
Django Forms - How to Not Validate?

Say I have this simple form: class ContactForm(forms.Form): first_name = forms.CharField(required=True) last_name = forms.CharField(required=True) And I have a default value for one field but not the other. So I set it up like this: default_data = {'first_name','greg'} form1=ContactForm(default_data) However now when I go ...

Django: How do I model a tree of heterogeneous data types?

I need to store a tree data structure in my database, for which I plan on using django-treebeard or possibly django-mptt. My source of confusion is that each node could be one of three different possible types: root nodes will always be a type A entity, leaf nodes a type C entity, and anything in between will be a type B entity. I woul...

How do I filter ForeignKey choices in a Django ModelForm?

Say I have the following in my class Company(models.Model): name = ... class Rate(models.Model): company = models.ForeignKey(Company) name = ... class Client(models.Model): name = ... company = models.ForeignKey(Company) base_rate = models.ForeignKey(Rate) I.e. there are multiple Companies, each having a...

Web technology for a first small web project

I'm a C++ developer with basic Python skills. Here's the task, a friend of mine is running a small company and he asked me if I can make a website for him. I have no real deadline so I think it's a perfect opportunity to try sth new and do some web development. User has to be able to add photos, change texts ect. Do you think that Djan...

"Unknown column 'user_id' error in django view

I'm having an error where I am not sure what caused it. Here is the error: Exception Type: OperationalError Exception Value: (1054, "Unknown column 'user_id' in 'field list'") Does anyone know why I am getting this error? I can't figure it out. Everything seems to be fine. My view code is below: if "login" in request.sessi...

What is the regular expression for the "root" of a website in django?

I'm using django and when users go to I want to point them to the index view. Right now I'm doing this: (r'^$', 'ideas.idea.views.index'), However, it's not working. I'm assuming my regular expression is wrong. Can anyone help me out? I've looked at python regular expressions but they didn't help me. ...

Flattening one-to-many relationship in Django

I have a few model classes with basic one-to-many relationships. For example, a book has many recipes, and each recipe has many ingredients: class Book(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=64) class Recipe(models.Model): book = models.ForeignKey(Book) name = models.CharField(max_length=64) class Ingredient(mo...

Dynamically update ModelForm's Meta class

I am hoping to dynamically update a ModelForm's inline Meta class from my view. Although this code seems to update the exclude list in the Meta class, the output from as_p(), as_ul(), etc does not reflect the updated Meta exclude. I assume then that the html is generated when the ModelForm is created not when the as_*() is called. Is th...

Looping in Django forms

Hi, I've just started building a prototype application in Django. I started out by working through the Django app tutorial on the Django site which was pretty helpful, and gave me what I needed to get started. Now I have a couple of what I hope are very simple questions: I want to put a loop into, looping over a set of variabl...

What is a good reference guide for Django

Hi, I've just started using Django, and have never programmed in Python before. I really feel the need for a Django / Python reference guide, either online or in book form. Anyone know of a good one? I'm really looking for a reference guide, rather than a "how-to" guide, as the latter seem to be easy enough to find. Thanks, Ben ...

DJANGO Template Variables and Javascript

Hello, When i render a page using the Django template renderer, i can pass in a dictionary variable containing various values so i can manipulate them in the page using {{ myVar }}. Is there a way to access the same variable in Javascript (perhaps using the DOM, i don't know how Django makes the variables accessible), i want to be able...

Form (or Formset?) to handle multiple table rows in Django

Hi, I'm working on my first Django application. In short, what it needs to do is to display a list of film titles, and allow users to give a rating (out of 10) to each film. I've been able to use the {{ form }} and {{ formset }} syntax in a template to produce a form which lets you rate one film at a time, which corresponds to one row i...

Use only some parts of Django?

I like Django, but for a particular application I would like to use only parts of it, but I'm not familiar enough with how Django works on the inside, so maybe someone can point me into the right direction as to what I have to check out. Specifically, I want to use: The models and database abstraction The caching API, although I want ...

Running a Django site under mod_wsgi

I am trying to run my Django sites with mod_wsgi instead of mod_python (RHEL 5). I tried this with all my sites, but get the same problem. I configured it the standard way everyone recommends, but requests to the site simply time out. Apache conf: <VirtualHost> DocumentRoot /wwwclients/thymeandagain ServerName thym...

Best Django 'CMS' component for integration into existing site.

So I have a relatively large (enough code that it would be easier to write this CMS component from scratch than to rewrite the app to fit into a CMS) webapp that I want to add basic Page/Menu/Media management too, I've seen several Django pluggables addressing this issue, but many seem targeted as full CMS platforms. Does anyone know o...

Existing libraries for web app sign-up, sign-in, manage passwords?

Do the major web application frameworks (Rails, Django, etc) have libraries that provide functionality for signing in, signing up, creating usernames, changing passwords, and managing lost passwords? It seems to me that this is common functionality that should be supported by some standard library, but I haven't seen anything in my sear...

Django Deployment

Hi, I am given a responsibility in my project to develop a Equipment tracking tool with following requirements New Equipment can be added by admin to a particular user Once equipment is assigned to a person he will a request to accept the request so he will be responsible User can transfer his equipment to other users. At the same tim...

Generating Login and Registration Forms with Contrib.Auth in Django

I'm new to Django and in bouncing around the framework over the past few days I haven't been able to figure out how to properly install the django.contrib.auth app in my project. Well, installing is probably not the right word, but configuring it for my purposes. What I'm truly hoping to do is extend the built-in classes to simply creat...

Django foreign key access in save() function

Here's my code: class Publisher(models.Model): name = models.CharField( max_length = 200, unique = True, ) url = models.URLField() def __unicode__(self): return def save(self): pass class Item(models.Model): publisher = models.ForeignKey(Publisher) name =...

File upload with django-profiles

I'm using the django-contrib package django-profiles, and everything is working great - my only issue is that I would like the form to upload a file (for an avatar), unfortunately - the form does not upload the file. Has anyone successfully managed to get file uploads working with django-profiles? I want to avoid having to set up a sepe...