
Preventing Dojo race condition.

I'm using to get data from a json source into a dojox.grid.DataGrid. I replace the datastore with DataGrid.setStore(), which works fine, except when I try dto do it before the old datastore has finished loading, which instead causes the DataGrid to crash and being unable to recover. How can I prevent this race...

How to save the state of a dojo grid

I want the user to be able to save the state of their grid, so that their sort options, column widths (and order) are preserved for the duration of their visit. Does anyone know of a way of doing this? I have noticed that the dhtmlXGrid provides a cookie interface for doing this:

Dojo Dialog dont want to block whole page only fragement/div of the page

Hi I am working on Dojo and Liferay portal. We have portlets which are using Dojo for UI. We want to show dialog ( "Loading..." dialog) for each of the portlets (Divs/Fragments...). Problem is each Dialog block access to whole page,and there are more than one such dialogs would be there. Can we customize/change to restrict Dojo Dialog...

HELP! Frameset Tag with Dojo use Memory Leak in IE7

Hi,there I develop the Web application with "dojo 1.3.1" now. The application uses frameset tag for a layout. the fram parts in "menu domain" and "the contents domain". When I chose a menu,"the contents domain" displays pages. "memory leak" happened, when I update screen by pushing the update button (F5Key) or when I choosing a page f...

Can dojo Access the function assosiated with a HTML elements Event?

I would like to over ride the function associated with an elements onclick event when the screen is in "edit" mode. Then when done editing put the original function back. So, originally I have the following: <script type="text/javascript"> var showAddNewForum = function(){ dojo.byId("NewForum").className = dojo.byId("NewForum...

Zend Dojo comboBox not finding

I am trying to get a dojo comboBox working in Zend, with the following code: $url = '/db/autocomplete/table/suburbs'; $element = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_ComboBox('suburb1'); $element->setStoreId('suburbsStore'); $element->setStoreType(''); $element->setStoreParams(array('url' => $url)); $element->setDijitPa...

Dijit Dialog changing the Language

Hi All, I'm using Dijit.dialog widget. I've set the "lang" attibute's value to en-US. But still when I hover on the Cancel button I see the tool tip in some other language. Can someone please help to change the default language of the widget? Thanks in advance. Thanks, Steve ...

Dojo attach event to dynamically created element

I have a form. I include Dojo. Everything works fine. I use Dojo to change the class, values and attributes of input elements based on user input(sort of like validation). The problem is, because of IE, I'm required to create a new input element(that I know of) if I want to change the 'type' of an input from 'text' to 'password'. Once ...

Dojo DnD: how to access newly copied node on onDndDrop event?

Hi. I am working on code like the following. 01: var c1 = new dojo.dnd.Source('container1', {copyOnly:true}); // container1 is a div 02: var c2 = new dojo.dnd.Source('container2'); // container2 is a div 03: var list = []; 04: for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { list.push( dojo.create('div') ); } 05: c1.insertNodes(false, li...

How do I get the item count (size) of a dojo datastore?

I don't see anything in the read API that provides access to this: ...

call function with dijit.layout.ContentPane onload?

Hi, Is it call test() of sub.htm from index.htm by this code when doing very? Thank you very much. index.htm <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" id="subFrame" region="left" href="sub.htm"> <script type="dojo/connect" event="onLoad"> // this call test() </script> </div> sub.htm <script type="text/javascript"> function...

Dojo custom build with NLS / localisation

Hello everyone, I have a problem implementing a cross domain custom build in Dojo. The situation is as follows: i have a pretty large application, with a good number of localisation bundles, so basicly the directory structures is like core\ (my module) nls\ fr\ en\ .... When building my module the result is a big...

dojo dynamically loading DropDownSelect widget

Hi all, I have two DropDownSelect widgets added to my from what i need is to dynamically load the data in the second DropDownSelect widget as the first DropDownSelect widget changes how can i load the data in DropDownSelect widget programitacally. Abdul khaliq ...

Why does ReCaptcha widget not work within a dojo Dialog in IE?

I have a problem that when i have a recaptcha javascript widget added to a dojo Dialog, it just does not render. Im suspecting its because the dom has already loaded and IE is too stupid to realise it needs to render the recaptcha widget. It works fine in firefox and Chrome. If i insert the recaptcha widget directly on the template page ...


Hello Dojofans, I am trying to load the following xml data rendered from a JSP page and display the name, city , state and hide zip. How do I do it in dojo? I have tried some code , but have not made any big progress. The code works for JSON data. XML DATA rendered from a JSP/Servlet customers/ /customer /name/JOHN DOE/name/ /...

Optimize non-layered files in dojo build

How do I tell the dojo build system to run the shrinksafe optimization on files NOT included in a layer but in the perfixes directories? Thanks ...

No data showing in dojox.grid.DataGrid

I am using dojo 1.3 and having problems getting this dojox.grid.DataGrid working. I am sure it is my ignorance. I have been reading over the Dojo Campus examples and beleive I have right. My html looks like: <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.require("dojox.grid.DataGrid"); dojo.require(""); </script> ...

dijit.layout.TabContainer nested tabs auto load

Hello, I'm fairly new to Dojo toolkit, and well really like it. But I have a problem with nested tabs auto-refreshing. Here is a sample of my practice code where this problem exists. I'm currently concerned with this as it introduces a huge performance problem when the sub-tabs are plentiful; ex: my subtabs are the letters A-Z for in...

dojo.xhrGet or dojo.xhrPost

I'm very new at this, in fact this is my first Dojo attempt. I'm trying to get data from a website with: <script text="text/javascript" src="" djConfig="parseOnLoad:true,isDebug:true" ></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //How are we supposed to know what else to include in the...

Dynamically add a Dojo-enabled Element in Zend

I'm writing a form using Zend_Dojo_Form. Everything goes fine, unless I dynamically insert elements into the form (using ajax, the user can add more elements by clicking a [+] button). I managed to insert my new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_FilteringSelect into the page, but the element isn't dojo-enabled (no auto-completion, or tundra styli...