
(Physical)(Installed) path of DLL installed to the GAC.

How can I get the (physical) installed path of a DLL that is (may be) registered in GAC? This DLL is a control that may be hosted in things other than a .Net app (including IDEs other than VS...). When I use System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, it gives path of GAC folder in winnt\system32 - or in Design mode in V...

Specify ordinals of C++ exported functions in a DLL

I am writing a DLL with mixed C/C++ code. I want to specify the ordinals of the functions I'm exporting. So I created a .DEF file that looks like this LIBRARY LEONMATH EXPORTS sca_alloc @1 vec_alloc @2 mat_alloc @3 sca_free @4 vec_free @5 mat_free @6 ... I would like to specify the ordina...

Java I/O using inpout32.dll

I am trying to control some LEDs wired to the parallel port on Windows XP. The easiest solution would be Inpout32.dll from Logix4u.net. I have found many source code samples in various languages (C++, Visual Basic, C#) but nothing using Java. Do you know any tutorials about calling DLL functions from Java ? (what I have found so far on ...

Can someone point me to a good tutorial/articles/books on writing DLL in C?

Also some good books on C .. best practicies.. writing C apps in multi-threaded environment.. I basically need to write a DLL..which will be used in a multi-threaded environment. ...

Run-Time Check Failure #0 vb.net callback from C dll

Hi all. I'm writing Add-inn Application A in VB.Net and DLL B in C language. Application A pass callback method to dll B. When certain event occur the dll invoke the callback from A. Whole works fine on my PC but when I move it to Notebook I get an error: Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a func...

Where can one find a specification for the data structures representing a dll in memory?

Specifically I want to know what the data structure for the imports (idata) section looks like. ...

Best practice for storing and referencing DLL libraries?

Often times a developer on my team will create a new Visual Studio project and reference a DLL somewhere on their local machine (e.g., C:\mydlls\homersimpson\test.dll). Then, when I get the project from the source control repository, I cannot build the project because I do not have the referenced dll in the exact same location on my mac...

Are Windows DLLs signed by Microsoft? Can I detect if they've been tampered with by a third party?

Hi everyone. I'm implementing a locking and copy protection system for my software. I've shut every hole that would allow someone to break my lock (well, that's a little too optimistic, I know!) but the last thing is this: I hear crackers can change Windows DLLs like Kernel32.dll in a way that the API I use returns a value which is spe...

Get signatures of exported functions in a DLL

Is it possible to get an exported (C style?) function's signature (parameter count/types, return type) from a DLL? I can view the list of function names, addresses, ordinals, etc. with DLL Export Viewer but I can't view the signatures. I only have the dll file and don't have neither .h nor .def files. UPDATE: Using a tool called API Mon...

Best way to use a VB.NET class library from a C++ DLL?

Hello, I need to use one of my VB.NET projects in a C++ project. The interface between the two will be for the C++ code to instantiate and call methods on one of the .NET assembly objects. Both compile to DLLs (and then the C++ DLL is loaded from the NTVDM as a VDD, but that's probably not relevant.) If possible I would like to avoid u...

Strange DLL + InterropServices problem

I'm trying to learn the basics of tying up unmanaged C++ and .NET. So, I've got the DLL compiled and callable from C#. Great. Now I run into this weird problem: Here's my C++ file, Main.cpp: #include <stdio.h> extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void DisplayHelloFromDLL() { printf ("Hello from the World of 1986!\n"); } and C# file,...

Exceptions from DLL/Shared libs

Suppose you are developing a library with classes to be exported through a DLL (on Windows, or similar shared-library like Linux ELF shared libs). Member functions on those classes throw exceptions either from the standard library or library defined exceptions. It is totally safe to code in DLLs to throw exceptions to the modules that m...

How to walk the methods and their properties contained in a DLL?

Using preferably JScript, but VBscript will also do, how does one walk a DLL obtaining the properties and their attributes contained therein? Why? Because it would be good to ascertain the attributes of certain objects such as their datatypes at runtime rather than having to hard-code them before hand. An example of their use would be to...

Reference project "readonly" in Visual Studio?

I have two applications in two solutions in VS2008 that share a common dll, the dll-code is included as a project in the first applications solution. Is it possible to allow the second solution to reference the dll project "readonly"? I want whoever opens the second solution to be able to step into the dll during debugging but not be a...

Static member variable in template, with multiple dlls

My code is built to multiple .dll files, and I have a template class that has a static member variable. I want the same instance of this static member variable to be available in all dlls, but it doesn't work: I see different instance (different value) in each of them. When I don't use templates, there is no problem: initialize the sta...

VS2005 Configure "fallback" DLL

I'm trying to add SQL2008 support to a .NET 2.0 application. However, my unique constaint is that some users will still use SQL2005, and I don't want to require them to install the SQL2008 client components. The actual set of DLLs I need for SQL2008 are different than SQL2005. The code can remain the same. Botton line, I need a way i...

Can I create a regular windows DLL (for a plugin) in .NET?

I'm trying to create a plugin for a program. The program works by loading your plugin DLL and executing specifically named functions within that DLL. Pretty standard stuff. However, I'd like to create my plugin in C# (and I am a bit of newbie). My question is, can I export regular C like functions from C#? or How do I easily create a...

Is it safe to copy over a dll that is used by a running process on Windows XP?

This is on Windows XP. I have a running process (that I'd like to stay running). If I copy over a dll that it uses (as in, replace it with a newer version), will this cause problems for the running process, or is the code already loaded such that it won't matter? ...

comparing code size vs source size

There are plenty of script/tools for counting line of code, and some to count functions size in terms of line of code. But here I'm looking to a way to measure function size in terms of bytes of generated code. Does anyone know a way/tools to extract this information from a .lib or a .dll? For example, I know how to list function name...

How to embed .tlb as a resource file into .NET Assembly DLL?

We're using our .NET Assembly DLL within native C++ through COM (CCW). Whenever I make new version of my DLL, I have to send two files (.dll and corresponding .tlb) to crew that's using it in their code. Is it possible to embed .tlb file as a resource in .NET DLL file? ...