
Strange problem while compiling CHM file

Hello, I had to write some documentation. I wrote each page in MS Word and then save each *.docx as htm file. I'm using "HTML Help Workshop" (from microsoft) to compile a chm file. I was able to sucessfully create a chm file but the problem is that not all images in chm file are displayed. I tried decompiling the *.chm file into anothe...

Efficient Way to Find FLOSS Projects That Need Documentation

I have searched for a sort of system to match FLOSS projects with writers, and there doesn't appear to be any. This is aside from the few wiki manual projects out there, which I feel doesn't really give enough credit to the writer. Is this an unfilled niche, or am I missing something? Looking willy-nilly for a mature enough project th...

Differentiation between const and non-const versions of methods in C++

I have a few questions regarding differentiation between const and non-const versions of methods in C++. Example: MyObject* MyClass::objectReference() const MyObject* MyClass::objectReference() const My questions are: Is there any way at all to differentiate between which version of the method is called manually? Or is it ful...

Documenting WCF Web Services

I would like to create/generate documentation from (somewhat)RESTful WCF Services. By somewhat RESTful I mean the client will use HTTP GETs and HTTP POSTs to communicate with the server (limited to just these verbs due to hardware limitations) I like the way Twitter released their documentation:

Xcode: how to install the iOS documentation in Xcode?

I currently have Xcode 3.2.3 installed (sans iOS SDK). It seems to have automatically downloaded for me the (OSX) Cocoa dev library -- but not iOS (UIKit) documentation. In Xcode preferences, I see "documentation set" options for "Mac OSX 10.6 Core Library" and "Xcode 3.2 Developer Tools Library" (both already downloaded) -- plus some J...

Xcode: getting Xcode to recognize already-downloaded document sets + future updates atomic?

I had Xcode 3.2.3 installed with the "Mac OS X 10.5 Core Library" and "Xcode 3.2 Developer Tools Library" document sets fully downloaded. Then I had to re-install Xcode with the download from, in order to get the iOS SDK. The previous "Mac OS X 10.5 Core Library" and "Xcode 3.2 Developer Tools Library" document set f...

How do you document your JavaScript?

Hi, I need to document quite a lot of JavaScript and jQuery code. I'm interested in diagrams, rather than the written documentation. I'm wondering if there is some sort of standard for modelling the JavaScript functions? My goal is to show visualy how different functions interact with each other. Thank you Edit: I have been trying D...

Auto-Commenting Tool

Hello All, I recently created a CMS for the client which is meant to work out of the box. But I made a mistake by not commenting my code at the time of writing. Just wanted to know if there is a tool that will go through the files of CMS and add comment blocks automatically. Let's suppose I have this code: class foo{ function bar(ar...

Doxygen javadoc-style tag description spanning multiple lines

In a C++ project I'm using doxygen and the javadoc style for documentation. I'm fairly new to javadoc and am not sure whether this type of thing is valid. /** * ...stuff... * @return foo foo foo foo foo. Foo foo * foo foo foo foo foo. */ i.e. the information for what is being returned (and my question applies to all tags) needs to...

Getting current Java EE documentation - broken links / offer expired

Hi Everyone. I'm having trouble getting the current Java EE documentation from the Oracle website [NOT the API documentation - supporting documentation as described below]. I've even tried creating a new account with Oracle to see if my original sun account had some problem. I get to this page:

What tools can I use to document testcases?

Can someone recommend an easy to use, flexible, lightweight tool to document test cases? I have to test a GUI and there are very many test cases, which are currently held in an Excel spreadsheet right now. When I walk through all the tests, I mark the successful cases with a 1 and the others with a 0. Then, Excel calculates the sum and ...

Documentation for @UiHandler

I started to look into using GWT in combination with UiBuilder. I'm a bit puzzled about how you can use the @UiHandler(..) directive to make simple event handle code as written down in the GWT documentation: @UiHandler("button") void handleClick(ClickEvent e) { Window.alert("Hello, AJAX"); } In this case the method handleClick is us...

Doxygen or Sandcastle? Or something else?

Which documentation generator would people recommend for C# work? What are the pros and cons of each? Suggestions for a third option are also welcome :-) ...

An HTML ebook that can be used as an HTML reference

PHP has a great downloadable reference - since there's nothing similar for HTML I'm looking for a great HTML book that describes each element one by one .. almost like a specification for HTML, but written in simple terms that an entry-level programmer could figure out and learn from. Now don't give me the W3C HTML spec since that's far...

System Document describing what the system does.

We have a bunch of requirements documents and class diagrams, but are missing the document that brings it all together. What is the correct term for a document that gives an overview of what a system does? Or what is the best way to present an overall picture of what is going on. Something that starts with a high level picture of what’...

I want to dynamically generate software test procedure documents, what tools should I use?

In order to keep our software test procedures in line with our requirements documentation, I want to generate test procedures from smaller tests. Basically I want each statement in a lower level requirements document to be linked to a very atomic series of steps to test that requirement for pass/fail. Each of these short descriptions of...

C++ Document Generator

Hello, What are some good document generators of source (specifically) C++ source code, not including DOxygen. Thank you, Scott. ...

Doxygen structural command for methods

Hi I have a protocol in a header file with several methods. I am using Doxygen to document the APIs. What I am trying to do is to put the Doxygen comments 'outside' of the protocol, so as to enable readability of the whole protocol without the comments. Doxygen has a structural command for protocol so i can put something like this at t...

Documenting EJB3 Web Services

I have a simple web service as below /** * Test web service */ @Stateless @WebService public class HelloWorldWebService { /** * Greets the user by appending 'Hello' before the name */ @WebMethod public String doWork(String name){ return "Hello " + name + " !"; } } Is there a way (using annotations or otherwise) ...

print the whole xcode-project as a pdf for documentation-purpuose

is it possible to print all the source-files (and better also the class-model and .plists) in one step ? i even cant find any other osx-editor, that allows to print multiple files, but the project is relatively big to print each thing per hand. to easily push the files to any printer-icon, what i have read, is not possible, because ther...