
Recursively access iframes after they've loaded with jQuery

I've looked at the related questions here but am having a slightly different problem. I am rewriting anchors across nested iframes, sometimes 3 or 4 iframes deep. I use .load( function(){} ) to wait for each to load before accessing the anchors. This works fine when only going one iframe deep, but fails after that. Here is the code: ...

JQuery $(document).ready ajax load

I looked at quite a few of the related questions and I must be asking this completely different as I saw only a few that seemed to relate. I am loading an entire middle div via JQuery Ajax call and I simply want to be able to do some automatic JQuery on that new area like $(document).ready allows when a DOM is being loaded. I read that l...

$(doucment).ready(function(){}); and $(window).load(function() {}); confusion

Hello guys, My test product page over at has some odd behaviors which I could really use some help working out. Now, I had a problem previously with my image resizing, and someone here helped me out by saying that I should nest the image resize inside a $(window).load(function(){}); In order fo...

What are the side effects (if any) of multiple $(document).ready() in an HTML page ?

I am using a web application framework (Symfony 1.3.6), which follows the MVC pattern. The view layer is comprised of a template decorator. The template file may also include other templates - this is what gives rise to my question. Assuming that there is a page (lets call it the 'homepage'), which is comprised of several templates - (...

My jQuery ready function is firing too early... It's not ready!

I'm adding resizable to several div tags that are part of a complex page. But the $(document).ready() if executing too early. Not everything has been parsed and the resizable fails. How do I get jQuery to really wait until the document is ready? I've tried... $(document).ready() $(document).load() $(window).load() By adding a temp...

Verify that all images are loaded in `$(window).load()` function before proceeding

I am adding a number of large images for a slide-show to a page, but I want to start loading these images only when the normal part of the page is completely loaded (including the images). To do that, I am adding the images in the $(window).load() function: var slide_total = 20; $(window).load(function() { for (i = 2; i <= slide_...

jquery: unbind a loaded function

Hi, I have a function which will resize the image background when the page is loaded, $(document).ready(function(){ loadBackground(); }); and I want to 'unload' or 'remove' this loaded function when I click on a button so that I can load this function anew instead of loading it on top of the page, $('.get-image').click(function(){ ...

Shortcuts for jQuery's ready() method

I have seen some shortcuts for the ready() method and would like to know which actually happens first, because my test results confuse me.. $(document).ready(function(){ alert("document ready"); }); $(window).load(function(){ alert("window ready"); }); (function($){ alert("self invoke"); })(jQuery); Here self invoke happ...

Under what circumstances is $(document).ready triggered on a back-button click?

I'm working with some code that uses JQuery's $(document).ready functionality to set up a jqGrid instance. It appears that the code is fired even when returning to the page via a back-button click. In a stripped-down test page, a similar ready function is not called when reached via a back-button click: <html> <head> <script type=...

How move a jquery script like "ddaccordion.init" in an external js ?

Hi im trying to put all my js in external js file, for the header for my site be more light. So in my header i have this script, wich work well : ddaccordion.init({ headerclass: "p7ABtrig", //Shared CSS class name of headers group contentclass: "p7ABcontent", //Shared CSS class name of contents group ...

jquery selector issue

I have a div which in jquery's document ready I append - using $("#div id").append('html text') syntax - with 10 or so more div child elements. once this is done I try to check the content of the child divs via alert($(".classname")); and it comes back with: function(a){if(c.isFunction(a))return this.each(function(b){var d=c(this);d.te...