least, in my opinion) JavaScript plugin. Having seen and used many JavaScript packages, both freely licensed (JQuery, YUI, etc) and partly or fully commercially licensed I'm not sure what other factors dictate which license I should release my own under and how to support the plugin. Some ...

Distributing Rails applications in an OSX .app container

I want to distribute a Rails application within a .app package, so it can run from 10.4 to 10.6; is there any howto or hint on how to do that? Especially the following things make me twist my head: I want to repackage the app with Ruby 1.8.6, so it would run even if there is an older version of Ruby installed on the system (such as 1.8...

How do I use chi square distribution with C++ Boost library?

I've checked the examples in the Boost website, but they are not what I'm looking for. To put it simple, I want to see if a number on a die is favored, using 600 rolls, so the average appearances of every number (1 through 6) should be 100. And I want to use the chi square distribution to check if the die is fair. Help!, how would I d...

should we pack our 3rd party libraries with our components?

We are doing some architecture refactoring. We are a SaaS company so all deploys are to our own self managed servers. Current model packs all of our binaries along with 3rd party libraries we use into ears, wars, tars, etc. These packages include all of the libraries they depend on. When they are deployed they are manually exploded (un...

How to keep both development and shipping builds on my iPhone?

I want to keep two versions of my app on my phone: the shipping version, and the currently-in-development version. What's the best-practices way to do this? ...

.Net with single .exe without .NET Framework installation

I wrote my simple desktop program in C#. I am reluctant to distribute it on the internet because i am not sure if users will go through pain of installing the .Net Framework. My target users are non-tech savvy users. I am very familiar with MFC and I probably can write this program in MFC in a month. MFC is nice because I don't have to ...

Best way to replace mass emails sent from Entourage with a proper mailing list solution?

I am helping a Los Angeles choreographer to transition away from sending her announcements via Entourage. Here's the situation: She has multiple conact groups, and sends classes and performance announcements several times a month, to different groups. She manages the contact groups manually. The group size is between 1500 and 2500 peop...

iPhone general question on private APIs

Hi, I need to get some general information on private API usage (e.g. Apple80211...): Up to now I was in the opinion, that I would need a jailbroken iPhone in order to run apps using this APIs. I'm a bit buffled now, because it seems, that I can create and run apps using it on my iPhone, e.g. directly from XCode. Is it just a matter of d...

Revoking Distribution certificate for iPhone

If I revoke the distribution certificate for a iPhone app that is already in the App store, will it stop working for customers? ...

Is it possible to mass update multiple iPhone applications?

I'm not all that familiar with Apple's iPhone development system, but I'm trying to figure out if theres a way for developers who create custom iPhone apps to update their apps on a mass scale. For example, would a company who publishes hundreds of apps have to resubmit every app they've made manually if they find a minor bug that affect...

SOLVED: Peculiar problem - iphone application distribution build contains a bug

SOLVED: This has been solved following the assistance of many people. I'm now writing this, so that people with similar problems can benefit from it. In order for me to recreate this bug, I had to run the distribution build on my device. This was accomplished following MrMage's advice, which told me to change the certificate to the devel...

iPhone: determine distribution type programatically for testing.

At runtime in an iphone app, is there a way to distinguish the distribution type programatically between ad hoc and app store? Whenever I do an ad hoc distribution I want to target internal test servers for web service end points, then for the app store distribution target the production servers. Thanks. Jim ...

JARS necessary to distribute Eclipse EMF based library?

I'm working with a library (MDHT from OpenHealthTools) to parse CDA XML. It relies on parts of Eclipse and the EMF plugin for Eclipse to do its thing. I've addressed most of the dependencies, but I'm still running into this error: Could not initialize class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not init...

Can I remove a Distribution Profile for an app already on the App Store?

Hello experts! I'm currently stuck in the distribution-profile-jungle and I can't find my way out. I have launched an app to the App Store using my Distribution Profile, for various reasons I needed to wipe my keychain. When this was done I successfully updated the Development Profile by adding my newly created certificate. All is fine ...