
Is there a way to synchronize sections of different Word documents?

I'm working on how my company does documentation (especially programming documentation). I'd like to be able to synchronize sections of different Word documents, such that if a section in one document changes, the change is reflected in the other document, and vice versa. Is there a way to do this with Word, and if not, is there some w...

convert code+comment in source control into a readable documentation

Hi, We are using mercurial-hg and git, and are wondering if there is a way to create documentations from the existing code and newly check-ed in code. Is there any plugin that we can hook into mercurial-hg/git that generates documentations? Thanks ...

Documenting namespaces with Doxygen

I'm having issues with Doxygen recognizing namespaces and modules. I believe the issue surrounds whether to place the \addtogroup within the namespace or outside the namespace. Example 1, outside the namespace: /*! * \addtogroup Records * @{ */ //! Generic record interfaces and implementations namespace Records { //! Describe...

How to generate Microsoft Help 3 file?

Microsoft Help 3 was shipped with Visual Studio 2010. How can I generate MSHC documentation file from XML documentation file? I have been using Sandcastle Help File Builder to generate CHM documentation file, but CHM is a li'l bit obsolete. Does anyone have skills with MS Help 3? ...

Tools and ways to generate HTML help for built-in help system (QtHelp)?

Hello, I'm in the progress of implementing a built-in help system based on QtHelp into my application. Since QtHelp is based on Qt's help collection files, I need to produce a set of HTML pages. Since I won't be writing the documentation alone (a few of my colleagues will write, too), I am looking for the best way to produce these file...

How can I document data sets with roxygen?

Is it possible to include .R files in the data directory of my package in the roxygen process? I have put several .R files in the data directory. When they are sourced with data(), they read in raw data files and perform some transformations. ...

How do I add custom properties to a Word doc with .NET 4?

Using .NET 4, how do I add custom properties to a document? I'm assuming it goes something like this: WordApp // an instance of Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application .ActiveDocument .CustomDocumentProperties .Add...? I cannot seem to find documentation for this that applies to .NET4/interops v14. ...

List interfaces and superclass in generated document in Enterprise Architect

I'd like to generate a report from a class diagram in Enterprise Architect. I'm trying to put together a document template like this: Class name (text from note property) Superclass (name of superclass(es), if any, but can be left empty) Interfaces (names if interfaces) Methods (a table listing all ...

How to create programming flowchart/documentation from VB.NET source code?

Hi, what tools do you use to create programming flowchart/documentation from VB.NET source code? There are absolutely no comments/documentation at present. I am a beginner, i.e. I tried Sandcastle but it is way over my head and could not get it going, not even with GUI. Fatesoft's CodeVisual To Flowchart is OK but it is almost the same a...

Generate Documentation for JSF 2 composite components

I'm looking to generate documentation for a custom JSF 2 composite component library. The composite components are not referenced in any faces-config.xml file, but rather the .xhtml files for the composite components are stored in META-INF/resources and use the new composite:interface tag to define the interface. For JSP tag libraries,...

how generate javaDoc from a jaxb file

hi, i am working with Jaxb. and i would like to generate javaDoc files from these classes, is it the same way as i would do it to a regular java files? ...

Marking "example usage" in code documentation

What is the best practice of placing example usage in code documentation? Is there a standardised way? With an @usage or @notes? Do document generators tend to support this? I know this question should depend on the documentation generator. However, I'm trying to get a habit of using a commenting style for doc generation before getting ...

Tool to Create Annotated Directory Structure Documentation

I've got a moderately complicated application that has been developed primarily by me, and I'm getting ready to bring a few more developers in, and I'm thinking of various forms of documentation that might be helpful. I want to communicate information about the directory structure/layout of the project so the new guys will know where t...

What is the relationship between docutils and Sphinx?

There seems to be a plethora of documentation tools for Python. Another one that I've run across is epydoc. It seems like Sphinx is the de facto standard, because it's used to generate the official Python docs. Can someone please sort out the current state of Python's documentation tools for me? ...

Document generation template engine for production usage NVelocity vs StringTemplate

For building a document generation engine what would be the primary .NET framework to be used in production. The 2 main ones I see are NVelocity and StringTemplate. NVelocity in all forks to be almost unsupported at this point where as ST been active atleast as of this year. Are either or both of these stable for use in production (if n...

Using RestructuredText and Sphinx to include a preformatted file.

I'm trying to make this fragment work: Version History --------------- These are the versions over time:: .. include:: ../../CHANGES.txt That is, use the include directive so that a file is included as a block quote. Once inside a block quote, the directive is quoted. I want the contents of the file in a block quote. Any ide...

Is there a way in Sphinx/Pygments to emphasize one or more lines of code in literal includes?

In some sphinx docs I am writing, I am including code samples from an ancillary file like so: .. literalinclude:: :pyobject: MyClass :linenos: This particular doc is a tutorial, where the classes are build up step by step. What I would like to do is include the entire class or a single method, and emphasize only the ...

Is there a Javadoc-like plugin for Xcode that automatically generates the doc template?

I'm aware of Doxygen to generate the documentation. What I'm looking for is quick way to insert documentation in Xcode similar to what Eclipse does when editing Java files. Let's say I have an objective-c method with a couple of arguments like this: -(NSInteger*) sumOf: (NSInteger*) one and:(NSInteger*) two {... In Eclipse, if you pl...

Replacing python docstrings

I have written a epytext to reST markup converter, and now I want to convert all the docstrings in my entire library from epytext to reST format. Is there a smart way to read the all the docstrings in a module and write back the replacements? ps: ast module perhaps? ...

Is there a preferred way to document methods implementing an interface?

I wonder if there's some way of doing this, or even if it should be done? My thoughts soon went to using method attributes as it's a kind of metadata, but I'm unsure if there are any for this purpose. Right now, I'm simply using XML comment <remark> tags to tell when a method implements some interface. But this is of course no structured...