
How can I get offline Doctrine 1.2 documentation

I need to have offline documentation for Doctrine 1.2. I just don't seem to find it anywhere, while I remember having seen something like that. Who can give me any pointers? ...

Easy way to convert a Doctrine_Collection of Model classes to an array of simple objects?

To clearly separate the Controller and View layers, I do not longer want to pass full objects to my views. Instead I want to pass only arrays and objects that contain the data but do not have any methods. Otherwise a view script would be able to delete Doctrine records or traverse in the object tree to data that was not intended for the ...

how can I solve a problem with andWhere with symfony/doctrine and odbc?

While following the symfony tutorial (1.4.4) I'm getting an error with ODBC/mssql 2008. SQLSTATE[07002]: COUNT field incorrect: 0 [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error (SQLExecute[0] at ext\pdo_odbc\odbc_stmt.c:254). Failing Query: "SELECT [j].[id] AS [j__id], [j].[category_id] AS [j__category_...

What is the correct way to define application-level cascade for many-to-many relationships, using Doctrine/YAML?

Hi, I have this model definition: #/config/doctrine/schema.yml NewsArticle: options: (...) columns: (...) relations: Images: class: Image local: article_id foreign: image_id refClass: ImageToNewsArticle Image: options: (...) columns: (...) relations: NewsArticles: clas...

Doctrine - Multiple models referencing same id field in another model

I have a Files Model, and Multiple (currently 3) different other Models (Article, Job, Event) that can all have files, that are stored in the Files Model. The problem is that when i generate the tables via the CLI-Tool (./doctrine build-all-reload), i get this error message: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot ...

How can I detach/ignore a single behavior in Doctrine?

My question is very close to this one I have a model with several behaviors, one of which I need to ignore for a single query. I have a UserModel with attached behaviors for SoftDelete Deactivatable (custom) Timestampable In a very specific ca...

Doctrine Update by DQL + field with parenthesis: "(" and ")"

Hello! I have a doctrine update query to save my data: $customer = Doctrine_Query::create() ->update('Customer') ->set('fax',"'". $this->getRequest()->getParam('fax')."'") ->where('id ='.$this->getRequest()->getParam('id')) ->execute(); The problem is that the field fax has parenthesis and doctrine returns an ...

Deploying symfony without shell access

Good day, I have an application written using the Symfony framework. The application works on my development server, where I have shell access. However, I am unable to load my application on my host, as I need to run symfony doctrine::build on the command line on the host. Is there another way to load the database after or during sym...

How to test if a doctrine records has any relations that are used

Hi, I'm using a doctrine table that has several optional relations (of types Doctrine_Relation_Association and Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey) with other tables. How can I test if a record from that table has connections with records from the related table. Here is an example to make my question more clear. Assume that you have a User an...

(Doctrine-Ubuntu) Get error: doctrine-cli.php: command not found

Hi, (Doctrine-Ubuntu) I run $ doctrine-cli.php command and get doctrine-cli.php: command not found. P ...

Composite foreign key in Doctrine

Hi, I'm not really sure I'm using the good terms, so I'll try to explain my problem first. I have a cross-reference table, CompetenceCollab, containing the associations between people and their competences. This table has two primary keys, the people's id, and the competence's id. To this point, everything is ok. However, the new feat...

Doctrine how to setup Many to Many to Many relationship

Summary: Using the following YML I get a reference to a FOREIGN KEY (role_id) that is not in my YML. Problem: I'm trying to create a system where there is a user (CreditName) who can belong to many role's (all of which can have many users). There are also many projects, which can contain many User+Roles, so I'd like the Project to ...

Accessing the database and sending an email in a symfony batch script

I am running Symfony 1.3.2 on Ubuntu. I need to write a batch script that can: Access the database using the ORM Send email(s) IIRC, this was in a previous cookback, but I thing that was for an earlier version of Symfony (the API may have changed since). Does anyone know how I may access the database via the ORM layer in a batch scr...

Doctrine + SQL Server Stored Procedures.

How can I call a stored procedure using Doctrine? ...

SQL Query to select upcoming events with a start and end date

I need to display upcoming events from a database. The problem is when I use the query I'm currently using any events with a start day that has passed will show up lower on the list of upcoming events regardless of the fact that they are current My table (yaml): columns: title: type: string(255) notnull: true de...

Using virtual fields in Doctrine_Query

Is there a way to insert logic based on virtual fields into a Doctrine_Query? I have defined a virtual field in my model, "getStatus()" which I would ultimately like to utilize in a Where clause in my Doctrine_Query. ... ->AndWhere('x.status = ?',$status); "status", however, is not a column in the table it is instead computed by bus...

Doctrine (on Ubuntu): What command generate models from database without delete existing models?(I add new tables soo i want update models)

Hi, Doctrine (on Ubuntu): What command generate models from database without delete existing models?(I add new tables soo i want update models) Thanks ...

Can Doctrine 1.2 handle custom data type like geometry data type?

I want to create tables that contain geometry data types (Mysql spatial extension). which steps are needed to map these with Doctrine 1.2? Any idea how is the codes of yaml mapping and corresponding modal class for custom data mapping with Doctrine 1.2? Thanks. ...

Symfony FK Constraint Issue

Hello! So I have a table schema that has users who can be friends. User: actAs: { Timestampable: ~ } columns: name: { type: string(255), notnull: true } email: { type: string(255), notnull: true, unique: true } nickname: { type: string(255), unique: true } password: { type: string(300), notnull: true } image: { ...

When should use doctrine ORM and when zend-db-table?

In terms of project scale, doctrine vs zend-db-table speed and performance, when should I use doctrine inside Zend project, and when zend-db-table? ...