
.NET image handler stripping filetype on download

I have created an ashx handler to render image thumbnails from images in a mysql database. If a file name is passed through querystring, the content disposition filename is set (when user clicks "save as..." the filename appears). The images appear properly and the filename appears when user selects "save as..." but the filetype is lis...

How can i check if a path points to a folder or a file?

I'm building a small class for my zend application (using MVC). This class receive either a folder path or a file path. If its a folder path, i want to list all the files in that folder to make them downloadable. If its a file i want to make a single link to this file to make it downloadable. The file/folder i'm pointing to is /zendAppl...

Downloading a video in an iPhone app, is there any file size limit?

I am trying to work out if I can have my app download a couple videos that may change from time to time. It all seems possible in my research, but my one concern is if the size of the video file would be an issue? They are not going to be extremely large, but they are videos and from what I see they may have to go through the memory befo...

how to download the lastest mobileone studio .

the download url is : but ,you know , i am in china , my country has GTW , freegate not work well now , i can't open the url , what can i do ? has any other url can download lastest mobione studio ? thanks ...

downloading files to iphone app from apple store

My application is somehowe a library, represented by a UITableView, each row displays three book icons, pressing on any icon would cause the app to navigate to a scrollview that scrolls between the book pages. Each book is represented in the resources directory by two things : 1- a .plist file, eg : Book1.plist 2- a folder containing i...

Change Git repository download path on Mac

Hi, I often use git from Terminal on Mac to download some repositories and then use it. When I use this command:git clone git://git repository URL repositories are downloaded in my Start folder (name account folder e.g. Matthew, if the name of my Mac account is Matthew). I'd like to change this folder where repositories are downloa...

Download/Delete mails from pop3 account in ASP.NET

Hi, i have this WCF application which is hosted as a windows service. This service has to download mails which have CSV attached to them from a pop3 account. After getting that CSV i have to delete that mail from the pop3 account so that it is not downloaded again. How can i do it? Please help. ...

how to download the jquery-ui file of Uncompressed source , i download the file always jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.min.js

how to download a jquery-ui file without **.min.js thanks ...

Java servlet: problem with corrupt file download

I use three servlets to serve files for download: ByteArrayDownloadServlet: used for small files, such as reports or files from database FileDownloadServlet: used for small to large files MultipleFileDownloadServlet: create a zip with the requested files and stream it They are based in the following implementation: link text I have ...

How to download an XML without the browser opening it in another tab

Hi All, I have an xml file to be downloaded. As you all know when i give the below link <a href="some.xml">Downlad XML</a> The XML will open in a new tab displaying it. However I would like to know if there is a way, this can downloaded like other files such as a .zip file Help would be greatly appreciated Thanks ...

Where are the latest Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Images?

Does anyone know where the latest Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Images are? These ones expired 1st October 2010;displaylang=en Cheers, -- Lee UPDATED : If you're reading Microsoft.. This is not the user experience ...

header() problem in IE

I have a function for outputting documents, images etc: public function direct($theMimeType, $thePath) { header('Content-type: '.$theMimeType); ob_clean(); // clean output buffer flush(); // flush output buffer readfile($thePath); exit; } It works great in Firefox. The file opens whether it is PDF, DOCX or any oth...

Why would WebClient.OpenReadAsync return a e.Result of zero length if download is successful?

Using the following code (from a Silverlight 4 OOB app) I'm getting a result stream with a size of zero even though it takes the time to download the whole file (900+MB) and no error is reported. Fiddler also says the whole file was downloaded. The handler on progress changed (although not shown below) is hit and reports an increase in ...

Best way to download a website

Hey. I am currently using [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url] to download the contents of an external webpage to my app. Is there any other way that might be faster or better/safer? ...

How to track a completed file download in ASP.NET

Hi everybody, I have this ASP.NET web site that allows users to download program installation packages (just normal files). I want to be able to track when a download is completed (i.e. the file has been fully downloaded to the user's computer) and then invoke a Google Analytics script that reports a completed download as a 'Goal' (obvi...

Allow users to download files outside webroot

Hello I am using PHP to allow users to upload files and I have them sitting in a folder outside webroot (/var/www) folder for security reasons. It is in the folder /var/uploads. A user uploads files for specific records. Once the the uploaded files are moved to the uploads folder, the address of the attachment is stored in the database. ...

android: Detect if App was downloaded from market

I've got an app which I would like to distribute through the market place and also from my own site. How do I, using only one build and one key, check to see if the app was downloaded from the market place or not? This question is answered by having the code signed with different keys, but we ideally want a single build. ...

How do I get the .apk url of an android app in the market?

I have an HTC buzz, which has a smaller screen (QVGA) than most android phones. Now there is an application (hyves) which is in the market but when I scan their QR code or try it via appbrain it keeps saying Not Found. A frien of mine (who now is in belgium) has a G1 and I've copied the APK when he installed hyves. The app itself works f...

Unable to download files- PHP

This is the code I am using. As suggested I have added the headers for content type and disposition. <?php header('Content-Disposition: attachment'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","admin"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("acl_...

Prompting for download

Whats the best method to prompt a user to download something? In the past I've used'file.pdf'); but I can see popup blockers having a problem with this. Of course I'll include a manual link aswel. I basically want something like the Microsoft Download page. So whats the script that prompts this? ...