
how to force download dialog for a text file on the server?

how to force download dialog for a text file on the server? when i used the blow code so the dialog window was for aspx file ... (why?) string FileBankPhysicalFolder = Server.MapPath("~/FileBanks/"); string Name = "FileBank_" + "Melli_" + Session["Co_ID"].ToString() + "_" + RadcbDateOfPardakht.SelectedValue.Replace('/',',') + "...

hosted service to post software releases for users with signup form?

I'm a sole developer looking for an online service where I can host files of my software releases for users. I want them to register first before downloading so I can get a sense of who downloaded the software. Does a service like this exist and what would be recommended? I also have manuals that I keep online for the software. ...

Recommend a Flash based multi file downloader with the ability to rename files

Before I get shot for not 'googling' it... I have but nothing of use came up 'flash' 'download'.... are far to generic for google to be of any use. What I am looking for is something like uploadify but for downloads. Essentially a flash based download manager. The only thing which it must have is the ability to rename a file other than ...

Zend Gdata export files

Hey guys need some help. With your help I figured out how to upload files, but now I need to learn how to export them from my google docs directory to my web site. All I know is the name of file I want to download. Can you help me with the class?... ...

PHP curl bandwidth

Hi, I have a php script that uses curl to download a remote file. Let's say I have two servers: a and b. And the script file name is curl_download.php on the a server. When I access curl_download.php?filename=something, it promtes browser's download window. Am I using bandwith on server a or b? or both? I assume both, but I am not ...

Bulk download of web pages using Qt

I want to write a program using Qt that downloads a lot of HTML web pages, about 5000, from one site every day. After downloading that pages I need to extract some data using DOM Query, using the WebKit module, and then store that data in a database. Which is the best/correct/efficient way to do that, in particular the download and anal...

what permission is need on folder when you use System.Net.WebClient for DOWNLOAD? C#

hi there, I try to download a file from a website. I do have access from browser and I don't get error by reading I think. The error is that the TO folder is "access denied." I JUST WANT TO COPY THE FILE from REMOTE website TO our LOCAL Folder... This is Windows Service project... NOT Winforms or NOT ASPWEB project.. string from = "h...

Where can I download original OpenGL SDK (not GLUT) for WindowsXP?

Where can I download original OpenGL SDK (not GLUT) for WindowsXP? I don't have any extra graphics accelerator card installed on my PC. I have just a built-in card. ...

Download file in base64 efficiently

I have to download an arbitrarily large file in base64 in a device with limited RAM memory in Java. How do I download a file in base64 efficiently? Is it possible to get sequential chunks of base64 and write them to the output as binary data? A code or pseudo-code example would be much appreciated. Note: I can't use external framework...

iPhone: View image from MySql database on server

Hi everyone, I am newbie with iPhone programming. I have a task that upload image from iphone to server and store it in Mysql database on server. After that I retrieve the image from database and display it on iPhone. On Upload: I used ASIFormDataRequest to send image data to server and a PHP script (uploadpicture.php) will store imag...

PHP - Check if something was print in the browser

How can I check if something was print in the browser? I've tried headers_sent but it's for headers... If nothing was printed i want to download a file: public function download() { $file = null; $line = null; if(headers_sent($file, $line)) { /* generic exception... change that... */ throw new Exception('Hea...

Finding out is user fully completed download or not

I have an webapp which dynamically generates a file and stores it on the server. When a user comes along, this file is served, after which it gets deleted. Each user gets their own generated file after which it becomes useless. Is there a way to know if the user managed to download the file fully, so that it may be deleted and not clo...

android file download

Hallo guys, im here in austria how are you doing? i have startet developing android and writing my own small app that gets files from a server to display the information in a ListView. I really spent a day to look after the best and easiest way to get files from a server. However i wrote the program and tested it - and now i have a seri...

Download an English dictionary

Hello, I wondered if anyone could point me in the direction of a English dictionary download (free). I do NOT want: Spelling check dictionaries Links to websites that don't provide me with an actual dictionary Dictionaries in some weird format I want something like a notepad or SQL script that has the following simple format: Hat...

How to download a file from the web within a WinForm application

I'm writting a C# utility program that I need the ability to download and save a file from a URL. I have the code working to obtain the URL from a web service call, however I'm having trouble finding a simple example of how to begin the download and save the data to a disk file. Does anyone have a good example of this, or can provide m...

How to download a file to server PHP?

Is it possible with PHP script to have the script download a file on a remote server to my web server? I have my own webserver and domain. I want to put a php script on that domain, that will download a file from a remote server onto my server's filesystem. Is this possible? -Jim ...

Noob JQuery question

I'm trying to download JQuery. When I click the minified version, I just get a bunch of code displayed in the browser. I don't actually download anything. What am I supposed to do? How do I download JQuery and do I need to put it where my other files are? ...

iPhone - Save and download user comments to and from the internet

I have a photogallery in my app that I want users to be able to comment on, adding funny captions, and I want users to be able to click Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down. What is the best way to store and load the comments and thumbsup/down information? I'm a bit of a noob to the iOs and am assuming I would have my own website hosting a mysql d...

How do I implement a secure upoad/download area?

Hi Everyone, I've been asked to create a solution where people log in and are able to upload and download off of our work server. So John uploads a photo, and Jen can download it, for example. They also have to authenticate themselves. Can someone give me a rough overview of how to implement this? I'm familiar enough with MySQL, C#,...

ASP.NET Response.TransmitFile Failing on First Download

Hey guys, I have some code on an aspx page then when users loads the page it starts downloading a zip. Looks like this: Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileSaveName); Response.TransmitFile(zipPath); ...